Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4164: Can you kowtow

"Impossible! I don't believe it! What happened, this kid is just a half-step master god! Why I can't fight back against him!"

The main **** of the knife world was frightened and angry, and he couldn't believe what was happening before him anyway.

"Now you have two choices.

First, you knelt down, knocked your head ten thousand times at me, and then committed suicide happily.

This way you will die very cleanly and without much pain.

Secondly, I will kill you myself, but before I kill you, I will use some cruel methods to let you taste what it means to survive.

Okay, now I will count three times, you give your choice. "

Lin Fei looked at the sword master **** slowly and spoke.

These words were actually what the sword master **** said to Lin Fei just now, and now Lin Fei gave them back to him.

"Boy, let me go right away, or I'll be rude to you!"

The sword master **** heard Lin Fei's words, struggling with fright and anger, and roared.

It's just that he found that no matter how hard he struggles, there is no way to move.

Lin Fei counted three times in a row.

"Very well, I think you should choose the second option, so I will satisfy you."

Lin Fei thought.

Immediately, thousands of chains of laws stretched out from the surrounding void, digging into the body of the master **** of the sword world.

The chains of these laws slowly destroyed the body and soul body of the master **** of the sword world, just like countless ants biting his body and soul body.

The sword world master **** immediately felt the huge pain, and this pain was not only physical, but even more terrifying was the huge unbearable pain from the soul of the soul.

Ah ...... the knife sector Lord God, burst into screams up, face pain easily distorted, hideous horrendous.

"too frightening!"

At this time, those in the sword world no longer looked down upon Lin Fei.

It was replaced by a deep fear, and they finally realized that this one was only a young man in the realm of the Lord God, whose true strength far exceeded their cognitive level.

In front of him, the master of the sword world had no power to fight back, and he was as weak as an infant.

"I chose to commit suicide by kowtow, please let me go!"

Finally, the sword master **** who had been screaming, could not bear the terrible pain from the depths of his soul, and begged Lin Fei for mercy.

"Oh, is it so.

If you choose the first one earlier, you don't have to, and you will endure that much pain.

It deserves it. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

Reaching out his hand, the chain of laws that had penetrated into the body of the sword master **** slowly withdrew, and then the sword master **** found that the pain suffered by his body and soul had finally disappeared.

"Kow your head, don't think of suicide. In front of me, you don't even have the qualifications to commit suicide."

Lin Fei glanced, the master of the sword world, said lightly.

The sword master **** heard Lin Fei's words, his body was shocked, yes, he was planning to commit suicide just now, but Lin Fei didn't expect to see it.

Then, he didn't even have the courage to commit suicide, obediently knelt in front of Lin Fei and began to knock his head.

"Dao Liu, you can't kowtow. If you kowtow like this, all the dignity of our sword world will be lost to you!"

When the master gods of the sword world saw Daoliu kneeling in front of Lin Fei, one by one was shocked and angry, and shouted.

But Dao Liu had been tortured by Lin Fei long ago and had no temper. What kind of **** and dignity, at this time, he could not care about it.

He never wanted to endure that terrible, unbearable pain from the depths of his soul.

"Not only Dao Six, but also all of you in the knife world will kneel down for me, everyone will have to call 10,000 bangs, or I will make you want to die and not die."

Lin Fei swept his gaze towards the swordsmen, and spoke lightly.

"What kid?

Your tone is too big, how can you, you want to call us the sword world, all kneel down for you, do you have the qualifications. "

"It's too arrogant. Let's start together and rush to kill this kid."

"I really can't bear it anymore. Let's do it. Although this kid is a bit weird, we have a lot of people, so don't be afraid of him."

"Yes, we all started together and swarmed to kill him."

... Lin Fei's words completely angered the people in the knife world, and they yelled and shouted with murderous aura.

"Master is mighty, the world is invincible!"

"You **** in the knife world, if the master tells you to kneel, you kneel immediately, dare you to resist?"

"It angered the master and made you all uneasy to die!"

...The **** slaves under Lin Fei, seeing Lin Fei so majestic, were all excited, and roared and scolded the army of the sword world.

"Lin Shaoxia is back, our sword world is saved!"

"Lin Shaoxia is really amazing. A sword master **** has no power to resist in front of Lin Shaoxia. Lin Shaoxia really deserves to be the savior and great savior of our world!"

"As long as Lin Shaoxia is here, we in the sword world will never have to be afraid of people in the sword world."

...The other creatures in the sword world were very excited one by one, and Lin Fei's sudden appearance made them see the hope of victory.

"I want you to kneel, you must kneel."

Lin Fei glanced sharply at the people in the knife world, and said slowly.

Then Lin Fei moved all the three hundred reincarnation slaves in the second reincarnation pagoda.

Suddenly, there were three hundred more main gods beside Lin Fei, and each of them radiated out, and the terrible energy fluctuations made the void violently shake.

"See the master!"

More than three hundred reincarnation slaves saluted Lin Fei respectfully at the same time.

Suddenly, there was a dead silence in the entire sword world. There were no more creatures. They dared to speak, horrified, shocked, and stared at the three hundred reincarnation slaves beside Lin Fei. That was three hundred gods. ! We must know that the total number of all the main gods in the entire sword world is only a few dozen.

Three hundred more main gods suddenly appeared, and they called Lin Fei to be the master. This scene was simply amazing.

All the forests stared at Lin Fei and the three hundred reincarnation slaves dumbfounded. Those in the sword world had originally wanted to charge Lin Fei aggressively, but they all stopped at this time.

They were completely restrained by the energy aura released by the three hundred reincarnation slaves, and they never dared to move forward.

"I said, can you kneel down for me now?

Everyone in the sword world will kneel down and make ten thousand ringing heads, and then look at my mood and decide whether to kill you. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

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