Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4147: The true descendant of the reincarnation line

Lin Fei was taken aback and looked up quickly.

I saw that an extremely illusory figure appeared in front of him.

The appearance of this figure is constantly changing, it seems that there are tens of thousands of facial makeup, which are constantly changing alternately, which is extremely unreal.

"Senior, are you?

......" In Lin Fei's heart, there was an amazing conjecture.

"Yes, I am the second chaos god."

The illusory figure nodded and replied.

"Lin Fei pays respects to Senior!"

Lin Fei was very excited.

Unexpectedly, this figure in front of him is really the second chaos god.

The master of this pagoda! "However, my body has fallen.

What appeared in front of you was just a faint imprint of the soul. "

The figure sighed.

"Senior, what happened back then?

Why did reincarnation encounter so many powerful enemies?

Reincarnation, are you still there?

Is there any descendant in the reincarnation line? "

Lin Fei sighed and asked several questions.

These questions are what Lin Fei wants to know the most.

After hearing Lin Fei's question, the figure was silent for a moment.

It seems to be thinking, remembering.

"The cycle of reincarnation is the key channel for all souls in the world to reincarnate and reincarnate.

With rebirth, all souls in the world will have an afterlife and hope.

Death is not an end, but a new beginning.

Therefore, reincarnation brings hope to all living beings, the hope of eternal life! One generation, another generation of rebirth, connected together, is eternal life. "

The illusory figure slowly said.

Lin Fei did not interrupt him, but listened excitedly.

This is the Chaos God in the second round, and what he said from his mouth is absolutely true.

Lin Fei has always been eager to know more about reincarnation.

Until now, there is finally a chance! "Also, the law of reincarnation, the order of reincarnation, is one of the most fundamental and most fundamental laws for constructing every sea of ​​space.

Reincarnation is also one of the basic orders of every sea of ​​space.

Without rebirth, the world will be chaotic.

All creatures will lose hope.

Therefore, in order to maintain the order of the world and operate normally, the cycle of reincarnation has appeared.

A group of justice envoys who exist specifically to guard the cycle of reincarnation and the law of reincarnation! With these justice ambassadors, the order of every sea of ​​space can function normally.

Everything in the world is stable and unchanging.

The world's creatures are endless, reincarnation forever. "

The illusory figure continued.

Lin Fei listened carefully and was very serious.

"It's just that if there are messengers of justice, there will be evil spirits.

I don't know when, a group of evil people appeared, wholeheartedly, determined to destroy the road of reincarnation and destroy the law of reincarnation in the world.

Let every sea of ​​space fall into the despair of eternal life, let all spirits truly die! As a result, the line of reincarnation began various battles with those evil people.

The two sides did not know how many epochs.

Until the end, a terrible battle broke out.

I also participated in that battle.

too frightening.

Whether it was a messenger of justice or a spirit of evil, the casualties were very heavy.

I also fell in that battle. "

The illusory figure, recalling the past, couldn't help but sigh extremely, with a low tone.

"It's just that, if you ask me whether the cycle of reincarnation is still there, whether there is any descendant in the cycle of reincarnation, I can't answer you.

Because, since my fall in that battle, there is only this faint imprint of the soul attached to this pagoda. "

The illusory figure shook his head and sighed, answering all Lin Fei's questions.

"It turned out to be so."

Lin Fei nodded.

Seeing that illusory figure, he kept sighing, and his mood was so depressed, Lin Fei was embarrassed, so he continued to ask more deeply.

"Actually, regarding the reincarnation line, whether there is any descendant, this question.

I can barely answer you. "

The illusory figure suddenly looked at Lin Fei and said.


Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"Young man, I believe that you are the descendant of our reincarnation line.

Your law of reincarnation is too high and deep, far beyond your age.

Moreover, you have the token of our reincarnation.

Don't tell me you are not a descendant of the reincarnation line. "

The illusory figure looked at Lin Fei with expectant eyes and said.

"Senior, you are right.

I am indeed a descendant of the reincarnation line. "

Lin Fei immediately replied loudly.

Don't hesitate! "Haha..., great.

Unexpectedly, we are in the same line of reincarnation and descendants! In this way, the cycle of rebirth, whether present or not.

One day, the world will reappear! "

That illusory figure couldn't help but laugh up to the sky, very cheerful.

"Well, young man, now, you tell me in detail the relationship between you and reincarnation, from beginning to end.

I want to listen. "

The illusory figure said.


Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Lin Fei began to understand how he obtained this reincarnation card, how to refine it, and how to use it. Later, if he met several seniors in the reincarnation line in succession, all kinds of things, no matter how big or small, were Said it.

The illusory figure sounded with gusto.

"Haha, unexpectedly, we have a line of reincarnation. In addition to me, there are a few old immortals and imprints of immortality left behind, and they were all met by you! Young man, let me tell you everything in this world , In the dark, it is destined.

Since you can get the token of our reincarnation line, you have met people in our reincarnation line many times.

This explains.

You are born to belong to our line of reincarnation.

This, even you, can't change it.

This is called destiny! "

Said the illusory figure.

"So, you don't have to doubt it.

You are indeed a descendant of our reincarnation line.

This, I believe, has been destined since the day you were born.

Very good, unexpectedly, a descendant of the reincarnation line broke into my reincarnation tower.

Young man, you are qualified to get my second reincarnation pagoda.

However, you promised me, after getting my inheritance and my magic weapon.

In the future, we must work hard to revitalize our cycle of reincarnation.

Moreover, in the future, one day, the cycle of reincarnation will be allowed to reappear in the world in an open manner! Reproduce, every piece of space sea! Let the order of the world get back on track! "

The illusory figure said solemnly.

"Senior's words, Lin Fei will remember.

Seniors can rest assured that Lin Fei will definitely work hard for the cycle of reincarnation and reincarnation! Fight for one day, reinvigorate the cycle of reincarnation, and let the cycle of reincarnation reappear in the world! "

Lin Fei said with enthusiasm.

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