Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4170: Army assembly

"Young people, remember that learning is endless. This is an eternal truth.

Even the Chaos God is not necessarily invincible in the world.

Okay, now accept my swordsmanship inheritance. "

The old man Jian said in a loud voice, then stretched out a finger and pointed it lightly at Lin Fei, a stream of information rushed into Lin Fei's Dead Sea.

Then a huge flow of information exploded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness in an instant, almost occupying Lin Fei's entire sea of ​​consciousness.

This information is very precious because of the old man's insight into Kendo in his life.

"Thank you seniors for spreading the Fa!"

Lin Fei immediately fell to his knees and bowed respectfully to the old man Jian.

"Don't be polite, get up, you and I are also destined."

The old man Jian smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and waved lightly, Lin Fei's body was not under his control, and he stood up suddenly.

"Well, young man, this imprint of my soul has a limited time to manifest. If there is fate in the future, let's see you.

There are also five of you. In the future, when this young man reaches the level of sword slashing across the world, this magic weapon belongs to him, so follow him in the future. "

The old man Jian said to Lin Fei and Wu Jian Ling.

Then his figure slowly became illusory, rippling gently like water waves, and gradually disappeared.

"Send Master!"

The Five Sword Spirits were reluctant to give up, all knelt down and shouted.

"If there is fate, we will see you again."

This was the last sentence left by Old Man Jian, and his figure disappeared completely.

The mirror in front of Lin Fei and the mirror in front of Wu Jian Ling also disappeared at the same time.

"Unexpectedly, I actually got the inheritance of Senior Sword Man!"

Thinking of the experience just now, Lin Fei couldn't help feeling very excited.

The inheritance of swordsmanship left by a Chaos God can definitely greatly improve one's sword skills.

"There is still one day left, and I will set off to the sword world. In this day, I will get familiar with the swordsmanship inheritance of the old man."

Within the eyes of the world, Lin Feipan sat down and began to read the information that Old Man Qijian had just entered the sea of ​​knowledge.

A day’s time passed in a blink of an eye.

after one day.

Destiny and land shortage, and a large number of **** slaves under Lin Fei came before the eyes of the world.

"Master, everyone is ready to go to the sword world."

Dique said loudly.


Lin Fei stood up, walked out of the world's eyes, and nodded.

"Master, the army has already assembled outside Heaven and Earth Valley, and it's waiting for you to parade."

Dique said.

"Well, let's go out together."

Lin Fei nodded, and then walked out of Heaven and Earth Valley with Tiancun and Diqian.

Beyond Heaven and Earth Valley.

In the chaotic void.

The boundless space is vast and boundless.

At this moment, in the cold, confused, vast and boundless space.

There is an army like a vast ocean, lined up solemnly and neatly. Each one is gleaming in armor, made of copper in the void of space, or holding a war battle, or carrying a war halberd, with cold light.

At the top of the line is Lin Fei's **** slaves.

Three hundred reincarnation slaves, lined up in front, exuded a powerful aura, making this piece of void tremble slightly.

Behind are people from all major religions and tribes in the sword world.

The high-level officials of the Tianyi Sword Sect and the Bliss Sword Sect, the two factions, once issued a vow of heaven to obey Lin Fei's orders, and naturally came with people and horses.

The Flying Fairy Sword faction had announced that the mountain would not be closed, but at this time, it also sent a team of people and arrived.

Those high-level figures of the Fei Xian Sword Sect knew that if they did not come this time and left a bad impression on Lin Fei, then the Fei Xian Sword Sect would have no place in the sword world in the future.

The people of the Simon family also came.

The thoughts of those senior members of the Ximen family are the same as those of the Flying Fairy Sword School.

Now the entire sword world is firmly in Lin Fei's hands, and Lin Fei has become the de facto master of the sword world.

Any other big clan, it is best to obey Lin Fei's meaning.

Otherwise, no one knows when Lin Fei will use them for surgery in the future.

An endless army, standing in this chaotic void, every soldier, every soldier is carefully selected.

At first glance, they are elite, each of them is very powerful, ready to kill the enemy, and they all exude a sense of killing.

The number of these troops is staggering, like a vast ocean, densely packed, packed with space of tens of trillions of miles.

Moreover, although there are many, it is not disorderly, and it appears orderly and disciplined.

The breath of so many elite soldiers and strong generals is terrible! Under this breath that obscures the sky and the sun, everything is trembling, the forest light of the armor, and the murderous intent of the weapon, the stars are dimmed, the sun and the moon are trembling.

Standing at the forefront was a man with a back straight like a gun, a handsome, stern look, and a cold expression.

In his pupils, the birth and death of the plane, the disintegration of the planet, and the whole body contain an extremely terrifying power.

This man is the reincarnation slave who guards the ninth tower in the second reincarnation tower.

Among the three hundred reincarnation slaves, his strength is the most powerful! At this moment, the man was riding on a tall demon lion full of flames. In his hand, he was holding a large flag. Following the hurricane of time and space, hunting and hunting sounded, the sky blew out, causing many The meteors are shaking, about to break apart.

There are four characters engraved on the flag: Sword World Army! Among them, the word Sword World is very eye-catching, exuding an astonishing aura, like four beasts about to swallow people, turned into runes and cast on the flag.

This banner fluttered in the wind, rumbling, like thunder, and like a drum, shocking the soul, and there were bursts of roars of gods and demons, which made people shiver.


Lin Fei carried his hands on his back, and slowly scanned the sword world army in front of him. He was very satisfied with the military appearance, and finally nodded and said.

Although Lin Fei's words were light, they were transmitted far away, clearly transmitted to the ears of every creature, like a thunderbolt, and could be heard clearly.

"Everyone, before, the sword world invaded our sword world.

Starting today, history is rewritten. Our sword world army will invade and conquer the knife world with tooth for tooth! Yixue, the shame we have suffered in the past in the sword world. "

Lin Fei said.

"A shame before a snow! A shame before a snow!" Lin Fei's voice fell, and all the army roared at the same time, shaking the entire sword world like a frenzy.

Every creature who is about to go on the expedition feels passionate.

It is also true that in the past years, the sword world has suffered from the invasion of the sword world army.

Every creature in the sword world regarded it as a great shame and hated the army of the sword world.

Now, the time for revenge has finally arrived!

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