Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4113: Reincarnation Path

"How good is your stinky face? Didn't you follow along all the way to grab this holy object?

I warn you, this thing belongs to me, don't even think about it.

Get out of my territory right away, or I will be rude to you. "

The mother tree gave an angry answer.

"Hahaha...Unexpectedly, you haven't seen you for a long time, but your temper has grown a lot.

Since I'm here, it's not so easy to go.

Whoever stipulated that this thing must belong to you.

Let's play fair. "

The old face burst out laughing.

Lin Fei was caught between the two, unable to advance or retreat, his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to escape.

The strength of these two powerhouses is very terrifying, Lin Fei knew that if he tried hard, he would definitely not be able to beat them.

"These two powerhouses are best at the ultimate law.

As soon as I escape, they will use the ultimate law to block the space.

So, if I want to escape successfully, the only way is to get rid of their ultimate law.

However, the ultimate law is too powerful, and it is very difficult to get rid of it. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"Well, young human, I can see what you are holding back.

But it's no use. You can't escape in front of me. Obediently give me that piece of wood. "

The mother tree stretched out a branch and extended to Lin Fei's body.

"Young man, don't be afraid of him.

As long as you give me that piece of wood, I will help you deal with him.

Moreover, I will teach you the inheritance talents of our race.

Don't worry, I won't be unbelievable like that smelly tree. "

That old face also approached a distance like Lin Fei.

Both powerhouses released terrifying energy pressure, mighty, crushing towards Lin Fei from two directions.

Ka Ka... Lin Fei felt that his body was about to fall apart, making a crisp bone cracking sound.

Fortunately, Lin Fei's body was very tough, reaching the level of immortality.

Otherwise, it would have been crushed by such terrifying energy long ago and would no longer exist.

"Smelly face, do you really want to fight with me!"

The mother tree was furious.

"Treasures in the world have a share to those who see it. Whoever stipulates it must belong to you.

Smelly tree, can you make some sense? "

That face was tit-for-tat, not giving way.

"Well, in that case, I will teach you a lesson!"

The mother tree was completely angered.

Wow...The endless branches rolled upside down, pierced the space, and shot towards the face.

The dense branches flooded the entire space-time in an instant.

At a glance, it became a green ocean.

"If you want to fight, I will accompany you at any time. Am I still afraid of you!"

That face also roared, opening his mouth wide and spraying out, thick beams of energy, continuously spraying out, like a dazzling rainstorm.

The attacks launched by the two terrifying powerhouses caused this space to shake violently.

Rumble...A series of terrifying explosions occurred, and huge energy mushroom clouds rose into the sky.

From a distance, it looks like a blooming firework.

"Hey, you two seniors, just hit it, please aim a little bit, don't come at me."

Lin Fei was caught in the middle, and found that there were many attacks, blasting on his body, grinning with pain, his skin was covered with blood, and he shouted.

However, the mother tree and the face were punched right at the time when Lin Fei was raised.

The two sides issued a steady stream of attacks and violently collided together.

Lin Fei was implicated and screamed in pain.

"If you can't go on like this, you will suffer alive."

Lin Fei thought quickly in his mind.

"For today's plan, only let it go.

Their greatest strength is the ultimate law, so I also use the law to try to get rid of their shackles.

Among the laws I practice, the most powerful is the law of reincarnation.

Okay, then I will use the law of reincarnation to break through. "

Lin Fei gritted his teeth.

next moment.

Lin Fei has no reservations, and on his body, a powerful force of the law of reincarnation is released.

at the same time.

The Reincarnation Card of Ten Thousand Realms was also activated.


Three identical Lin Fei appeared and rushed out in three different directions.

At this moment, Lin Fei really applied the law of reincarnation to an extreme degree.

Scenes of phantoms related to reincarnation were born suddenly.

The various scenes of reincarnation in the world, the birth, growth, aging, and death of all creatures, the alternation of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the rising and falling of the sun and the moon, and the prosperity and decline of various forces in the world have all been interpreted.

Suddenly, three winding and dilapidated paths appeared at the feet of three Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's direction is exactly the direction in which this trail extends.

At this moment, Lin Fei felt that he seemed to have stepped into another unfamiliar time and space, a thick, vicissitudes of historical time and space rushing over his face.

On this dilapidated path, Lin Fei seemed to have known each other before, and there was a sense of sadness in his heart for no reason.

At this moment, Lin Fei wanted to roar, want to vent, want to fight.

But Lin Fei himself couldn't tell what to vent or fight.

Roar... Lin Fei's roar, rolling out in all directions, shaking infinite time and space.

"How could it be reincarnation! Could this young man have anything to do with reincarnation?

! "

Both the mother tree and the face were taken aback, staring at the dilapidated path under Lin Fei's feet, showing fear.

Lin Fei had another feeling, that is, walking on this dilapidated path, his speed was much faster than before.

I was far away from the mother tree and the face in an instant.

More importantly, Lin Fei could not be restrained by the ultimate law of the mother tree and that face.

Lin Fei escaped.

Freedom again! "Two seniors, we will be indefinitely!"

Where did Lin Fei dare to stay, exerting all kinds of trump cards and methods, desperately fleeing away.

"No! Can't let him take that piece of wood away!"

The face roared.

"I blame your stinky face. If you weren't getting in the way just now, I would have got the holy artifact!"

The mother tree scolded.

"If you weren't blocking me just now, I would be different. I would have got the piece of wood already!"

That old face also fought back.

"Stop talking nonsense, stop that kid first before talking! Chase!"

The huge trunk of the mother tree quickly moved in the space and chased in the direction where Lin Fei had escaped.

"Boy, stop for me!"

That face also chased up.

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