Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4179: Innovation attempt

In a rage, the Dao Ba ancestor immediately issued an order.

"Give me a hundred eight-revolution knife array!"

The command of the ancestor of the sword tyrant was transmitted to the ears of the leaders of the sword world.

"Follow [New Pen Fun Pavilion] fate!"

A large number of leaders of the knife circle acted immediately and organized a large number of knife repairs.

After a while.

A hundred large sword formations appeared in the sword world, rushing towards the sword world army.

"It's a bit troublesome. The new 100 sword formations seem to be more powerful."

Lin Fei's divine power, perceiving this situation, couldn't help frowning.

The hundreds of sword formations that already existed in the sword world army were already very powerful.

Now suddenly a hundred more powerful sword formations emerged.

"The level of the ancestor of the sword tyrant is really amazing."

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing in her heart.

"Only with this level of formation, he has enough strength to conquer other supreme worlds.

It seems that in the past, the ancestor of the sword tyrant did not pay much attention to the sword world, but just randomly sent some people to the sword world.

Otherwise, he sent these sword formations to the sword world, presumably the sword world had already been conquered. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"Let's hurry up and crack these knife formations first.

It is impossible to conquer the knife world without cracking these sword formations. "

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

So then Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released, and he began to concentrate on researching methods to crack those sword formations.

"The most brilliant thing about these knife formations is that they are composed of countless knife repairs. Each knife repair releases a law and maintains the operation of this law.

In this way, a large number of laws run inside each knife formation to support this knife formation.

Each knife formation is actually equivalent to a small world.

And the energy that maintains these blade formations is the energy of the blade path.

The energy of the knife path, coupled with a large number of laws, makes the power of these knife formations very terrifying.

......" Lin Fei's heart was silently deducing.

"If you want to crack these knife formations, it is best to cut all the laws in the knife formation at the same time.

In this way, the power of these knife formations will drop by more than half.

When I hit, I can break a knife formation.

But it is not easy to cut all the laws in the knife formation at the same time.

Have to think of a way. "

Thinking of this, Lin Fei couldn't help but frown.

"After deliberation, what I can use is my mental strength.

The mental strength is the fastest.

At the same time, you can attack countless knife repairs.

It's just that, I don't know whether the mental attack can cut off the law released by these sword repairs. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"Try it."

Lin Fei immediately showed his energy, and attacked one of the sword formations.

A series of heart swords rushed into the inside of the sword formation quickly and slashed like those sword repair bodies.

The speed of the heart sword is too fast, it can almost attack every knife repair inside the sword formation at the same time.

For an instant, all the sword repairers felt huge pain from the inside of their bodies and screamed.

However, Lin Fei found that the heart swords he had displayed had been affected a bit after attacking the inside of the sword formation, and their power had dropped greatly.

I have to say that these sword formations are really too powerful, even the heart sword can be weakened.

"Cut off those laws directly."

When those sword repairs screamed, Lin Fei used his heart sword again, slashing towards the law released by these sword repairs.

Dangdang...In an instant, I don't know how many laws were cut off.

In the sword formation, more than half of the rules were cut off.

As a result, the power of the sword formation directly dropped by more than half.

However, because of Lin Fei's heart sword, there is no way to directly kill those sword repairs.

So, soon, those knife repairs began to recover.

As a result, the rules of the road came out again.

The power of the sword formation started again and became stronger.

"If it's normal, I can kill all these knife repairs instantly.

But because the sword formation protected them, the Heart Sword that I displayed could only hurt them, but couldn't kill them directly. "

Ye Fei couldn't help but frowned.

Facing these sword formations, Lin Fei felt a sense of helplessness that he could not start.

"Unless I can make a breakthrough above my mental strength.

Only when he was sure that he killed all these sword repairs in an instant, then these sword formations would be broken without attack. "

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

It's just that now, in a battle, how could it be possible to improve one's mental strength all at once.

"Hahaha, boy, now you know how good my sword formations are."

At this time, the proud laugh of the ancestor Blademaster suddenly sounded in Lin Fei's ears.

"Boy, just because you want to provoke my Daoba ancestor, you are not hot enough."

Daoba ancestor laughed very cheerfully.

"Boy, soon, the army you brought will be wiped out.

The sword world will be conquered by me sooner or later.

Inconvenient sword world, all the highest world will fall into my palm and be ruled by me. "

Dao Pao ancestor laughed.

"It's another Emperor Jiang with such a powerful desire to rule.

It seems that there will be such ambitious guys everywhere. "

Lin Fei couldn't help shook his head. The feeling that the ancestor of the sword tyrant gave Lin Fei was the same as that of Di Jiang.

"Don't care about him, let's just break the battle."

Lin Fei shook his head and said to himself.

Next, Lin Fei began to study with great concentration how to crack the knife formation.

"Perhaps, I can try to add some of my rules to the heart sword.

In this way, I don't know if the power will be stronger. "

Suddenly, Lin Fei thought of this.

If it was before, Lin Fei would not dare to think like this.

However, Lin Fei's cultivation level above his mental strength has been greatly improved.

The understanding of the nature of mind power is also getting deeper and deeper. Perhaps, we can make some innovations.

So Lin Fei acted immediately.

The law that Lin Fei is best at now is naturally the law of reincarnation.

So Lin Fei tried to add the law of reincarnation in the heart sword.

This attempt is a very bold attempt.

Because the law and mind force are two completely different categories.

It's as if the physical power is as different as the spiritual energy.

It's just that Lin Fei is not a conservative person in martial arts. On the contrary, Lin Fei has always tried many innovations in martial arts.

Next, Lin Fei continued to deduct and try.

The law of reincarnation, and the sword of the heart, are constantly being displayed and continuously integrated.

"Hmph, kid, no matter what you are doing, it is impossible to break my knife formation!"

In the distance, Dao Pao ancestor saw Lin Feipan sitting in the void, and he kept deducing, couldn't help but snorted.

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