Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4176: Trapped in time and space

Just when Lin Fei was thinking.


Rumble...Lin Fei shivered slightly when he found the time and space around him.

The tremor was very slight, but it could not escape Lin Fei's perception.

"No, I'm stuck in another formation, and this formation is based on the law of time and space, sealing all the time and space around me, just like a cage, trapping me in Here."

Lin Fei's face changed slightly, and his divine consciousness immediately felt it in all directions.

In the surrounding space, invisible space-time walls were erected, sealing the surroundings tightly.

Lin Fei frowned slightly.

He stood up and cast the Secret of Penetration through a layer of walls, but there was another larger wall outside.

These walls are all condensed by the laws of time and space, if there is no clever penetration secret technique, it is difficult to pass through.

Next, Lin Fei kept walking through the walls one after another, but there was no end, as if there were endless walls of time and space blocking the outside.

"I have to say that the level of formation of this Dao Ba ancestor is really terrifying.

Across such a distant time and space, and before I noticed it, the formation was laid out.

With this method alone, the average main **** is far from his opponent. No wonder every main **** in the sword world respects him so much, so fears, and willingly obeys his orders. "

Lin Fei faced the space-time wall formation in front of him, and felt a little headache.

"Break it for me!"

Lin Fei gave a soft drink, and a sharp sword light slashed out from his palm.


Boom boom boom...The space-time walls shattered, exploded into powder, and then disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, I don't know how many time-space walls were chopped up.

However, what surprised Lin Fei was that as the space-time walls one after another were chopped up, more space-time walls were born continuously.

In this way, the formation still cannot be broken.

For Lin Fei, it doesn't seem to be difficult to break these time-space walls, but the most troublesome thing is that these time-space walls can be recombined quickly, infinitely, and endlessly.

"This formation must have been created by a Chaos God.

In this way, there is no doubt that this Dao Pao ancestor must have been a Chaos God before! "

Lin Fei couldn't help but think of this in his heart, which was very shocking.

Lin Fei had never thought that he would face a Chaos God so quickly, and even thought about it, his scalp numb.

You know, Chaos God is the most powerful existence in the world, even if it's just a clone, he doesn't have much confidence in winning.

"Perhaps, I shouldn't have come to the sword world with a man and a horse so early."

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile wryly.

"In other words, I am now fighting a Chaos God.

No wonder, with my strength, I also feel so difficult.

Okay, don't worry, let's break this formation. "

Lin Fei forced his heart to calm down.

"This formation is based on the law of time and space. It is estimated that if you want to crack it, you have to use the law of time and space.

Otherwise, these endless, endless walls of time and space, no matter how I traverse, may not be able to get out. "

Lin Fei's heart calmed down, and he didn't stop chasing at all. He sat cross-legged on the spot, began to display the law of time and space, and felt out in all directions.

Just when Lin Fei concentrated on breaking through the formation, in a mysterious space in the knife world.

A middle-aged man braving red flames was sitting in this space.

This middle-aged man is the famous ancestor of the sword tyrant.

"It's really unexpected that there are descendants in the line of reincarnation.

I always thought that this vein had been completely wiped out.

The line of reincarnation is indeed well-deserved, and such a young junior actually possesses such a powerful strength.

This kid, if you let him continue to practice, maybe one day he will reach the final step and become a chaos god.

At that time, I am afraid that the reincarnation line will really rise again.

However, since he broke into my site, I would not allow him to leave alive. "

The ancestor Blademaster's gaze penetrated the void, looking at Lin Fei with a sneer.

"Unfortunately, I was injured too badly back then. Not only the main body, but even the clone was destroyed. Only this trace of the soul imprint is left, pinned in this sword, and surviving.

Over the years, although I have devoured a lot of resources, it is really nowhere for me to return to the state of the year.

Otherwise, I want to kill this kid easily. "

Dao Pao ancestor couldn't help sighing.

"Fortunately, I have in-depth research on the formation.

Back then, the ancestor of the formations in the world was trapped by me and killed with a single knife, and his formation inheritance fell into my hands.

Over the years, I have worked **** the formation, and the formation level is getting higher and higher. Wait, one day I will rise again with the formation level. "

In the tone of the Dao Ba ancestor, he appeared ambitious.

Then, his gaze looked towards the direction of the sword world army.

At this moment, the sword world army and the knife world army are facing each other.

The sword world army, more than three hundred main gods.

However, there are more than one hundred main gods in the sword world army, and there are also hundreds of sword formations equivalent to the strength of the main god.

Therefore, the actual combat effectiveness of the two sides is not far apart, and they are now at a stalemate, with a temporary truce.

"I'm sleepy!"

Dao Pao ancestor stretched out his hand and shook his finger, softly shouted.

Immediately, the time and space where the Sword Realm army was located began to change rapidly.

"No, I can't see anything!"

"My divine consciousness can't perceive it!"

"We seem to be trapped!"

...The main gods of the sword world army screamed in horror.

They found that the surrounding space was dim, confused, and could not see anything. Even the divine consciousness could not perceive it.

"Don't be afraid.

Be quiet first.

Our sword world army has been trapped by a large space-time formation.

But, don’t worry.

This time-space formation has no attack effect.

So don't spread out, try to get together.

In order to avoid a sneak attack by the knife world army.

Soon, I will find a way to break this formation. "

Just when the sword world army was in a mess, suddenly, Lin Fei's voice rang in everyone's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Master, we understand."

The **** slaves under Lin Fei became quiet after hearing Lin Fei's voice transmission.

"All follow Lin Shaoxia's orders."

In the sword world, the creatures of all races and religions heard Lin Fei's voice, and they felt a lot calmer in their hearts.

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