Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4139: inherited

"It seems that the cycle of reincarnation has indeed been attacked by the enemy.

Moreover, they are some terrifying enemies.

Otherwise, it will not lead to the fall of a Chaos God! Could it be that the battle scenes I saw just now were the images left by this second-round Chaos God.

Was it the scene of the actual battle that happened back then? "

Lin Fei remembered the battle between the two groups of Chaos Gods he had just seen.

"It must be unknown how many years ago, what happened.

But now, what happened to the cycle of rebirth.

Is it destroyed, or is it still there? "

Lin Fei looked at the pagoda and couldn't help thinking.

Lin Fei regarded himself as a descendant of the reincarnation line, and naturally he was very concerned about this issue.

"I think the cycle of rebirth should still exist.

If the cycle of rebirth really does not exist anymore, then all the creatures in this world have been unable to reincarnate, and the order of the world would have long since collapsed.

However, until now, the order of the world is still in normal operation, then, it means that the cycle of rebirth, very likely, is still there! "

Lin Fei felt a sudden joy.

"If the cycle of samsara is still there, then the cycle of samsara must also be there.

If possible, I want to find other people who are in the same vein! "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"Senior, I am a descendant of the reincarnation line. Since you have left the second reincarnation tower, then I will refine it.

From now on, I will guard the circuit of rebirth! "

Lin Fei said loudly.


Lin Fei walked towards the black pagoda.


Just as Lin Fei was about to approach the pagoda.


Above the pagoda, a black creature rushed out.

"The reincarnation pagoda is a heavy place, no one can approach it!"

The breath released by the black creature continued to increase.

Huh! A black long spear appeared in his hand and pounced at Lin Fei.

"Okay, I'm going to try to see how strong these reincarnation slaves are."

Lin Fei was also full of fighting spirit and blasted forward with a punch.

Rumble...With Lin Fei's punches, the time and space in front of him was sharply compressed by a terrifying force, and terrible energy explosions continued to occur.

laugh! The black spear in the hands of the Samsara slave rippled endless ripples.

Bang! The black spear collided with Lin Fei's fist.

call out! The body of the Samsara slave was shocked and shot backwards quickly.

"No way."

Lin Fei's eyes widened too, unbelievable.

You know, with Lin Fei's current combat power, if an ordinary Lord God dares to face Lin Fei head-on, the result will definitely be blown up on the spot. The lightest one will also be broken.

However, the Samsara slave in front of him was just hit and flew back some distance.

There is no damage! Such a result made Lin Fei not surprised.

In other words, if the reincarnation slave in front of us goes to the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the main gods of several superpowers will not be opponents at all! "kill!"

The Samsara slave, after being shaken back, immediately rushed forward with a spear in his hand.

Puff puff puff...The Samsara slave kept making moves, shot after shot, stab Lin Fei, the tip of the gun was sharp and sharp.

Each shot can easily pierce time and space, extremely quickly.

"Haha, great.

However, I don't believe it, I can't beat you! "

Lin Fei was aroused to fight, laughed, and rushed forward.

Bang Bang Bang... That reincarnation slave was thrown away by Lin Fei again and again.

"Well, sure enough, every move of this reincarnation slave contains a powerful law of reincarnation.

Moreover, all the moves he used were extremely clever secret techniques of reincarnation.

These secret techniques of reincarnation, even me, are ashamed. "

Lin Fei became more astonished as he played.

Lin Fei discovered that the law of reincarnation mastered by this reincarnation slave was only weaker than himself! This is very scary.

You know, Lin Fei's current law of reincarnation has reached a very clever state.

Much stronger than Dijiang! Finally, after dozens of moves, Lin Fei gradually became familiar with the tricks of this reincarnation slave.

boom! Lin Fei blasted out with a punch, knocking the Samsara slave in front of him, knocking it out and hitting the black tower.

The black pagoda was so hard that it didn't even shake at all.

Kill... What made Lin Fei frown was that from the pagoda, a dozen or so reincarnation slaves, dancing with a black spear, stabbed at Ye Fei.

"Well, it seems that I cannot enter this pagoda without defeating you reincarnation slaves."

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

Thus, the battle resumed.

Boom...a dozen black reincarnation slaves, without a word, each holding a long spear, surrounded Lin Fei and kept fighting.

Lin Fei set aside a long sword, and constantly repelled these reincarnation slaves.

"These samurai slaves are too hard. It seems that they cannot be destroyed!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

The bodies of these Samsara slaves, even Lin Fei, could not be broken, it can be seen how hard it is! After a long time.

Lin Fei finally completely defeated the dozen or so reincarnation slaves.

kill! However, what made Lin Fei helpless was that more reincarnation slaves burst out from the black pagoda, this time, there were twenty! "No way, is there any more."

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

"Perhaps, this is a test.

If you want to get the pagoda, you may have to defeat these Samsara slaves. "

Lin Fei said.

So, Lin Fei greeted him forward, and fought with the reincarnation slaves.

This fight took another long time.

Lin Fei defeated all the twenty or so reincarnation slaves.

Finally, after defeating these twenty reincarnation slaves.

Thirty reincarnation slaves rushed out to fight with Lin Fei.

One day later.

Lin Fei finally defeated these thirty reincarnation slaves.

Then, Lin Fei was surprised to find that there were no reincarnation slaves and rushed out of the pagoda.


Lin Fei was overjoyed and walked towards the pagoda.

Soon, Lin Fei felt that he could only enter the first floor of the pagoda.

All the dozens of Samsara slaves who rushed out and fought against him just now came out of the first floor of the pagoda.

"I understand. It turns out that when you want to enter a pagoda, you must defeat the reincarnation slaves in the pagoda."

Lin Fei suddenly realized.

So Lin Fei stepped up and walked into the first floor of the pagoda.


Lin Fei's face immediately showed joy.

I saw that all around, every wall was engraved with runes.

These runes are all related to the law of reincarnation and the secret technique of reincarnation! "This is the legacy of the second cycle of the Chaos God Seniors! Great."

Lin Fei was overjoyed, immediately sat down and began to comprehend.

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