Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4118: Ultimate fetus

"I have consulted many gods, and they don't know what's going on.

Over the years I have really broken my heart about Tianjun.

Lin Fei, your realm is high, your strength is strong, you have been outside for many years, and you have a lot of knowledge. You must carefully study what is going on with Tian Jun. "

Speaking of this, Qingluo's eyes are also a little red. It can be seen that her son's affairs really bother her.

"Qingluo, I'm sorry, you have taken care of Tianjun by yourself over the years, and you have worked hard.

I am not good, I am not a qualified father, nor a qualified husband.

Don't worry, I will figure out Tianjun's problem.

Moreover, I think Tianjun seems to be in good condition in all aspects, and some of his abilities are beyond ordinary.

He obviously has never practiced, but he is naturally good at the laws of time and space.

Didn't you find out that if he wants to hide, even ordinary true gods can't find him.

My instinct tells me that Tian Jun is very healthy.

So you can rest assured. "

Lin Fei said.

"That's good."

Qing Luo nodded.

She knew that Lin Fei's strength was much stronger than her, and her vision was far beyond her.

What Lin Fei said should be somewhat reasonable and highly credible.

"I feel so too.

Don't worry too much. I have always felt that although Tian Jun is lethargic, he sleeps for more than 100 years, but his body is very healthy.

Moreover, his body contains a lot of chaotic essence, and various clever laws, it seems that he is born with it.

It's really strange. "

Rong'er and Wan'er also said openly.

The two of them are also gods now.

"Yes, we think so too."

The three shark girls also nodded one after another.

Over the years, they have helped Qingluo and took care of Tianjun together. They are all very familiar with Tianjun's situation.

"By the way, Tian Jun, there is another very strange problem, that is, he can swallow a large amount of God Pill without hesitation without any side effects.

Even I dare not at this point. "

Qing Luo said with a wry smile.

"No way."

Lin Fei couldn't help but marvel.

At this time, Tian Jun was already asleep.

Lin Fei and Qing Luo looked at their son, smiling bitterly and worried for a while.

"Right, you guys wait, I'll be back as soon as I go."

At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly flashed in his mind and blurted out.

"Oh, Lin Fei, where do you want to go?"

All the women were taken aback.

"I will look for Tian Jun's answer.

Please wait a moment, I will be back soon. "

Lin Fei moved out, disappeared in one step, and left.

After a while.

Lin Fei came to the depths of the Fallen Valley, in the square where the master statue was.

"Master, I have a question to ask you."

Lin Fei stood in front of the statue and said respectfully.

The more you know about the strength of Chaos God, the more respect Lin Fei will be to this master.

The Chaos God is the real master of all worlds in this world, and controls everything.

Perhaps this statue master knows what happened to Tianjun.

If he doesn't even know, then no one in the world can know.

"It's about my son Tianjun."

So Lin Fei explained the situation of Tian Jun in detail.

"About your son, I actually noticed it a long time ago.

To be honest, your son shocked me.

Unexpectedly, you actually gave birth to an ultimate womb. "

A voice came from the statue, even he seemed a little shocked.

"The ultimate fetus?

What the **** is going on, Master, I don’t understand. "

Lin Fei was taken aback when he heard this.

"The ultimate divine fetus is a very special existence.

It's hard to come by.

Generally speaking, only gods and gods can give birth to an ultimate divine birth.

And this probability is extremely low.

It's even unique.

Even me, this is the first time I have encountered an ultimate fetus. "

The statue sighed.

"If you want to give birth to an ultimate divine birth, the two gods who are married must be very good, very enchanting, rare in the world.

And the combination of time, location, and pregnancy process are very particular.

Unexpectedly, you actually gave birth to an ultimate womb.

Perhaps this is your luck. "

The statue master couldn't help but smile.

"So according to your master, Tianjun is really the ultimate divine womb?"

Lin Fei was stunned when he heard it, but he didn't expect his son to be the ultimate goddess. It was like a dream.

"Okay, I will tell you in detail about the ultimate fetus."

The statue master smiled.

"The ultimate divine fetus is very strange.

After being born, there is no need to practice cultivation at all. Naturally, all kinds of energy and laws between heaven and earth will be absorbed into the body at every moment for refining and turning into one's own.

The ultimate divine fetus will fall asleep every once in a while. In fact, this is because he has absorbed too much energy and laws and has reached a peak.

You need to sleep in this way to digest.

This is the case with your son.

The ultimate divine fetus does not need any cultivation, the process of his growth is the process of his cultivation.

And the ultimate fetus will eventually become a main god.

Even, there is a half chance that he will eventually grow into a chaos god. "

The statue master explained to Lin Fei.

hiss! "No, this is too abnormal.

You don't need to practice any cultivation at all, can you become a master **** in the end? "

Lin Fei was so shocked that he couldn't believe it, such a thing was too dreamy.

And it still happened to his son.

"Moreover, the growth of the ultimate fetus has another characteristic.

That is, before he was ten years old, his one hundred years was someone else's year.

After one hundred years of age, it will return to the normal concept of time.

So, for your son, you don't have to worry about him at all.

You can't control him either.

Just let him grow slowly. "

The statue master said.

"At first I thought that your talent and aptitude are rare in the world, and I never thought that your son is more evil than you.

I have to consider it carefully and accept him as an apprentice in the future. "

The tone of the statue master seemed a bit serious.

"Master, aren't you?"

Lin Fei was a bit speechless.

"What I'm saying is true. An ultimate divine fetus is really too precious and too rare.

Well, you will often bring Tianjun here to play. "

The statue master said.

"Well, I will try my best."

Lin Fei's puppet generally nodded, his thinking was a little confused, his heart was shocked to the extreme, and he didn't know whether it was joy or surprise.

The ultimate baby?

Can you grow into a master **** without practicing?

Is there a half chance to become a Chaos God?

The words of the statue master rang in Lin Fei's mind.

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