Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4110: An old face

"Young man, you laughed."

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes could only laugh.

In fact, they had such an idea more or less in their hearts, but when they thought of Lin Fei's terrifying strength, they immediately dispelled this idea.

In case Lin Fei is angered by then, things may be even more troublesome.

"Young man, let's go back and talk about it."

A main **** said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

As a result, Lin Fei and the eight wooden puppet clan chief gods moved away from the abyss and rushed towards the space entry and exit portal of this plane.

Just now.


Ah... a heavy sigh sounded.

"Young man, you are so weird, you were able to enter the Tianshou Valley and bring that thing out.

Okay, now, give it to me. "

A sound, rumbling from the depths of the plane, was deafening.

Then, a terrible law of energy erupted completely.

It turned into a chain of dazzling and dazzling laws, like a poisonous snake, entwined around Lin Fei and other nine people from a distance.

"However, this is the ultimate law!"

When Lin Fei saw it, he was shocked.

The law of the main god's cultivation is the law of the origin of chaos.

However, the original law of chaos is not the highest law in the world.

In the world, the true highest law is the ultimate law.

The ultimate law is the Chaos God, which can only be mastered.

"No, I am frozen, unable to move!"

"Save me, these chains of laws are terrible, they bind me!"

"There is a horrible existence that is shooting at us!"

...The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan all screamed in horror.

"If you don't want to die, just follow my instructions and enter my space world!"

Lin Fei yelled.

Then, Lin Fei waved his hand, a powerful teleportation force shrouded all the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan, and teleported into a human world in his body.

The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes were already unable to move. In panic, he wished that Lin would fly to protect them, and let Lin Fei send them wherever he would resist.

call out! Lin Fei Zhan's starting method, went into and out of the space of the plane, and rushed with all his strength.

Shoo...In this plane, a chain of laws, densely packed, like a tide, flooded towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei only felt that in the space in all directions, the mighty power of the law, like an invisible giant hand, grabbed his body.

"Hehe, young man, what's the hurry? Give me that piece of wood.

This is the sacred object of my face race, you can't take it away. "

In the void in the distance, an old face appeared, looking kind, like a kind old man.

However, in Lin Fei's eyes, this old face was extremely terrifying.

Because, this face, exudes, all are the ultimate law! "Could it be that this guy is Chaos God?"

Lin Fei was shocked.


However, Lin Fei immediately overturned the guess in his heart.

If there is really a Chaos God coming, I'm afraid, you don't need to make a move at all, you can kill yourself with a thought.

Where is it necessary, so much trouble.

"Could it be that this guy, like my master, is the remnant soul of a Chaos God?

Otherwise, it is impossible and the ultimate law will be used. "

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

However, in action, Lin Fei did not hesitate at all, and tried his best to sprint towards the space entrance and exit of the plane.

"Hehe, young man, you can't run away in front of me.

Unless, you give me that piece of wood. "

That old face floated lightly and came towards Lin Fei, seemingly slow, but in fact, it kept traversing the void, the speed was extremely fast, and it was close to Lin Fei in an instant.

Shoo...the overwhelming chain of laws, like a heavy rainstorm, poured out towards Lin Fei.

This made Lin Fei's movements slower and slower.

"The big event is not good, how could you encounter such a terrible existence.

I'm afraid, I really can't go out. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but groan secretly.

"Senior, are you making sense at all?

This piece of wood was taken out of the Tianshou Valley after all my hardships, but you can’t just block the way and rob. "

Lin Fei shouted.

That abyss is the real Tianshou Valley.

"Hehe, young man, it's you who is unreasonable.

This piece of wood is a holy object of my face race.

You insisted to take it away, and you still said I was unreasonable. "

That old face came to Lin Fei's vicinity and said in a loud voice.

"Furthermore, you arrested those eight people of mine.

Is this also called reasoning? "

The old face said with a smile.

"Release the eight members of my tribe and leave the piece of wood, and then you can leave here.

Otherwise, you cannot go. "

The old face said with a smile.

He is not in a hurry.

Because he has the confidence to keep the young man in front of him.

"Senior, if this piece of wood is really a holy artifact of your clan, why don't you go down and get it yourself.

Your strength is stronger than mine.

Why, you have to wait until I have worked so hard to take it out from the bottom of Tianshou Valley before you block the way. "

Lin Fei asked back.

At the same time, Lin Fei tried his best to rush towards the space entrance and exit of the plane.

However, the speed is getting slower and slower.

To the end.

Lin Fei found that his body seemed to be stuck in a mud, unable to move.

All around, there were dense chains of laws, dancing wildly, as if countless vipers were dancing and neighing.

"Hehe, young man, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth.

Tianshou Valley, you can't enter if you want to enter.

Do you think that the smelly tree tricked you into Tianshou Valley, is it really safe?

You are just one of his test subjects.

Over the years, the stinky tree, I don't know how many people it deceived, came to Tianshou Valley to help him get the piece of wood, none of them succeeded, all died in it.

Unexpectedly, this time, you actually succeeded.

Hey, I have to say, young human beings, your life is really big, and your luck is really good.

However, that stinky tree, it is not so easy to get this piece of wood, so you have to ask me if I agree. "

The old face said with a smile.

There was a bit of cunning in his smile.

"So that's the case.

Senior, I guess, you have deceived many people over the years to enter Tianshou Valley and help you get this piece of wood. "

Lin Fei suddenly.

"Hehe, young man, you guessed it.

However, you shouldn't delay time on purpose.

In front of me, any tricks you play are useless.

Okay, give me that piece of wood first.

Then, I will talk with you slowly. "

The old face said with a smile.

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