Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4109: Succeeded

"Miss Lin Yue, is that you?"

Lin Fei's gaze was still staring at the woman in white and asked.


Young man, do you know her?

how is this possible? "

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan finally heard what Lin Fei said.

However, they couldn't believe it at all.

Because the mother tree of their wooden puppet clan had described the situation at the bottom of the abyss to the eight of them a long time ago.

This woman in white has always been here.

It can be said that as long as the piece of wood has been here, as long as the woman in white stayed at the bottom of the abyss.

How could a young human being at a young age know this woman in white?

This is simply impossible.

"Young man, you must have admitted the wrong person.

She has been here for a very long time, I am afraid, older than your grandfather's grandfather, you will never have the opportunity to know her.

The holy thing is already in hand, let's go.

This place is terrible.

Let's try our best to leave. "

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes persuaded Lin Fei one after another.

The pressure on them at the bottom of this abyss is too great.

Although Lin Fei helped them withstand most of the pressure, they were still thrilling, without a trace of security.

Especially the white-clothed woman, although she stood there quietly without moving, she felt like a peerless beast.

It seems that there will be violence at any time.

"Miss Lin Yue, Miss Lin Yue, I know, it must be you.

Why are you here. "

Lin Fei was still unwilling and yelled several times.

Lin Fei's current divine consciousness is too strong, much stronger than ordinary main gods.

Lin Fei is sure that the woman in white in front of her must be Miss Lin Yue! It's just that the white-clothed woman hasn't made any movement.

He didn't even look at Lin Fei.

This made Lin Fei feel a bit strange.

"Could it be, did I really admit it wrong."

If it was Miss Lin Yue, she would definitely not ignore me. "

Lin Fei muttered to himself, frowning.

"Young man, you really recognized the wrong person.

Let's go quickly.

Staying any longer, I really can't stand it! "

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan kept urging Lin Fei.

"Well, let's go out first."

Lin Fei finally nodded.


The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes were overjoyed.

They were really scared, Lin Fei continued to stay here and wanted to recognize the woman in white.

"You definitely admitted the wrong person.

Young man, hurry up and get out. "

"Yes indeed.

There are countless beauties in the world, young people, with your strength, as long as you beckon, the world's most beautiful beauties line up.

Why waste time for a strange woman. "

"Yes! Young man, after I go out, I will definitely mobilize the people to find a large number of human beauties and give them to you.

However, at the moment, our most important thing is to hurry out. "

...The eight wooden puppet tribes are all anxious, and their words and logic are a bit unclear.

As a result, they rushed to leave this dangerous place.

Secondly, they got the sacred object, and they wanted to go back immediately, and asked the mother tree for credit.

Because this holy object has been the core of their wooden puppet clan's struggle forever! A long time ago, the mother tree gave an order, no matter what the price, you must get this holy artifact.

The entire wooden puppet clan, in order to obtain this holy object, and the face clan, do not know how many large-scale wars have been fought.

I don't know how much manpower and material resources have been spent.

Until now, finally, I got my wish and got this holy object.

Therefore, at this moment, the mood of the eight wooden puppet clan chief gods is indescribable ecstasy.

"What nonsense are you talking about! If there is any point in your words that you dare to offend this lady, I will ignore you and let you go out by yourself."

Lin Fei was furious and sternly scolded.

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet tribe were taken aback.

Then, obediently shut up, dare not speak any more.

They could see that Lin Fei was serious.

If Lin Fei really didn't care about them, they would definitely not have the strength to get out of this abyss.

I am afraid that in a moment, I was suppressed by the terrifying energy here, suppressed here, unable to move.

Even if he survived, he would still be half disabled, and he would be suppressed here forever, unable to leave.

This is very clear in their hearts.

"Miss Lin Yue, I will come back to find you in the future."

Lin Fei said to the woman in white.

Then, Lin Fei turned around and left with the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan.

"I will hold this piece of wood."

Lin Fei suddenly said, and when he reached out, he took the piece of wood in his hand.

This piece of wood was originally held by one of the main gods.

With Lin Fei's strength, he could not refuse at all.

"Young man, what do you mean?"

The eight master gods of the wooden puppet clan couldn't help being shocked.

This holy object is too significant for them.

"Don't worry, I won't want your holy relics.

I will personally give this holy thing to your mother tree. "

Lin Fei's tone was very plain.

Soon, the main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes understood what Lin Fei meant.

Lin Fei meant that he was afraid that the mother tree of the wooden puppet clan would turn his back on.

If it is the main **** of these eight wooden puppet tribes, take the holy artifact and return it to the mother tree.

At that time, the mother tree suddenly turned back and refused to admit it.

Things will be a lot of trouble.

If Lin Fei personally took this sacred object in his hand, then, even if the mother tree of the wooden puppet clan wants to turn away from it, it will not be so easy.

At least, Lin Fei has chips in hand.

"Young man, this..., I'm afraid it's not so good."

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes all grimaced and stopped.

"It's so decided.

Why, don't you guys want to go out?

Then I went out by myself. "

Lin Fei said.


The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes had no choice but to give up.

They couldn't beat Lin Fei again, and at the bottom of this abyss, without Lin Fei's help, it was a problem for them to even go out.

So Lin Fei took the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan and returned the same way.

After a while.

Finally, he successfully emerged from the bottom of the abyss and returned to the edge of the abyss.

"This Tianshou Valley is much scarier than the legend."

The eight master gods of the wooden puppet clan recalled that the energy coercion at the bottom of the abyss left their hearts lingering.


They looked at Lin Fei at the same time.


You won't, but you want to grab that piece of wood from my hands. "

Lin Fei said.

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