Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4149: The history of the underworld

At this time, outside, on the **** mountain, several main gods from the underworld were poking their heads out of the coffin, poking their heads, and quietly looking at them.

"You said, Lin Fei has been in our sacred mountain for so many years, why haven't you seen him come out?

Could it be that he has encountered any misfortune in our holy mountain? "

One of the main gods of the underworld said in a loud voice.

The main gods of the underworld saw Lin Fei suddenly being pulled into the interior of this sacred mountain by a powerful transmission energy.

Up to now, almost decades have passed, but Lin Fei has not come out of it.

Over the past few decades, the main gods of these underworlds have to stick their heads out of the coffin every once in a while, wanting to see if Lin Fei has come out.

"The sacred mountain in our underworld has been handed down since ancient times. It is no small matter.

Lin Fei was too bold to spy on our holy mountain.

He also ran into the interior of the sacred mountain. If he really encountered any misfortune inside the sacred mountain, it was the end he deserved! I believe he finally knows how powerful our underworld is now. "

One of the main gods spoke up.

These few main gods of the underworld were defeated by Lin Fei decades ago, and they still don't forget them.

"However, if something happens to Lin Fei, there will be no one in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos who can fight Dijiang.

Compared to Di Jiang, I still think Lin Fei is a little easier to get along with.

So if Lin Fei really had an accident, it would be difficult to tell whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. "

One of the main gods suddenly shook his head and sighed.

The other lord gods of the land palace were also silent. Obviously, they all felt that what the lord **** said had some truth.

"Not bad.

If Lin Fei was there, he could more or less contain Di Jiang.

If something happens to Lin Fei, then from now on, the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos will be Dijiang's world. "

After a while, the other main **** also sighed slightly.

In short, the main gods of these underworlds are a bit complicated.

"Well, let's continue to sleep.

Everything in the world is destined, and it is not our turn to decide. "

A main **** said.

However, just when the main gods of these underground palaces were ready to return to the coffin again and put the coffin lid on.

Suddenly, the black mountain began to tremble violently, and then a figure suddenly rushed out of the black mountain.

It is Lin Fei! "Look at Lin Fei coming out!"

The main **** of one of the underworld could not help but screamed.

Lin Fei stood in front of the **** mountain, looked at the **** mountain, and saw the few palace lord gods who were sticking their heads out of the coffin, and couldn't help but smile.

"It seems that you guys all thought that I had died inside this mountain, and I was happy.

is it. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

After hearing Lin Fei's words, the palace lord gods changed their faces one by one, and rushed out of the coffin.

"Lin Shaoxia, you laughed.

All of us are looking forward to Lin Shaoxia day and night. Come out quickly. "

"God bless, Lin Shaoxia, you are finally out now, all right!"

"Yes, we are relieved to see Lin Shaoxia coming out safely."

...The main gods of those underworlds all spoke out one after another.

"Well, I don't have trouble for you."

Lin Fei smiled slightly, and the lord gods in front of them were too weak for Lin Fei.

Let's put it this way, Lin Fei didn't need to do anything at all, as long as he displayed the law of reincarnation, he could easily deal with these few landlord gods in front of him.

"By the way, Lin Shaoxia, can we ask, what is inside this holy mountain?"

One of the palace lord gods was suddenly curious, and cautiously asked Lin Fei.

The other palace lord gods also looked at Lin Fei with expectant eyes, hoping that Lin Fei could answer them.

After all, this **** mountain is a holy mountain that has been circulating in the underworld for a long time.

This **** mountain has always been in the underworld, and its status is very lofty. All the underworld creatures regard it as the most sacred thing in their hearts.

The main gods of these underworlds are naturally full of yearning for the interior of this sacred mountain, hoping to understand it.

"There is nothing special inside the mountain, except that I have been practicing in retreat for decades.

That's why I came out so late.

It is a very ordinary mountain. "

Lin Fei smiled softly.

It was impossible for Lin Fei to tell the main gods of these underworlds about the reincarnation pagoda and the second reincarnation god.

"By the way, the imprint of the soul of the second reincarnation god, and the reincarnation pagoda. The black mountain on which it is located is actually the sacred mountain of the underworld. Could it be that the underworld and the line of reincarnation also have some connections?"

Lin Fei suddenly thought of this question, and Lin Fei couldn't help but think of various legends about the underworld.

"If the underworld really has some kind of connection with the reincarnation line.

So in a sense, the creatures in the underground palace are actually descendants of the line of reincarnation.

Well, taking this opportunity, I want to learn about the history of the underworld. "

Lin Fei thought secretly in his heart.

Thinking that these creatures in the underworld might also be descendants of the cycle of reincarnation, in Lin Fei's heart, he couldn't help but have some good feelings for the few overlords in front of him.

"Well, you don't have to be too polite before my eyes, don't be restrained.

I will write off the previous festivals with you.

From now on, as long as you can't deal with to provoke me, I won't embarrass you anymore. "

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

"Lin Shaoxia, have you forgotten?

Decades ago, we vowed to follow Lin Shaoxia and serve you. "

Lin Fei's kind attitude made the main gods of these underworlds a little flattered, and one of the main gods quickly replied.

"Whatever you do, now I want to learn from you about the history of the underworld.

This should be fine, right? "

Lin Fei asked aloud.

"Of course there is no problem, Lin Shaoxia you want to know what you want, just ask, we know all the answers, there are endless answers."

The main gods of those underworld quickly replied.


Lin Fei nodded.

Next, Lin Fei asked the main gods of these underworlds in detail about the past history of the underworld.

Lin Fei found that many stories and legends about the underworld that he had heard before were actually true.

"In your underworld, was there really a senior named Meng Po in ancient times?

Is the story of Naiheqiao true? "

Lin Fei suddenly thought of Po Meng.

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