Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4107: The woman in white at the bottom of the abyss

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes were a little better, barely able to support them.

After all, they are the main gods, and their strength is much stronger than the Eight Stone Saints and the goblins.

"very scary!"

Shouted the Great Sage.

"Get closer to me."

The mighty power of the world in Lin Fei's body was released in a mighty manner, enveloping the Eight Stone Saints and the goblins.

Immediately, the Eight Stone Saints and the goblins felt much more comfortable.

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes also took the initiative and moved closer to Lin Fei.

The mighty power of the world inside Lin Fei poured out, forming an energy shield, protecting everyone, and continuing deep.

All the way down.

Finally, it landed to the bottom of the abyss.

Here, it is a dark world with nothing to see.

Divine consciousness is greatly restricted.

Even Lin Fei could only perceive a tiny area around him.

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan, the range that can be perceived is naturally narrower.

The goblins and the eight stone saints, on the other hand, can't perceive anything, and are surrounded by endless darkness.

"This abyss is too mysterious.

Even the main **** cannot enter.

There is such a place in the world.

Could it be that this place is involved, the ultimate master? "

Lin Fei's heart was very shocked.

As strong as Lin Fei, when he came to the bottom of the abyss, he was also cautious, highly nervous, and his divine consciousness vigilantly perceives the surroundings.

"Brother Lin Fei, I knew this abyss, so terrible, we won't follow you in.

It's alright now, we are blind.

Become your drag. "

The Great Sage sighed and said.

Originally, the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints came with Lin Fei to increase their knowledge and training experience.

After all, Lin Fei and the eight wooden puppet tribes are masters of the master **** level, and following these master gods to act together is a very rare experience for the Eight Stone Saints and goblins.

It is of great benefit to their realm and strength.

Not to mention anything else, just now, Lin Fei took action to deal with the face tribe, especially the scene where the eight face tribe's main gods were all captured, which gave the goblin and the eight stone saints a huge impact.

Great changes have taken place in their mood.

It can be said that this time, following Lin Fei, the goblins and the Eight Stone Saints have gained a lot.

However, when I got here, the Eight Stone Saints and the goblins felt that they were almost unable to hold on.

Whether it is the physical body or the soul body.

"Well, I will hide you first.

how about it? "

Lin Fei asked, the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints, and Lin Fei are brothers, so Lin Fei respects their meaning.

"No problem, Brother Lin Fei, that's what we meant."

The Eight Stone Saints all answered.

"Well, who would call us low strength."

The goblin sighed.

So, Lin Fei waved his hand and transmitted the Eight Stone Saints and the goblins into a human world in his body.

"How about it, have you found that holy thing?

My responsibility is to protect you.

The eight of you are the ones who really take the treasure. "

Lin Fei's eyes looked at the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan.

After hiding the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints, Lin Fei's burden was indeed much smaller, and he felt very relaxed.

"Young man, we can feel that the holy thing is not far ahead."

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan, while sensing, fumbled forward in one direction.

It seems that before they came, they had received guidance from the mother tree and knew what method to use to find the holy object.

As a result, Lin Fei released his divine consciousness and the energy in his body to protect the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan and accompany them to move on.

Soon, Lin Fei discovered one thing.

With the continuous advancement, the energy coercion transmitted from the front becomes more and more terrifying.

The waves of energy to the extreme of horror resembled waves, rippling and spreading, completely confining this dark space.

Even Lin Fei's strength felt very uncomfortable.

Above the flesh, blood-colored cracks began to appear.

Moreover, what is even more frightening is the pressure that the soul body is under.

The mighty coercion rushed towards Lin Fei's soul body, causing Lin Fei to feel headaches.

"What's the terrible existence ahead?

This kind of energy coercion is definitely not something a master **** level master can create.

Could it be..." Lin Fei had a terrible guess.

Because of Lin Fei's protection, the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan were not as much pressured as Lin Fei, and they were much more relaxed.

"Young man, the holy thing seems to be right ahead!"

Suddenly, they became excited.


is it.

Then quickly get the holy relic, we leave this place early. "

Lin Fei said.

"Look, there seems to be a figure ahead!"

Suddenly, one of the main gods of the wooden puppet clan pointed to the front and screamed in surprise.

"That is?"

Lin Fei saw it at the same time.

I saw a white figure appeared in the pitch black ahead, standing there, looking from Lin Fei's angle, only one front figure appeared.

This is a beautiful and slender back, giving a very beautiful feeling.

Needless to say, this must be the back of a woman, and also a young woman! What made Lin Fei feel even more shocked was that the back of this woman actually gave Lin Fei a feeling of deja vu.

"It's weird, this woman, could it be, where have I ever met her?"

The closer you got, the stronger Lin Fei's feeling became.

"Young man, this woman, seems terrible, let's be careful."

The main **** of a wooden puppet clan said to Lin Fei with fear.

"It's up to you!"

Lin Fei was speechless.

The closer to the woman in white, the greater the pressure Lin Fei felt.

Even Lin Fei's speed became slower and slower.

At the end, I progressed hard step by step.

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan, seeing Lin Fei's expressions and movements, finally knew how much pressure Lin Fei was under.

It can be said that without Lin Fei, it is absolutely impossible for the main gods of these eight wooden puppets to come here if they have the opportunity.

"Young man, the holy artifact of my clan, is there.

Beside that woman! "

Suddenly, the main **** of a wooden puppet clan cried out in surprise.

"Yes, it is indeed a holy artifact of our wooden puppet clan!"

The main gods of the other seven wooden puppet tribes were also surprised and screamed.


is it?

Is that the holy artifact of your wooden puppet clan? "

Lin Fei couldn't help but was taken aback, staring at it, and couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded.

Beside the white-clothed woman, on the ground, there really is something placed there.

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