Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4169: Sword slash

Lin Fei could see that the old man in front of him was just a mark of the soul imprinted in this space.

However, even if it was just a mark of the soul, it was left by a chaos **** after all, and possessed unpredictable strength.

Lin Fei felt that he was not necessarily the opponent of the old man in front of him.

The old man appeared beside him just now, and he didn't feel it for the first time.

If this old man makes a sneak attack on himself, he may not be able to defend himself.

"The Chaos God, sure enough, every one is so terrible."

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

"A large part of the swordsmanship you practice comes from my inheritance. I guess you should have met my five men."

The old swordman in front of him asked.

"Senior is right. A large part of the swordsmanship I practice was taught to me by Senior Five Sword Spirits.

Without the teachings of Senior Five Sword Spirits, my swordsmanship would definitely be far from the current level.

Thank you for your great kindness. "

Lin Fei respectfully bowed to the old sword man in front of him. Lin Fei's character was like this, his grudges were clear and unambiguous.

"Well, you really met them.

Speaking of it, I haven't seen them for a long time.

If it wasn't for you to perceive here just now, you would occasionally touch me.

I am not necessarily, it will manifest itself. "

The gaze of the old man Jian, traversing time and space, looked towards the position of Shenjian Mountain.

"Since you have met them, tell me about their current situation."

The old man Jian retracted his eyes and said to Lin Fei.


So Lin Fei told the old man in detail about the current situation of Shenjian Mountain and the Five Sword Spirits, including the old sword man and the five apprentices, who all entered the mysterious hole in the sword world, and also said in detail.

"Unexpectedly, my main body and another clone are also missing.

It's no wonder that in this small world, I have not been able to feel the breath of my clone over the years. "

After seeing the old man, he couldn't help but sigh, his expression a bit lonely.

"Speaking of all these years, my five subordinates have worked hard.

I am a little ashamed of them. "

The gaze of the old man Jian looked at the direction of Shenjian Mountain again.

at the same time.

Excalibur Mountain, above the top of the mountain.

The figures of the Five Sword Spirits appeared at the same time, standing on the top of the mountain, looking across the distant time and space in the direction of Heaven and Earth Valley.

"There is a master's breath in Heaven and Earth Valley!"

Five Sword Spirits burst into tears with excitement.

"Go, let's go over and see the master."

"But the master's order is that we must always guard the Divine Sword Mountain, and we can't leave at any moment."

"Once we left Divine Sword Mountain, we would have violated the master's order..."... The Five Sword Spirits wanted to rush into Heaven and Earth Valley immediately to visit the master, but when they thought of the master's previous orders, they hesitated Determined not to leave Shenjian Mountain without authorization.

At the same time, in heaven, earth and valley.

Within the eyes of the world.

"It seems they have discovered me.

Well, I will meet them. "

The old sword man before Lin Fei was alive, looked at the direction of Shenjian Mountain and smiled slightly.

Then he stretched out his palm and stroked the space in front of him lightly.

Immediately, a huge mirror appeared in front of him.

Lin Fei could see that this mirror was condensed by the clever laws of time and space.

The picture of Shenjian Mountain appeared in the mirror, clearly visible.

The five sword spirits standing on the top of Shenjian Mountain were also clearly visible.

At the same time.

On the Divine Sword Mountain, in front of the Five Sword Spirits.

Suddenly a huge mirror appeared, and Lin Fei's figure and the figure of the old man in the mirror appeared clearly.

"It's the master his old man!"

When Wu Jian Ling saw Old Man Jian, they were all excited and trembling.

"See the master."

All the five sword spirits knelt down on the ground, shouting loudly.

"Get up all."

The old man Jian waved his hand slightly and saw the five former subordinates, the old man Jian also showed a smile on his face.

A huge energy surged toward the Five Sword Spirits, and their bodies were involuntarily supported.

"Speaking of which, these years have been really hard. You have five.

The five of you guarded the Sword Mountain for me, doing a great job. "

The old man Jian nodded and said.

"Master, this is what we should do."

Wu Jian Ling said at the same time.

"It's just that Shenjian Mountain, now in a state of no owner, has been kept here, which is a waste.

It's time to find him a new master. "

The old man Jian thought for a while and said.

"Find a new owner?"

The five sword spirits were all taken aback.

"Yes, Shenjian Mountain was the most convenient magic weapon I used back then.

Have been with me for a long time.

However, there is always a banquet in the world, and now, my body's whereabouts are unknown, and this magic weapon is left here, which is tantamount to being covered in dust and cannot play its due role.

So, it's time to find him a new master and let him reappear in the world. "

The old man Jian, looking at Shenjian Mountain, said slowly.

"I think this young man is very good. A large part of the swordsmanship he cultivates is inherited from me, so strictly speaking, he is regarded as half of my apprentice.

Well, young man, this magic weapon of mine can be left to you.

But there is another test.

That is, you have to reach the kendo level of the sword slashing worlds.

Only then are you eligible to get this magic weapon of mine. "

The old man Jian said.

"Senior, are you planning to leave this magic weapon to me?"

Lin Fei was a little startled.

"Yes, he is also idle, it is better to find him a new master, let him play his due role, his existence is meaningful.


Don't you want it?

Still have no confidence to accept my test. "

The old man Jian looked at Lin Fei and said.

"Thank you senior! I have the confidence to accept the test of senior!"

Lin Fei quickly replied.

Just kidding, a magic weapon left by the Chaos God, one can imagine how powerful it is.

Of course Lin Fei wants.

"Well, I will pass on my kendo inheritance to you now. You can slowly realize and practice slowly. When you reach the level of sword slashing ten thousand realms, you can have this magic weapon of mine."

The old man Jian nodded and said.

"Excuse me, senior, what is called Sword Slash Ten Thousand Realms?"

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"The so-called sword cut across the world is that no matter where you stand, which space, in which river of years, you can cut out with one sword, and the sword light can manifest in any world and attack whatever you want to attack. opponent.

At this level, there is no time or space to restrain your swordsmanship, no matter where you are, no matter how far away the enemy is from you, you can cross time and space and attack the enemy with a single cut. "

The old man Jian explained to Lin Fei.

"There is such a magical sword technique in the world!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed after listening.

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