Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4111: Goodbye mother tree

As he spoke, that face got closer and closer to Lin Fei.

Chains of laws, like poisonous snakes, tightly sealed the space around Lin Fei. Lin Fei's body became more and more difficult to move.

It's like falling into a muddle.

"Senior, you are like this, isn't it?

Be respectful. "

Lin Fei yelled anxiously.

"Hey, stop talking nonsense, anyway, you can't leave unless you hand me that piece of wood."

The face sneered and said, his eyes staring at the piece of wood on Lin Fei's body showed a greedy color.

Although Lin Fei had hidden the piece of wood, his eyes could penetrate everything and saw the piece of wood accurately.

"Old stuff, respect it, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Lin Fei struggled desperately, but his body was getting heavier and heavier, and he couldn't move anymore, and he couldn't help being furious.

"Oh, is it so?

How are you welcome?

Young man, I don't think you can even move anymore. You still speak so loudly.

I advise you to stop struggling and give me the piece of wood obediently. "

The tone of the face was full of mockery.

"The big event is not good. I didn't expect that I encountered such a terrifying existence.

The boat was really capsized in the gutter.

I can't escape if I want to escape this time. "

Lin Fei used all available means and hole cards, and kept trying, trying to break free from the restraints and escape from this place.

But it can't be done at all! "Miss Lin Yue, if you recognize me, please help me out."

At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly became a ghost, thinking of Miss Lin Yue, and yelled toward the bottom of the abyss in the distance.

The billowing sound, under the blessing of energy, reached the bottom of the abyss.

What disappointed Lin Fei was that there was no answer.

"Hey, kid, don't play tricks in front of me.

At the bottom of Tianshou Valley, there is no **** Miss Lin Yue, how could such a naive trick scare me. "

The face laughed.

Just at this time.


Rumble...In the distance, a huge roar suddenly came from the bottom of Tianshou Valley, a terrifying aura that burst out instantly, as if there was an extremely terrifying existence, and suddenly woke up.


In Lin Fei and the shocked eyes of that face.

A pink ribbon rushed up from the bottom of the abyss.

Like a pink river, it rumbling across the sky, slammed into that face.

"What the **** is this!"

The old face showed a frightened expression, and roared in panic.

The pink ribbon gave him a feeling of extreme danger.

He didn't dare to resist, and tried his best to escape.

But the pink ribbon, reluctantly, continued to chase him at an amazing speed.

Roar... That old face roared while running away.

There was a boom.

In the end, he was hit by the pink ribbon, and it exploded and exploded to pieces.


Not far away, the old face was successfully reorganized, and his face was full of horror, trembling.

Without a word, he fled away directly, not daring to stay at all.

Huh... the pink ribbon, without even intending to let him go, chased it up again.

"Do not!"

The old face let out a scream.

Then there was a bang.

It exploded again, and it was still fried to pieces.

However, as a main god, his vitality is too strong and it is difficult to be killed.

The old face was reorganized again, but it was very pale, with a languid breath, as if he was seriously ill.

He didn't dare to stay at all, and after the reorganization was successful, he desperately fled into the distance.

"Hahaha..., old stuff, who called you so rude, dare to blaspheme Miss Lin Yue, you deserve it.

I'm leaving first, we will have a period later. "

Lin Fei was a little surprised by what happened in front of him, but he quickly reacted, leaving a word, and turned and ran.

Lin Fei suddenly wanted to understand, that old face must have been attacked because of saying that **** Miss Lin Yue.

In that case, the woman in white at the bottom of the abyss is most likely Miss Lin Yue! Even if it is not Miss Lin Yue, she must have a great relationship with Miss Lin Yue! Otherwise, she would not attack as soon as she heard someone scolding Miss Lin Yue.

Lin Fei moved out of shape and left this plane in a moment.

"You eight, get out of here."

With a move, Lin Fei teleported the eight main gods of the Face Race.

Then without looking back, he crossed towards the distance, and disappeared instantly.

The main gods of the eight face tribes have been sealed by Lin Fei for a while, and they were suddenly teleported out, unsealed, and suspended in mid-air. You look at me, I look at you, with big eyes and small eyes, but there is no response for a long time .

"You eight useless rubbish!"

Suddenly, a chain of laws in the distance, like a leather whip from afar, dodges these eight main gods continuously.

"Ancestor, when did you leave the customs!"

They saw an old face, so angry, and quickly floated over.

At this time, Lin Fei had already left the territory of the Face Race and returned to the territory of the Wooden Puppet Race.

At the speed of Lin Fei, after a while, he had already returned to the territory of the wooden puppet clan.

"Everyone, come out."

Lin Fei teleported all the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan, as well as the eight stone saints and goblins.

"we are back!"

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan looked around and found that they had returned to their territory, and couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Brother Lin Fei, has the matter been settled?"

The Great Sage asked Lin Fei.

"Rest assured, everything is going well."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Now let's go to see the mother tree."

Lin Fei said to the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan.

"Well, let's go to see the mother tree immediately and tell him that we have got the holy artifact! I believe the mother tree must be very happy!"

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan are all very excited, leading the way.

Only at this time.

"Human young man, I have come.

It seems that you brought me good news.

I have to say, young man, you really surprised me too much! Very good, unexpectedly I finally got it. "

In the void in the distance, a huge towering tree slowly appeared, suspended there to obscure the sky, casting a huge shadow.

It is the mother tree of the wooden puppet clan.

"Well, young human beings, hurry up and give me the holy artifacts of my clan."

The mother tree stretched out a branch and extended far to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei couldn't help but his eyes were cold, knowing that something was wrong.

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