Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4183: Explosion

"It's not over yet, how come this Dao Pao ancestor always uses formations to attack me.

And he himself has not shown his face! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being a little irritable.

It's just that there is no way, the formation cultivation base of this sword tyrant ancestor is really too powerful.

Each of the arrays laid out was powerful and made Lin Fei feel quite a headache.

Lin Fei felt the Eight Yin Chaos Sword Technique in front of him, the power was terrifying.

Compared with all the formations just now, it is much more powerful.

Although the name is Sword Technique, but in essence, it is a set of sword formations.

"Hey, kid, this Eight Yin Chaos Sword Technique is my trick.

If you can break this set of swordsmanship, I really admire you.

But this is impossible.

You can't break it.

So, be obedient to die. "

The proud laugh of the ancestor Blademaster sounded in Lin Fei's ears.

While speaking, the ancestor Blademaster released more blade energy, maintaining the operation of this Eight Yin Chaos Blade Technique.

The eight terrifying dragons launched a crazy attack on Lin Fei.

Lin Fei had no choice but to challenge.

Fortunately, Lin Fei's swordsmanship level is also very good.

Coupled with the swordsmanship of the reincarnation of the years, fight with the eight dragons.

Boom...Eight wandering dragons, soaring in the void, powerful and powerful.

Lin Fei was forced to retreat continuously, and even, constantly struck, wounds began to appear on his body, **** and dangerous.

Fortunately, Lin Fei's body speed is very fast, a path of reincarnation appeared at Lin Fei's feet, continuously extending towards the unknown void.

This makes Lin Fei's figure erratic and difficult to capture.

Therefore, most of the attacks on the eight roaming dragons were missed.

"Really strong.

The energy possessed by these eight roaming dragons is terrible.

With every blow, it is estimated that a master **** can be killed! It's just that the energy consumption of such an attack on terror should also be very large.

The ancestor of the sword tyrant, it is estimated that it is just a mark of the soul left by a chaos god.

Can he sustain such a huge consumption.

Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of this Eight Yin Chaos Sword Technique is that it consumes too much! "

As Lin Fei challenged, he carefully observed and studied the eight roaming dragons, and soon gained some experience.

"It seems that it can only be consumed."

Lin Fei felt a little helpless.

at this time.

The sword world army and the sword world army began a melee.

The hundreds of sword formations of the sword world army had all been broken by Lin Fei.

Therefore, the current battle situation, the sword world army began to gain the upper hand.

More than three hundred main gods rushed and killed, the sword world army began to be unable to resist, and kept retreating.

The ancestor of Daoba looked very anxious.

However, he is not the one who can arrange endless arrays.

Every time an array is arranged, a certain energy law and corresponding array resources are consumed.

Such as formation base, formation flag and so on.

Therefore, looking at the sword world army and beginning to be defeated, the ancestor of the sword tyrant is also a little helpless and can only do it in a hurry.

"Blame this kid! It's damned.

Crack all the formations under my arrangement.

It's so annoying! "

The ancestor Blademaster looked at Lin Fei with an angry look.


The sword world army, one by one, descended like a tiger, and under the leadership of more than three hundred main gods, rushed towards the sword world army.

The army of the knife world was defeated and began to flee everywhere.

"Report to the master that we have already occupied the knife world, about one-half of the territory!"

Diqian sent a voice transmission to Lin Fei to report.

"Very well, continue to fight, and strive to occupy the entire knife world."

Lin Fei nodded.

At this time, Lin Fei was still fighting the eight wandering dragons, rumbling and bursting out of amazing energy.

"Damn, how can this kid's combat effectiveness be so durable! If this continues, my Eight Yin Chaos Sword Technique will run out of energy sooner or later, and it will be cracked!"

Daoba ancestor is a little anxious.

This Eight Yin Chaos Sword Technique, although it is very powerful.

However, to maintain the attack of the eight roaming dragons, the energy required to consume is too huge.

The ancestor of the sword tyrant continues to extract the energy and laws of the sword world to supplement the eight dragons.

However, the speed of replenishment is far inferior to the speed of consumption.

"Damn it, if my body is still there, killing this kid would be as easy as killing an ant.

I am really being bullied by a dog now! "

Dao Pao ancestor couldn't help sighing.

He was just a mark of the soul, and the strength he possessed was far too far away from the main body.

"Well, since the Eight Yin Chaos Sword Technique cannot be maintained for too long.

Simply, let these eight wandering dragons blast together and die together with that kid. "

Suddenly, Dao Pao ancestor gritted his teeth and said.

I saw him squeeze the magic tactics, and hit eight mysterious formation runes far away at the eight dragons.


Dao Pa ancestor gave a soft drink.

Boom... The breath of the eight wandering dragons began to become violent.

The speed of wandering is also suddenly accelerated.

Moreover, the body keeps swelling up.

"not good!"

Lin Fei's face changed slightly and he found something.

Hush... Lin Fei used his body skills to the extreme, and runes related to reincarnation were continuously released from his body.

The path of reincarnation at the foot, as if lifelike, began to swing slightly.

Lin Fei's figure became more illusory and unpredictable, as if walking in a certain distant time and space, completely unpredictable.

next moment.

Boom...Eight wandering dragons rushed towards Lin Fei at the same time, and then exploded together.

Rumble... The terrifying explosion energy, vast and mighty, instantly drowned this space and time.

Everything in this time and space is directly destroyed, directly annihilated, and disappeared.

Including, Lin Fei is also gone.

"the host!"

"No, Lin Shaoxia seems to have something wrong!"

...All the members of the sword world army screamed in panic.

They knew that once Lin Fei had an accident, none of the members of the sword world could escape, and they would definitely end up miserably.

Because only Lin Fei has the strength to fight against the ancestor of the sword tyrant.

Boom... The terrible explosion continues.

That piece of time and space has completely disappeared and turned into an absolute void.

"Haha, boy, now, you **** it.

Know that my Daoba ancestor's formation is amazing. "

The ancestor Blademaster laughed when he saw this.

He felt that under such a big explosion, Lin Fei should have been blown to pieces and completely annihilated.

"Huh, swordsmen warriors, now, start the counterattack.

Those swordsmen army, don't let it go, kill them all. "

The indifferent and ruthless voice of the ancestor of the sword resonated throughout the sword world.

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