Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4138: Tower of Second Reincarnation

So Lin Fei looked at the group of chaotic gods destroying the reincarnation circuit from a distance, but didn't dare to stop it.

Although Lin Fei is usually very courageous and would never shrink back under normal circumstances, it depends on occasions.

Lin Fei has not arrogantly stepped up to provoke a group of chaotic gods! Lin Fei knew that in front of these chaotic gods, he was as weak as an ant.

It is estimated that those chaotic gods will be finished if they stretch out their fingers a little, and even these chaotic gods may be able to kill themselves with the movement of their minds! Ahead, under the attack of those Chaos Gods, soon the cycle of reincarnation began to be destroyed.

In the road, cracks began to appear, like spider webs, which continued to spread out.

Those spirit bodies that walked in the cycle of rebirth were also affected, constantly exploded, turned into blue smoke, and then disappeared.

Boom...Terrorist attacks that ruined the world and the earth continued, blasting on that cycle.

Om... After being attacked, the circuit of reincarnation began to release a number of laws, floated, and enveloped the circuit of reincarnation, forming a protective cover.

The protective cover of this law is actually very effective.

Soon, most of the attacks were blocked.

"Bold, dare to destroy the cycle of reincarnation, this is an enemy to the common people under the world! The sin is very heinous!"

"Those who dare to destroy the cycle of reincarnation, die!"

... Suddenly, loud roars came out from the circuit of rebirth.

Then, powerhouses exuding a terrifying aura continuously emerged from the cycle of rebirth.


These strong men emerged from the cycle of rebirth, soaring into the sky, and killed those chaotic gods who were destroying the cycle of rebirth.

These powerhouses that emerged from the cycle of rebirth are all Chaos Gods.


Two groups of Chaos Gods fought together.

Every move, every style, between raising your hands and feet, is the most subtle and most brilliant secret of martial arts in the world! The power that burst out is simply unimaginable.

"The Chaos God is too powerful.

It is estimated that the entire boundless Chaos Sea can be destroyed by the Chaos God with a single blow. "

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.


I almost ignored it! That cycle is even more powerful! Under the attack of so many Chaos Gods, until now, there are only some cracks, which is too hard. "

Ye Fei looked at the circuit of reincarnation and couldn't help but feel a little numb.

You know, for a Chaos God, even a space sea of ​​the size of the boundless Chaos Sea can be destroyed with just one move.

Masters of the main **** level, before the Chaos God, it is estimated that with a single breath, they can kill a large group in seconds.

It can be seen that the circuit of reincarnation is too hard.

Boom... The fight was fierce.



Something is wrong! "

Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved.

"Now, what I see before my eyes seems to be all fake and illusory! The cycle of reincarnation is fake, and the chaotic gods who are fighting are also fake!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but blurted out.

"If, those chaotic gods are real.

Then, the aftermath of their battles had already wiped out me.

But, I'm standing here for such a long time.

Moreover, it is not far away.

Why, there isn't any fluctuation in fighting energy that extends to me. "

Lin Fei yelled.

"Everything in front of you is fake!"

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing.

As Lin Fei's voice fell.

The cycle of reincarnation, as well as the chaotic gods who were fighting, suddenly began to shake, turning into extremely unreal images.

Then, like a shattered projection in the water, it began to slowly break into pieces, and finally disappeared.

In the end, everything disappeared before Lin Fei's eyes.

Including that cycle.

In front of Lin Fei's eyes, there was only a dim and confused void.


what is that?

A tower? "

Lin Fei's gaze suddenly saw a black tower in front of it, with a strange shape.

The tower has nine floors.

On the top of the tower, there are three thrones side by side with three terrifying creatures sitting on it.

Under the top of the tower, on each floor, there are many black creatures standing densely.

At a glance, on the pagoda, there are all black creatures.

"What kind of creatures are these?"

Lin Fei was a little confused, walked forward and approached the pagoda.

"What a strong law of reincarnation!"

The closer he got to the pagoda, the more Lin Fei could feel that the law of reincarnation exuding from the tower was very rich.

"Next to the pagoda, there is a stone monument!"

Lin Fei glanced away and saw a floating stone stele.

On the stele, there are words.

The content of the text is as follows.

Me, the second chaos god.

In that battle, I killed three Chaos Gods, but unfortunately, in the end, I also suffered fatal and serious injuries. The origin was exhausted, and there was no more to survive.


The war is still going on, and the enemy will not stop without destroying the cycle of reincarnation or destroying the line of reincarnation.

I should have been fighting side by side with the gods of reincarnation to maintain the normal operation of reincarnation.

Reincarnation is related to the world, many chaotic seas of space, endless worlds, endless planes, the reincarnation and rebirth of endless creatures.

It is also related to the eternal existence of the law of reincarnation.

If the cycle of rebirth is destroyed, then all the order in the world will collapse, and all living creatures will lose their chance of reincarnation.

I am about to pass away. May the cycle of reincarnation be immortal, and may the cycle of reincarnation live forever! Before I was dying, I sealed the Tower of Second Reincarnation in this Xuanyuan Taichu Stone, and reserved it for those who were destined.

The second reincarnation tower was my most proud magic weapon during my lifetime.

There are nine floors in the tower, and each floor is engraved with a kind of inheritance from my lifetime.

In addition, there are three hundred reincarnation slaves.

Each one possesses the combat power of the main **** level, and is proficient in the laws of reincarnation and various secret techniques of reincarnation.

Those who have the tower of reincarnation have the opportunity to obtain these three hundred reincarnation slaves and the reincarnation technique they have mastered.

The second round of chaos, God keeps words.

This is a chaos god, left words! After Lin Fei read it, the shock in his heart was beyond description.

A chaos **** fell here, and left the most proud magic weapon in his lifetime.

There are three hundred reincarnation slaves.

Chaos God is the master of the world and controls everything in the world.

How terrible strength is.

Actually, there is a Chaos God who fell here. Thinking about it, it makes people numb! "This is the second reincarnation tower?"

After Lin Fei finished reading the inscription, he began to look at the black pagoda.

A **** of chaos, the magic weapon of his life, one can imagine how precious it is!

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