Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4148: Refining Reincarnation Pagoda

"Very well, with your words, I'm relieved.

We are in the same line of reincarnation, and finally someone succeeds! "

That illusory figure is very pleased.

"Okay, next, you will refine the pagoda I left behind.

After you refine this pagoda, the three hundred reincarnation slaves in the pagoda will officially belong to you.

Also, this pagoda of mine is extremely hard.

In the world, almost no one can beat it.

The war that year was terrifying.

However, my pagoda remained intact until I fell. "

The phantom figure was a little proud in his tone.


That's great! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed [].

"By the way, Senior, I want to ask a question, can this pagoda withstand the attack of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast?"

Lin Fei suddenly thought of this question and asked aloud.

"Of course, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast's attack power is very powerful, but it can't beat my pagoda.

What's more, although the strength of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast is powerful, it is not the most powerful existence in this world. How could he break my pagoda? "

The illusory figure said proudly.

"Okay, you want to know the power of this pagoda of mine, then after you refine it first, you will naturally know it when you use it in the future, so you should hurry up and refine it first. talk later."

The illusory figure said to Lin Fei.

"Senior, I understand, thank you for his great kindness."

Lin Fei respectfully saluted the illusory figure and said.

"My imprint of the soul is already very weak. From now on, it will turn into reincarnation energy and merge into this pagoda, so in the future, you may not have a chance to meet me again.

So I might say goodbye to you. "

The illusory figure said in a loud voice, his tone suddenly a little lost.

"Senior, isn't there any way you can reproduce the world?"

Lin Fei asked suddenly.

"Let me reappear in the world, young man, your ideas are bold.

But it is not impossible.

Put it this way, as long as you can practice the law of reincarnation to the highest and top level, you can resurrect any dead creature in the world.

At that time, you are the supreme **** who rules the law of reincarnation in the world, the true ultimate **** of reincarnation! At that time, since you can easily resurrect me.

But if you want to become the ultimate **** of reincarnation, there should be no such possibility.

Because from ancient times to the present, no one can do it.

So young man, I still want to say goodbye to you.

Okay, now you start refining this pagoda.

My time has come, my energy has come to an end and can no longer show up in front of you. "

The illusory figure slowly said, with infinite nostalgia, slowly faded, and finally disappeared.

"Being the ultimate **** of reincarnation can resurrect any dead creature in the world?"

Lin Fei looked at the place where the illusory figure disappeared, and remembered what he had just said in his heart, which was shocked.

"If there is a chance to become the ultimate **** of reincarnation, that would be really good."

Lin Fei felt a little yearning.

"No one can do it before, doesn't mean I can't do it.

So keep working hard! "

Lin Fei swears secretly in his heart.

Next, Lin Fei sat cross-legged in the ninth-story tower of the pagoda.

The method of refining this pagoda was carved on the wall of the ninth-story tower, which Lin Fei had already obtained.

A large amount of spirit energy was released from Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, and it condensed into one mysterious spirit rune after Lin Fei's body.

Formed one mysterious seal after another.

These mysterious gods and souls runes and mysterious seals are constantly intertwined and combined, slowly forming a huge **** and soul mark.

Time passed slowly, and I don't know how much time passed. The imprint of the soul in front of Lin Fei became larger and denser, exuding a terrifying soul pressure.

Finally, it was only a few months later that Lin Fei felt that he had finally completed the first step of refining the pagoda and successfully condensed the Imprint of Soul.


Lin Fei made a seal with both hands, pushed forward vigorously, and shouted loudly.

The huge imprint of the soul, roaring to the sky, rushed out and slammed into the body of the pagoda.

Then the whole pagoda trembled violently, swaying, shaking constantly.

This process is also very long. It wasn't until a month later that the violent tremors of the pagoda slowly stopped.

Until the end, the pagoda was finally quiet and there was no movement at all.

Lin Fei could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and finally succeeded in refining the pagoda.

"All the reincarnation slaves, all come out to me!"

Lin Fei's figure appeared in front of the pagoda and let out a soft drink.

Immediately, three hundred reincarnation slaves rushed out of the pagoda and stood neatly in front of Lin Fei.

"See the master!"

All the Samsara slaves shouted in unison, with a very respectful attitude.

Among them are those few combat targets that Lin Fei encountered on the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth floors.

These few, although they are not wearing black clothes, they are also Samsara slaves.

These four people are the most powerful existence among the three hundred reincarnation slaves.

Each of the three hundred reincarnation slaves in front of them possessed the realm of the master god.

A total of three hundred main gods stood in front of him, shouting to the master in unison, this feeling is really cool.

Even Lin Fei couldn't help but feel complacent.

With the three hundred reincarnation slaves in front of him, Lin Fei was confident and believed that he could sweep all the highest worlds in the world.

"Okay, all of you go back to the pagoda, what I have in the future, where I need you, since I will send you a voice transmission."

Lin Fei waved his hand and said.

"Master, we understand."

The three hundred reincarnation slaves all respectfully flew to Lin, and then turned back to the pagoda.

Lin Fei waved his hand, the reincarnation pagoda in front of him kept getting smaller, and in the end it became only the size of a finger, falling in Lin Fei's palm.

"This pagoda is really good. I didn't expect the harvest this time to be so great!"

Lin Fei was very satisfied.

And this time, Lin Fei's biggest gain was not this reincarnation pagoda, but his own strength has improved a lot.

Especially in terms of the law of reincarnation, it has been greatly improved compared to before.

And also learned a powerful set of swordsmanship, the sword of reincarnation! Lin Fei estimated that this set of swordsmanship could also play a certain role against Dijiang!

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