Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4165: Destroy the army of the knife world

"Boy! Don't go too far. If you do this, Dao Pao ancestor will never let you go.

Okay, now we step back and don't provoke you.

However, don't push each other step by step, otherwise I will immediately send the information back to the Daoba ancestor. When the time comes, the Daoba ancestor will definitely be rude to you. "

One of the main gods of the knife world swallowed his saliva and spoke.

"Let me say, the last sentence, all the people in the knife world kneel down for me.

Otherwise, everything will die.

Don't even want to survive. Don't talk to me about the **** Dao Pao ancestor, that old thing, even if he doesn't come to me, I will go to him soon. "

Lin Fei said.

There was a kind of domineering in the tone, and he didn't put the so-called Daoba ancestor in his eyes.

With Lin Fei's current strength, there is no longer any need to fear that Dao Pao ancestor.

You should know that Lin Fei's strength has improved tremendously over the past few hundred years, especially after practicing the sword of reincarnation.

Lin Fei was confident that even if he faced the Dao Pao ancestor, he might win.

Since this time, the people of the sword world have invaded the sword world again, then Lin Fei planned to eliminate all the army of the sword world in front of him, and then go to the sword world to find the ancestor of the sword tyrant.

Lin Fei understood that if he didn't kill the ancestor of the sword tyrant, maybe the army of the sword world would definitely invade the sword world again.

So the way to remove the roots is to kill the Dao Pao ancestor.

"Boy, you dare to be disrespectful to the ancestor of the sword tyrant in your words, you are really impatient to live.

I admit that you have a little strength, but you are nothing in front of Patriarch Ancestor, you will never expect to be powerful.

If I persuade you to be acquainted, let us go right away. Then, I can say something nice to you in front of the ancestor of the sword tyrant. Maybe the ancestor of the sword tyrant can let you go by showing compassion.

Otherwise you will definitely die.

You must not doubt the strength of Daoba Patriarch! "

"Yes, the position of the ancestor of the sword tyrant is high. It is definitely not something that a humble kid like you can desecrate! I advise you to apologize immediately!"

... After hearing Lin Fei's words, the sword master gods were all startled and angry, pointing at Lin Fei, and screaming.

It can be seen that the ancestor of the sword tyrant is really too high in the minds of these sword world creatures.

It is simply inviolable.

Even to say something ill of him, these creatures in the knife world cannot bear it.

"In this case, there is nothing to say, let's do it, kill all the garbage in the knife world, and there will be no left!"

Lin Fei smiled coldly, waved, and gave orders.


Immediately, beside Lin Fei, the three hundred reincarnation slaves rushed out first.

"The master has an order, let us kill the enemy!"

Then, Lin Fei's slaves to the gods, too, rushed over and started to kill.

"Lin Shaoxia has orders, let's do it too, don't wait any longer!"

The other creatures in the sword world all started to scream, shouting, one by one, like a tiger descending the mountain, rushing to the sword world army.

The strength of the hundreds of reincarnation slaves under Lin Fei's is really terrifying. Just after starting to do it, the army of the knife world began to be massacred.

There is simply no power to fight back.

These are three hundred main gods, working together, the energy exploded is really terrible.

Although the number of the army of the knife world is large, at this time, it is like a group of young goats surrounded by three hundred terrible tigers, beheading crazy, without any ability to fight back.

"Kill all of them, no one can stay. The sword world army has invaded our sword world many times. We don't need to be merciful."

Lin Fei said lightly.

Then Lin Fei stood with his hands on his back, watching this terrible massacre.

"By the way, I still have to leave a few of me to figure out how these sword world troops entered our sword world.

At that time, I will use the same method to enter the world of swords and meet the ancestor of the sword tyrant for a while. "

Lin Fei thought about it for a moment, and spread the voice to the **** slaves.

"We understand, please don't worry, Master."

The three hundred reincarnation slaves received Lin Fei's transmission at the same time and replied.

The next crazy war continued.

Lin Fei stood by with his hands on his back, watching with gusto.

Lin Fei has no sympathy for the army of these swordsmen. The world of warriors is like this. Killing and death happen every day, every minute, and even every second.

This is the eternal theme of the world of warriors.

From a weak disciple of the sect, Lin Fei grew up to this level, and was completely accustomed and numb to killing and death.

There will be no more touches.

It can be said that this is the inevitable mentality of every strong man who grows to the end.

After a long time, finally, all the army of these swordsmen were wiped out.

However, due to Lin Fei's order, there were more than a dozen main gods of the sword world, who were left behind and brought to Lin Fei's front.

At this time, the sword master gods looked at Lin Fei with fear.

In their eyes, Lin Fei was a terrible devil.

"Okay, now, let's talk about the method by which you entered our sword world.

Speak honestly.

Perhaps, once I am in a good mood, I can let you go. "

Lin Fei said slowly.

"Boy, you killed so many people in our knife world, the ancestor of the sword tyrant, will never let you go!"

One of the lord gods of the sword world screamed, appearing very spineless.

However, his voice fell off.

Lin Fei fisted over.

boom! The master **** of the knife world was blown to pieces on the spot, and the flesh and soul body were blown to pieces at the same time.

"Boy, you are so cruel!"

The sword master **** screamed.

Then, his body began to reorganize.

After all, a master **** is not so easy to be killed.

"In front of me, you want to regroup, is it possible?"

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

Reach out.

Immediately, in the surrounding void, thousands of chains of laws stretched out from the void, extending towards the master **** of the sword world.

Countless laws and chains were frantically destroying his flesh and soul and preventing his reorganization.

"Ah, no!"

The sword master god, desperately reorganized, exhausted all his supernatural powers and source of divine power, but he found that he could not reorganize.

At this time, a smell of death, completely, enveloped him.

Make him terrified! The young man in front of him was so terrible that he couldn't even regroup.

In this way, under the interference of those laws and chains, the body of the master **** of the sword world has been unable to reorganize successfully! Always in that piece of void, screaming, terrible screams, spread throughout the sword world! However, when all the creatures in the sword world heard his screams, not only were they not afraid, but felt that they were very happy! Because this is the scream of the enemy!

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