Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4175: The origin of the ancestor of the sword

"Hmph, give you a chance, if you don't know how to cherish, that's good.

I had no choice but to take your life. "

The ancestor Blademaster said coldly after hearing Lin Fei's words.


He stretched out his hand in the direction of Lin Fei across the distant time and space.

boom! Lin Fei only felt that the scene before him changed.

I am already in a beautiful world, with white clouds in the sky, the fragrance of flowers, and an intoxicating atmosphere everywhere.

Then, Lin Fei discovered that in this world, his relatives, friends, and teachers had all appeared and lived in this world.

Even including his wife and son! Qingluo, Rong'er, Wan'er, and three shark girls, and Tianjun, and others, lived happily in them one by one.

Even Lin Fei had an illusion that he seemed to have been living in this world, happy and simple.

It's just that under Lin Fei's divine consciousness perception, one can discover that behind this world, there is a strong killing intent.

"Hmph, it turned out to be an illusion made up of the law of swordsmanship. It wanted to confuse my mind and make me give up resistance without knowing it.

Then, silently, he attacked me.

It seems that this ancestor of the sword tyrant has a terrifying level in addition to being good at swordsmanship. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

"Fortunately, in terms of mental strength, my cultivation level is extremely high.

The illusion of the world is of little significance to me. "

Ye Fei sneered.

Just now.


In this world, Lin Fei's relatives, friends, Shimen and others suddenly launched a fierce attack on Lin Fei.

broken! Lin Fei's thoughts moved, he showed his heart sword and cut it out.

The invisible, colorless and silent heart sword cuts out in all directions, just like cutting tofu, easily cutting the fantasy world in front of you to pieces. In an instant, it shattered into pieces, and then disappeared.

Then, the scene around Ye Fei returned to normal.

"Sure enough, it's a bit weird, it broke the illusion I set up so easily.

Even a general main **** can't do it. "

Dao Pao ancestor was a little surprised.

"You are not bad, you can plant such a powerful illusion.

However, it didn't work for me. "

Lin Fei sneered and answered.

The voice fell off.

With his palm as his sword, Ye Fei slowly slashed towards the direction of the ancestor of the sword tyrant, and directly slashed out a sword light that was close to the pinnacle of kendo in the world.

This sword light contains the terrifying law of reincarnation.

This sword light is like a pillar to the sky, illuminating the heavens and all realms, and exposing the mystery of reincarnation in the world.

laugh! There is no need for the sword light to pass through the sky. After any time and space, it directly reaches the body of the ancestor Daoba.

The ancestor of the sword tyrant showed shock, he wanted to retreat and avoid the sword light.

However, between heaven and earth, a terrifying law of reincarnation tightly bound his body, making him unable to move half a step at all.

I had no choice but to watch, the sword light fell on his body.

puff! The sword light flashed across the body of the ancestor Blademaster, and then, the body of the ancestor Blademaster, like snow under the sun, began to slowly melt, disappear, and become nothingness.

"This trick, reincarnation judges the divine light, and its power is really good.

It is indeed the most powerful move among the swords of reincarnation. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but nodded, feeling satisfied.

"Huh! Unexpectedly, your kendo level has reached this level.

Moreover, the sword technique you use seems to come from the inheritance of reincarnation.

Could it be, what is the relationship between you and reincarnation?

Isn't that vein already annihilated? "

Patriarch's body slowly appeared, his face was a bit ugly, and he said in a loud voice.

His strength, compared to the average main god, I don't know, how many times stronger.

His vitality is also much more tenacious than the average main god.

Ye Fei's sword moves, although powerful.

However, it is absolutely impossible to kill him with a single sword.

"Who said that our reincarnation is annihilated?

Our reincarnation has always been there, and, in the near future, we will appear in the world in an open manner.

The cycle of rebirth will also reappear in the world. "

Ye Fei said coldly.

"Boy, it turns out that you are a descendant of the reincarnation line! No wonder, at a young age, you have such strength!"

The ancestor of Blademaster was a little shocked when he heard Lin Fei's words, and at the same time, he seemed a little jealous.

After all, the reincarnation line was once the overlord of this world, with an extremely glorious past.

"Not bad.

I am a descendant of Samsara.

How is it, are you afraid? "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

"Haha, boy, you are too arrogant.

Even if you are a descendant of reincarnation, so what.

If it were back then, I would naturally be afraid of your reincarnation.

But, now, your line of reincarnation has long been in decline, and those reincarnation gods, dead deaths, missing disappearances, what else is terrible.

Not to mention, you are just a young kid of the younger generation, no matter how strong you are, where can you go.

Hmph, back then, I was upset with your reincarnation.

One by one considers himself a righteous man, and feels that he is great.

Well, since I met the descendants of the reincarnation line, then I will kill one with my own hands, just as it is, let's vent the unhappyness of the year. "

The ancestor Blademaster looked at Lin Fei, full of killing intent, and said with a sneer.

"Does it depend on you?

Overweight. "

Lin Fei shook his head.

"You can't kill it, you'll know soon."

Dao Pa ancestor said.

Then, his body began to slowly disappear.

Then, a mysterious law of time and space rose up, isolating all the positions of the ancestor of the sword tyrant.

Lin Fei discovered that his divine consciousness was actually unable to perceive that Dao Ba ancestor.

"This ancestor of the sword tyrant has a not simple origin.

Could it be that he was also a chaos **** back then?

! "

Lin Fei's heart suddenly thought of this amazing possibility.

"Well, it's very possible.

The ancestor of the sword tyrant was a strong man in the same era as the old man.

The old man sword is a clone of Chaos God.

And this ancestor of the sword tyrant, even if it is not the body of the chaos god, it is very likely that it is a clone of the chaos god.

If so, it is difficult. "

Thinking of this, Lin Fei couldn't help but frowned.

Even if it was a clone of the Chaos God, Lin Fei knew that it must be terrifying, extremely powerful.

"It's just that this Dao Tyrant ancestor is a clone of the Chaos God, but his combat power seems to be much worse than that of the old man.

Perhaps, I don't have to be afraid of him. "

In Lin Fei's heart, thinking carefully about the scene of doing hands with the ancestor of the sword tyrant just now, he suddenly felt that although the ancestor of the sword tyrant was powerful, it seemed that he could barely resist it.

Just now, didn't he cut him with a single sword?

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