Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4114: Escape tracking

"Give me speed!"

Three identical Lin Fei shouted at the same time, fleeing desperately in three different directions.

Three winding and dilapidated paths continue to stretch forward under the feet.

A series of brilliant runes related to reincarnation were released from the card of reincarnation of the world, floating around Lin Fei's body, like dazzling fireflies.

"Something is wrong.

I can't even see which of the three clones of this kid is his real body.

Which one is better? "

At this time, both the mother tree and the face found the problem, and that face couldn't help but frown, and said in confusion.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a mysterious avatar technique."

The mother tree was also very surprised.

Suddenly, these two powerhouses didn't even know which clone to chase.

"Damn it, how could there be such a thing."

The face of the mother tree was very gloomy.

"We separated several clones and tracked them separately. Now there is only this way."

The face thought for a while, and said.

Shoo...a dozen faces appeared, and the soldiers split into three groups, chasing each of the three Lin Fei.

The mother tree had to use the same method to separate several clones and chase them down.

It's just that the strength of their clones is much worse than that of their bodies.

What Lin Fei showed was the taboo secret technique of transforming one Qi into three clears.

The three Lin Fei are both the main body and the clone.

And it can be changed at any time, whether it is true or false, and the true or false is uncertain.

This is the mystery of one gasification three cleansing.

After escaping for a while, Lin Fei had already left the territory of the Mu Puppet Clan.

"Should I leave this highest world at this time?"

Lin Fei smiled bitterly.

"Just for such an ordinary piece of wood, is it worth it after being so embarrassed by two strong men?"

Lin Fei was a little helpless.

"It's just that since those two old things are so eager to get this piece of wood, it shows that this piece of wood should be unusual.

I have to find time to study it.

As for the inheritance talent, mental strength and life rules of the wooden puppet clan, it seems that I have no hope for it. "

Lin Fei felt a little depressed.

Mental strength and the law of life were Lin Fei's most important things, but it was unexpected that these two peerless powerhouses came out to make Lin Fei's hopes shattered.

"Since I have escaped, you two old things, it is impossible to catch up with me again!"

After a while, one of the three Lin Fei suddenly sneered.

The other two Lin Fei exploded directly with two bangs and disappeared.

It happened that the mother tree and the body of the face were chasing after these two Lin Fei.

In this way, the tracked target is lost.

"What a clever avatar technique!"

Both the mother tree and face stopped, gritted their teeth, but there was nothing to do.

The other Lin Fei was far away from them, even out of their range of perception.

Lin Fei once learned the secret technique of covering up his breath and evading secrets from the statue master in the Valley of the Fallen God. At this time, it was revealed that even these two powerhouses would find Lin Fei very difficult.

You know, the statue master in the Valley of Fallen God is a chaos god.

A secret technique handed down by the Chaos God is so powerful, of course it is no small thing.

"From now on, mobilize the power of the whole family, and at all costs, we must find that human kid for me!"

The mother tree and the old face gave this order almost simultaneously.

Immediately, the Wooden Puppet Race and the Face Race mobilized all the forces that could be deployed, and began to search for Lin Fei's whereabouts in this highest world.

Not only that, the mother tree and the old face personally sent out to use their magical powers to look for Lin Fei.

The two terrifying sense perceptions they released were just like two huge searchlights, blasting back and forth with an amazing momentum.

The wooden puppet clan and the face clan are the two most powerful superpowers in this supreme world.

Now these two superpowers are pouring out, and they soon caused a huge sensation in the entire Supreme World.

"These two old things are really lingering."

In a certain space in this supreme world, Lin Fei showed his figure and sighed helplessly.

Lin Fei could feel that those two peerless powerhouses were looking for themselves everywhere in this supreme world.

Vaguely, two very terrifying auras came through the air, trying to lock their position.

"It seems that I really want to leave this supreme world. If this continues, they will definitely find it."

Lin Fei said to himself.

So Lin Fei took out a piece of sound transmission jade slip and sent out a sound transmission.

This was the beast that brought Lin Fei to this supreme world and gave it to Lin Fei before he left.

If Lin Fei wanted to contact him, he would use this jade slip.

"You guys come out too."

Lin Fei teleported the goblin and eight stone saints from the human world in his body.

After a while.

The space in front of Lin Fei rippled slightly.


The beast stepped out from the depths of the space.

"How about it, in this supreme world, it feels okay."

The monster's huge eyes looked at Lin Fei, with profound meaning, and asked in a loud voice.

"It's normal, I think I should leave.

Senior, take me out. "

Lin Fei said with a wry smile.

"As for you, do you stay here or follow me out."

Lin Fei looked at the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints.

"This..." The goblin and the Eight Stone Saints both hesitated and looked at each other.

They knew that Lin Fei had offended the Mu Puppets and the Faces.

The Mu Puppet tribe and the Face tribe had seen it with their own eyes, and the nine of them were in a group with Lin Fei.

If they stay here, they will definitely be suppressed by the wooden puppet tribe and the face tribe.

However, this is a supreme world, staying here is of great benefit to their cultivation.

Nine of them are different from Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's strength is too strong.

No longer needed, the environment of the Supreme World is supporting cultivation.

"Brother Lin Fei, we have thought about it, we still stay here.

Here, it suits us well.

What's more, we have been very familiar with this place for more than a hundred years.

You don't need to worry about us. "

Finally, the Great Sage said in a loud voice.

The other seven stone saints nodded one after another.

"I will stay too.

Going back to the boundless sea of ​​chaos is of no use to my cultivation.

Only by staying here can I become stronger. "

The goblin spoke too.


You all be careful. "

Lin Fei had no choice but to respect their choice.

"Hehe, don't worry.

Nine of them, I personally brought them into this world.

I won't let them happen. "

The evil beast smiled slightly.


Then trouble seniors and take care of them! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

This monster is extremely mysterious.

Although Lin Fei didn't know him, that is, Lin Fei knew that he was definitely not easy.

Since he said that, there shouldn't be any problems with the safety of the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints.

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