Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4178: Break again

In the unwilling roar of Dao Ba ancestor.

Rumble...The space-time wall array around Lin Fei finally collapsed, and countless space-time walls burst into pieces, like blisters in the sun.

Just one day.

Lin Fei broke this space-time wall.


Dao Pa ancestor roared.

"Okay, I will arrange a few more formations, I see how many you can break!"

The ancestor of the sword tyrant was so angry.

It was as if Lin Fei broke the big formation, which was the most serious challenge to his formation level.

In the anger, the ancestor Blademaster stretched out his hand and pointed towards Lin Fei.

Boom...The time and space where Lin Fei was, shook violently.


Another formation fell from the sky, trapping Lin Fei in the middle.


next moment.

The Patriarch ancestor discovered that something was wrong.

Although, the formation he had just set up trapped a Lin Fei.

However, he suddenly discovered that Lin Fei was actually just an afterimage. After being trapped by the formation, he swayed gently and disappeared.

Lin Fei's body has long been missing.

"What a clever body technique, unexpectedly, can escape my perception!"

The Dao Pa ancestor was shocked and angry.

call out! Suddenly, a winding path appeared in the knife world. This path was a bit old and exuded a strong atmosphere of reincarnation.

Lin Fei appeared on this path.

Reincarnation! With the continuous improvement of the law of reincarnation, Lin Fei now knows more and more about the circuit of reincarnation.

Even Lin Fei created a reincarnation method.

As soon as this path of reincarnation appeared, Lin Fei's body style became mysterious.

It is difficult to capture.

"I'll help everyone break the battle!"

Lin Fei's sound transmission rang in the ears of every creature in the sword world.

Then, Lin Fei rushed toward the time and space where the sword world army was, and within a few steps, he arrived.

The winding path of reincarnation, under Lin Fei's urging, has been rushing into the formation that besieged the sword world army.

In the formation, every member of the sword world has released the laws of time and space, trying to find a way to break the formation.

Suddenly, everyone saw Lin Fei appear.

"The master is here!"

"Lin Shaoxia is here!"

The whole army of the sword world cheered and shouted like thunder.

"Don't worry, everyone, I will immediately find a way to break the formation and take everyone out."

Lin Feipan sat down, the law of time and space, and the power of divine consciousness, began to release, perceiving the surrounding time and space array.

Soon, Lin Fei discovered some patterns.

This time-space formation is similar to the time-space formation that besieged Lin Fei just now.

Even the energy contained is weaker.

Because the strength of these swordsmen army is much weaker than Lin Fei.

Therefore, the ancestor of the sword tyrant is not willing to waste energy and arrange such a powerful formation.

"Finally, I found a way to break the formation."

Lin Fei entered the formation and found a way to break the formation in just a moment, and couldn't help but smile.

At this time, the ancestor of Blademaster had discovered that Lin Fei had entered the formation.

"Warriors of the knife world, kill me and kill all these invaders!"

As a result, the ancestor of the sword tyrant, unable to calm down, immediately issued an order.

He knew that Lin Fei could break the formation.

Immediately, the army of the sword world began to charge, violently, and broke into the big formation.

The ancestor of the sword tyrant moved a corner away from the big formation, so the sword world army can break in smoothly.

"I will break the line now.

Everyone is ready to meet the enemy! "

Lin Fei gave an order.

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Fei's body rushed out, a chain of time and space laws, densely packed, like giant dragons, rushing out in all directions.

Boom...The sky is booming, and the space-time formation that besieged the sword world army is blasted to pieces and turned into nothingness.

"Finally broke!"

The sword world army burst into thunderous cheers.

"Kill the enemy!"

Lin Fei gave an order.

At this time, the troops of the knife world happened to rush over.


Immediately, the army of the sword world burst out with astonishing fighting intent one by one, and greeted them forward.

Lin Fei thought for a while.

Shoo...the heart swords, invisible, colorless and silent, beheaded to the front.

Immediately, all the creatures of the sword world army who rushed to the front fell and died instantly.

Lin Fei's Heart Sword, even the Lord God, was difficult to resist, and ordinary creatures would definitely die.

Moreover, the speed of the heart sword is too fast, and it can hit a large group in an instant.

Shoo... Lin Fei used his heart sword again.

Among the army of the knife world, a large number of creatures fell straight down, bleeding in their mouths and noses.

The bodies of these creatures have been completely destroyed, and the vitality of their bodies is also exhausted in an instant.

Even some gods were killed by Lin Fei's heart sword in an instant.

After Lin Fei used his heart sword twice, the assault troops of the sword world army were basically all dead! In this scene, the swordsmen who followed were extremely frightened, and the pace of the charge was much slower.

Because, just now, the members of the knife world army who rushed in front died too strangely.

Before he started fighting with the enemy, he suddenly fell to the ground and died.

"Master is invincible!"

"It must be Lin Shaoxia! Lin Shaoxia is really amazing!"

...Among the army of the sword world, there burst out carnival sounds, and the army was vigorous.


Under Lin Fei's encouragement, the members of the sword world army, one after another like wolves and tigers, erupted with astonishing fighting power, went forward and slaughtered the sword world army frantically.


Wait for me to study the methods to crack those knife formations.

Without solving these knife formations, it will be difficult to truly defeat the army of the knife world. "

Lin Fei looked at the hundreds of sword formations among the sword world army, secretly said in his heart.

So, Lin Fei sat cross-legged over the battlefield, and began to study the hundreds of sword formations among the sword world army.

"These knife formations, each one, are composed of countless knife repairs.

Every knife repair releases a law and plays a certain role.

Therefore, this knife formation is composed of many different laws.

It is not easy to crack. "

Lin Fei released his divine consciousness, perceiving those sword formations, and carefully studied.

"Okay, kid, you broke so well, right?

Then I will fight you to see how many you can break! "

In the distant time and space, in a special space, the Dao Ba ancestor discovered that Lin Fei had not only broken the formation that surrounded the sword world army, but was also studying how to crack those knife formations.

I couldn't help but become angry.

These formations were all arranged by him himself.

He originally thought that Lin Fei could not crack it.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei cracked it one by one.

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