Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4171: The sword world army has arrived

"Okay, let's go now!"

Lin Fei waved his hand and said loudly.

With Lin Fei's order, the army of the sword world moved in a sensation.

This time, Lin Fei had issued an order to refine a large number of warships for the army to use.

At this moment, all the troops are divided into batches, entering different spaceships.

Then, I saw a spaceship, arranged in a neat line, like a vast ocean of warships, and began to travel through time and space toward the large teleportation array leading to the sword world.

Lin Fei was in the forefront, standing on top of a chariot, standing with his hands in his hands, his expression serious and stern, and endless dazzling sword lights hovering in his eyes, as if a kingdom of swords was born.

Around the chariot, there are blue dragons, white tigers, suzaku, basalt, four-color beasts, circling and dancing, and there are silver waterfalls composed of rules flowing, there are flowers of the road, and the fallen flowers are colorful and crystal clear, lining the whole chariot Seems to be a pure land.

In the rear, in every spacecraft, there are people shouting beasts, iron swords clenched, fighting like a rainbow, spears like a forest, cold light gleaming, and armor is strong, with energy swallowing mountains and rivers, sweeping the universe! This time I set out for the sword world, and the sword world can be described as the elites who have made full preparations! After a while, I finally came to the cross-border teleportation formation leading to the knife world.

Lin Fei took the lead and rushed into the passage of the teleportation formation. The spaceships behind, densely packed like locusts crossing the border, rushed into the passage of the teleportation formation.

at the same time.

Knife world.

In a supreme world full of fierce, domineering sword light and the law of swordsmanship.

In this world, there are countless planes, the scale is very large.

Every plane is prosperous and prosperous, living with a large number of sword repairs. Looking around, in the time and space of this world, dazzling swordsmanship are all the time.


"All the warriors of the sword world, listen to the orders of the great sword master ancestor."

A rumbling sound resounded through the entire Supreme World, echoing in every space in this world.

Within countless planes, sword repairers are doing all kinds of things. Hearing this voice, all of them were refreshed. They all stood up and rose into the sky, looking at the most central position of this highest world. .

Om...I saw a huge knife pillar appeared at the center and highest point of this world. This knife pillar was composed of endless dazzling sword lights, like a pillar supporting the sky.

Then, at the top of the blade, a phantom appeared, and the phantom began to solidify. He was a middle-aged man whose whole body was fiery red and his hair was beating like flames. The strong breath was surging, surging in the entire highest world. Let the surrounding stars explode one after another! If you look at it carefully, you will find that the flames emerging from the body of this middle-aged man are actually composed of the brightest, richest, most dazzling, sword-dao law! Even, his whole person seems to be composed of dazzling blade lights and the law of swordsmanship. One knife after another, profound and infinite knives, constantly erupting from his body, slashing into the chaotic void in all directions. The momentum is very scary! He stood there, as if explaining, what is the Dao! This middle-aged man is the famous ancestor of the sword tyrant! At this moment, all the sword repairs were standing one by one, bowing and saluting very respectfully, expressing surrender and respect.

The vast majority of sword repairs are fiery and admired, looking up at the sword master ancestor, feeling very excited.

"Warriors of my sword."

The Patriarch Ancestor stood on the tall sword pillar, looked down below, smiled and spoke.

"Our powerful Knife Realm is going to three highest worlds at the same time, namely, the Flame Dragon Realm, the Sword Realm, and the Demon Realm.

Now the Flame Dragon Realm and the Devil Realm have almost been conquered by our great sword realm. The only regret is that only the sword realm is the least optimistic.

Hundreds of years ago, the sword world wiped out a large army I sent.

Not long ago, I sent another army to conquer the sword world. However, just a few days ago, that army suddenly cut off the news from me. Something should have happened.

A small sword world actually blocked it again. The conquering footsteps of our sword world army have repeatedly provoke the majesty of our sword world. This is absolutely not allowed.

So, the great warriors of the sword world, please be prepared.

Soon, we will send another army to conquer the sword world, and the army sent this time will be far larger than before. "

On the tall blade column, the ancestor of the sword tyrant slowly began to speak, his voice turned into a loud thunderbolt, echoing in every corner of the sword world, deafening.

"My great sword repair warriors, do you have the confidence to conquer the sword world?"

The ancestor of Blademaster slowed down and asked loudly.


"Conquer the sword world!"

...As the words of the ancestor of the sword tyrant fell, the thunderous roar came to mind in the entire sword world.

Countless sword repairmen looked at the ancestor of the sword tyrant with fanatical gazes, while shouting desperately, as if beaten in blood.

"Very well, my great sword repair soldiers, I will always be proud of you."

The ancestor Blademaster was very satisfied with this response and nodded.

"Furthermore, the goal of our sword world is not only the three highest worlds of the flame dragon world, the devil world and the sword world, but one day to conquer all the highest worlds we can reach. Our sword world will surely become, high above. Unique and great dominates the world.

All the supreme worlds in the world must obey our sword world.

Dear warriors, this great goal requires you and me to work together. "

The Patriarch's voice became higher and higher, and when he mentioned this great goal, even he himself was excited.

"Great goal!"

"Great goal!"

...The next moment, in the entire knife world, frantically resounding, roars.

In the thunderous roar, the towering knife pillar in the center of the knife world began to disappear gradually, and then the figure of the ancestor of the sword tyrant slowly disappeared.

Countless sword repairs have begun to go back to make preparations and set out to conquer the sword world. They know that if the sword world is not conquered, the ancestor of the sword will never give up.

However, at this time.

Knife world.

In a remote and desolate chaotic void, there is a very large cross-border teleportation array in this void.

This cross-border teleportation formation was built by the ancestor of the sword tyrant, who spent huge manpower, material resources, financial resources and energy.

The other end of this teleportation formation is connected to the sword world! At a certain moment.

Suddenly, this large cross-border teleportation formation began to tremble violently, bursting out with dazzling light.


Huh huh... densely packed.

Warships, like a tide, flowed continuously, rushing out from the entrance and exit of this cross-border teleportation formation, and entered the knife world! Obviously, the sword world army is here!

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