Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4119: The enemy is coming

"Lin Fei, I think you should try to improve your realm now."

Just as Lin Fei's mind was dizzy, the statue master suddenly spoke.

"Your current strength is far higher than your realm.

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

On the positive side, strong strength proves that your talent is good and there is a lot of room for development in the future.

But your strength is much higher than your realm. This will easily paralyze you and relax your realm cultivation and breakthroughs.

So the most important thing for you now is to seize the time to raise your realm to the main god.

Do you know it? "

The statue master said.

"Thank you Master for reminding me.

I understand that I will put my best effort into improving the realm in the next practice. "

Lin Fei nodded and answered.

"My old friend, I will find him soon.

At that time, I can't protect myself, and I don't know if I still have the ability to protect you.

Lin Fei, don't look at the quiet state of the years now. In fact, the real danger is approaching step by step.

Once the real danger comes, I will remind you that at that time, run as far as you can. "

The statue master sighed and looked very worried and disappointed.

"Master, is your enemy a Chaos God?"

Lin Fei asked.

"Not bad.

Lin Fei, I know what you are thinking.

When you think about it, share the burden for me and deal with my enemies together.

That is impossible.

You are not even the main **** now. It is absolutely impossible to help me deal with a chaos god.

To be honest, when I accepted you as an apprentice, I also took a fancy to your talent. I hope that one day, you can improve your strength and reach the ultimate step, which can help me fight my enemies.

However, my estimate is wrong.

It's not that your talent is bad, but I didn't expect my enemy to discover my whereabouts so quickly.

He is now peeling off the cocoon, looking for him.

He will definitely find me in the near future.

At that time, it may be my end. "

The statue master sighed.

"is it.

Is it because Master’s enemy was found too early?

In fact, in the final analysis, my strength improvement was too slow, and I didn't achieve Master's hope. "

Lin Fei couldn't help clenching his fists, feeling the tremendous pressure.

"from now on.

I will definitely do my best to spend all of my time on cultivation, and try my best to improve my strength as quickly as possible! "

Lin Fei clenched his fists and swore secretly.

"Okay, Lin Fei, let's go, I'm going to practice."

The statue master said.

Over the years, he has been staying in the square, recuperating and practicing.

"Master, then I'm leaving."

Lin Fei confessed, then turned and left.

After a while, he returned to the small world where Cangyan Holy Land was.

"I am back."

Lin Fei landed on the mountain peak and walked into the small attic where Qingluo lived.

"Lin Fei, you are finally back."

Qingluo, Rong'er, Wan'er, and three shark girls all rushed forward to greet Lin Fei.

"I finally figured out what happened to Tianjun."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

"Oh, what is going on?

Lin Fei, please say, we are anxious to death. "

All the women were overjoyed when they heard this, and surrounded Lin Fei tightly.

"The ultimate fetus!"

Lin Fei said it word by word.

"The ultimate fetus?"

All the women were taken aback.

"Don't worry, listen to me in detail."

Lin Fei said.

"Then you say it quickly, Lin Fei, we are all anxious to death!"

Qing Luo complained.

Next, Lin Fei explained to Qingluo, Rong'er, Wan'er, and the three shark girls in detail from the beginning to the end about the ultimate divine birth.

The girls were stunned, and they couldn't keep up with their thinking, and they felt as if they were dreaming.

Indeed, the event of the ultimate **** fetus is so magical and dreamy.

No one dare to believe it easily.

"Tianjun, his normal growth is equivalent to others' cultivation?

Will automatically absorb the energy and laws between heaven and earth? "

"Every time Tianjun sleeps, he digests excessive energy and laws in his body?"

"Tianjun doesn't need any cultivation, will he grow into a master **** in the end?"

"Tianjun, there is a half chance that he will become a Chaos God?"

... The six beauties, who were shocked by Lin Fei for a long time, couldn't wake up, and kept pulling Lin Fei to repeat questions.

No matter how Lin Fei explained, they were dubious.

"Lin Fei.

You don't even know if it will be.

But I was afraid that we were worried, so I came up with such a lie to deceive us to comfort us, right?

Tell me honestly. "

In the end, Qing Luo stared at Lin Fei with an innocent look and asked.

"Ah! This is the most likely! Sister Qingluo is still the smartest!"

The other five women suddenly realized and screamed.

"Well, I will emphasize it again.

Tianjun is indeed the ultimate fetus, it is true.

It's true, I didn't lie at all.

Do you believe me? "

Lin Fei smiled bitterly.

But Lin Fei also knew that the ultimate fetus, such a thing is really too dreamy and amazing, it is hard to believe.

In the end, Lin Fei spent most of the day, not knowing how many words he had spent, swearing and explaining again and again, and finally convinced the women that Tianjun was the ultimate godborn, this fact.

"Lin Fei, what kind of child did we have."

Qing Luo looked at Tian Jun who was asleep, a little bit dumbfounded.

However, knowing the true situation of his son, Qing Luo was completely relieved and no longer worried as before.

"Well, no matter if he is an ordinary person or a rare final birth, he is my precious son.

As long as he can grow up healthy and healthy, I feel satisfied. "

Finally, Qing Luo looked at Tian Jun fondly with loving eyes, and said softly.

"Qingluo, don't worry, he will grow up healthy.

In this world, no child is healthier than our son. "

Lin Fei hugged Qingluo and said moved.

"Now that you understand Tianjun's situation, Sister Qingluo, you can rest assured.

Tianjun is fine. "

Rong'er, Wan'er, and the three shark girls also spoke out to comfort Qing Luo.

"I don't worry about Tianjun now.

But I am very worried about you. "

Qing Luo suddenly raised her head, looked at her five beautiful women, and said.


Sister Qingluo, what do you mean.

Why worry about us.

Are we not good?

What to worry about. "

Wan'er was puzzled and asked quickly.

"Are you really good?

I don’t think so. "

Qing Luo shook his head.

"Sister Qingluo, what do you mean?

What's wrong with us? "

Rong'er, Wan'er, and the three shark girls were puzzled, and their beautiful eyes looked towards Qingluo.

Even Lin Fei was a little strange.

"Then you five tell me, are there any hens that can't lay eggs?"

Qing Luo smiled slyly.

Suddenly, Rong'er, Wan'er, and the three shark girls were all flushed, wishing to find a crack in the ground and get in.

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