Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4172: Crazy killing

The chariot where Lin Fei was standing drove at the forefront of the army.

"Is this the sword world? It seems that the overall strength of the sword world is indeed much stronger than the sword world."

Entering the knife world, Lin Fei's gaze swept and couldn't help nodding.

"Even if it is strong, it will be conquered before our sword world army."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

"Hands! Start killing, start the war of conquering the knife world!"

Lin Fei waved his hand, and the army at the back rushed towards the world ahead like tigers and wolves, like a torrent of steel, instantly shaking the universe of countless planes, and the stars trembled.


The army was like a tide of water, overwhelming the sky, and flooded forward. The cold shining in the iron clothes and the air-conditioning broke the sky, directly turning this highest world into a tragic land of killing.

At the beginning of the killing, three hundred reincarnation slaves took the lead and rushed into different planes, bursting out with a unique trick, madly beheading every creature encountered! Puff after another knife repair, without knowing what happened, his head was chopped off and he was thrown away.

The blood spattered high, countless knife repairs, with puzzles and unwillingness, fell into a pool of blood, and the head with a puzzled and angry expression was covered with bright red blood.

"You murderers, who are you and where are you from! Why do you want to slaughter the creatures of our sword world!"

There was a knife repair, before dying, a heart-piercing cry.

With a shriek, a blue sword light flashed across, the expression full of unwillingness, grief and questioning, all of a sudden froze, one head flew up, and another corpse repaired by a knife fell to the ground.

The sword world army came too suddenly.

Moreover, three hundred reincarnation slaves, plus, in the sword world, there were already dozens of main gods.

In total, there are more than three hundred main gods, taking the lead in the charge, and no plane can resist it! Almost in a moment, they fell completely.

Moreover, in the army of the sword world, every creature hates the people in the sword world, and regards them as enemies of life and death, and will never be merciless.

There are many sword world creatures, family members, lovers, teachers and friends, fellow students, who died in the hands of the sword world army.

Now, for them, it is a chance for those who have died to take revenge, and there will be no mercy.

Even, there are many creatures in the sword world who slaughter in a desperate way to die with the enemy.

Therefore, at this moment, the sword world army, wherever it goes, every plane of the sword world has almost no resistance! This is a group of tiger and wolf teachers, extremely sturdy, whizzing past, sword energy swept away, but all creatures were cut off.


"Beasts of the knife world, you also have today!"

"A revenge for those relatives who died tragically in the sword world!"

... the army of the sword world came with deep hatred and hatred, and the killing was clean wherever it went. Even some mortals could not escape at all and were all beheaded.

The blood stained the area they were passing through. This was a terrible massacre. There was no conquest at all. It was not equal, and there was no fairness at all.

Many of the dead creatures in the knife world were filled with confusion on their faces, and they didn't know what had happened.

"Report to the owner.

We have conquered thirty planes! "

Land shortage came back to report to Lin Fei.

He was wearing a silver battle suit, shimmering with metallic cold light, but stained with blood beads, he looked terrifying, like a demon.

In recent years, the strength of the natural and the earth-deficient has been greatly improved. Lin Fei has ordered them to practice that set of swordsmanship together, and exchange them with each other to absorb the chaotic world power secrets in the eyes of the world.

Therefore, now that the heavens and the earth are disabled, they have become two real master gods.

Moreover, the two of them can directly absorb the chaotic world power in the eyes of the world, and their true combat power is much stronger than ordinary main gods.

Desperate, has become Lin Fei's two real right-hand men.

"Well, the real war hasn't started yet."

Lin Fei's gaze looked at the center of the knife world. There was a dangerous aura rising up, as if there was a terrifying monster lurking and would jump out and eat people at any time! "The order goes on, not to kill mortals, but only martial artists."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said to Dique.

Although, the army of the sword world came with the purpose of revenge.

However, Ye Fei was not a cruel and bloodthirsty person. Lin Fei didn't like too many innocent killings.

Di Que immediately conveyed Lin Fei's order.

So in the next killing, the sword world army did not slaughter those mortal spirits.

Rather, the sword repairmen who specialize in martial arts were killed.

The army of the sword world is still moving forward, the crazy killing is still going on, and a large number of creatures are dying every minute and every second.

"Where did you terrible murderers come from!"

"Why break into our homeland and slaughter our creatures!"

...Many sword repairmen yelled in grief before dying. By their side, the same family, relatives, friends, and partners fell into a pool of blood one by one, terrible, and resentful.

But this was useless, it couldn't stop the crazy killing of the sword world army.

"Report to the owner.

We have now occupied one-tenth of the territory of the knife world. "

"Well, then, in the territory we occupy, build a headquarters for our sword world army.

This war has just begun. "

Lin Fei nodded and said.

With Lin Fei's order, soon a headquarters of the sword world army was established.

Inside the headquarters, a tall palace.

In the hall.

Lin Fei, the world is incomplete, and some senior leaders of the sword world army are all there.

"Master, I have figured out the basic situation of the knife world, this one is the map of the entire knife world."

Dique stood up, waved, a huge crystal screen appeared in the hall.

On the screen, the entire knife world and all the boundaries are clearly displayed.

"Master, I have already sent.

A large number of spies quietly sneaked into the borders of the knife world that have not been conquered by us to inquire about news.

Just now, news came back that the army of the knife world was gathering quickly.

It is estimated that soon, the army of the knife world will kill us.

Moreover, there is news that the ancestor of the sword tyrant's invasion of us is very furious. The ancestor of the sword tyrant has just entered his secret room and is preparing to practice in retreat. Now he has walked out of the secret room and is organizing the sword world army.

Believe that the Dao Pa ancestor will appear soon. "

Tian Can also stood up and said to Lin Fei.

"It doesn't matter, everything is expected.

What we really need to be careful about is the ancestor of the sword master.

In the next war, the army of the sword world will be dealt with by you, and the sword tyrant will leave it to me. "

Lin Fei nodded and replied.

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