Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4184: The victory of the sword world

"It's the ancestor of Daoba! His old man, he has come out to call on us again!"

"With the ancestor of the sword tyrant, our sword world is invincible, so don't be afraid of those in the sword world!"

"Follow the orders of the Daoba ancestors and start the counterattack!"

...In the knife world, those creatures in the knife world have been chased and killed to escape, their military spirit has been lost, and their morale is low, but when they hear the voice of the ancestor of the sword, they all seem to have beaten a chicken. Bloody, start to cheer up again.

Just now, the ancestor of the sword tyrant was busy fighting Lin Fei, wholeheartedly maintaining the Eight Yin Chaos Sword Technique and attacking Lin Fei. Therefore, there was no extra energy to pay attention to these swordsmen army.

Now, the ancestor of the sword tyrant finally has time to lead the army of the sword world again.

"The ancestor of the sword tyrant has ordered, and immediately counterattack!"

In the knife world, all creatures regrouped, and soon, a huge army of the knife world regrouped and appeared in the void of the knife world.

"Where is the master?"

"What happened to the master!"

"Where is Shaoxia Lin?"

...The members of the sword world army are looking for Lin Fei.

Everyone knows that if Lin Fei is here, this war may be won.

If something happens to Lin Fei, this war will undoubtedly be defeated.

"Dear warriors of the sword world, don't worry, I am now arranging hundreds of sword formations."

The ancestor of the sword tyrant said loudly, the rumbling voice passed through the sword world.


Boom... one after another new knife formations began to appear.

In a moment, hundreds of sword formations appeared in front of the army of the sword world, and every sword formation exuded powerful array energy.

"Warriors of the sword world! Charge! Kill all the invaders!"

The voice of the ancestor of the sword tyrant spread throughout the sword world.


The army of the knife world launched an assault, and their morale rose.

With those hundreds of sword formations, the army of the sword world has gained confidence.

Just now.

"Haha, the ancestor of the sword tyrant, it is these sword formations again, your hole cards, I am afraid you are exhausted."

A loud laughter suddenly sounded.


A figure came slowly from the void in the distance.

It is Lin Fei.

The voice fell off.

Shoo... Lin Fei immediately used his heart sword, attached the law of reincarnation, and attacked those sword formations.


Lin Fei waved.


The swordsmen army, seeing Lin Fei reappear, all were extremely pleasantly surprised, morale boosted, confidence returned, and immediately launched a crazy attack.

Shoo... Lin Fei continued to use a large number of heart swords, constantly attacking the inside of those sword formations.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...the inside of the hundreds of sword formations, there were constant screams, the knife repairs inside the sword formations, each painful face was distorted, and they found that their energy and laws could not be used normally. Come out and blend into the knife formation.

Lin Fei had already had experience in cracking these knife formations, and the methods he showed were very effective.

"Strongly break the line!"

Lin Fei sent a sound transmission, instructing the **** slaves under his hand to attack those sword formations.

Boom...The sword formations were shattered continuously one after another, and the knives inside were repaired, causing heavy casualties.

"How is it possible! You kid, you are still alive! Roar..." Seeing this scene, the ancestor of the sword tyrant couldn't help but roared.


The sword world army descended like a tiger one by one, unstoppable.

Boom...In the army of the knife world, those hundreds of knife formations were constantly being broken, and terrible explosions occurred.


Those hundreds of sword formations were all broken! In this way, the sword world army would completely lose the strength to resist.

A real defeat! Under the frenzied rush of the sword world army, the members of the sword world army began to run for their lives everywhere, very embarrassed.

"Now, old man, it's my turn to shoot you."

Lin Fei's gaze stared at the location of the ancestor Blade Tyrant, with a sneer.

Lin Fei had already locked the position of Dao Pao Patriarch.

In the void, Lin Fei walked step by step towards the position where the ancestor of the sword tyrant was.

"Hoho...boy, your life is so big.

The explosion of the Eight Yin Chaos Sword Art actually did no harm to you. "

The ancestor of the sword tyrant was so angry that he kept roaring.

His various methods were of no use to Lin Fei, and he was extremely frightened.

Just now, when the eight swimming dragons exploded together, fortunately, Lin Fei had a feeling in advance. At a critical time, he desperately urged the body technique to use the body technique speed to the extreme level, on the path of reincarnation, desperately run.

Finally, he left early, avoided the terrible explosion of the eight dragons, and escaped.

Otherwise, Lin Fei estimated that even if he did not die, he would definitely be seriously injured! The powerful sense of consciousness and clever body skills saved Lin Fei's life.

"Old guy, since you can't kill, now, it's time to worry about yourself."

Lin Fei sneered, a murderous voice resounded in the knife world.

"Boy, just rely on you, do you want to kill me?

Haha, you are too naive.

I used to be a chaos god.

In the eyes of Chaos God, all of you creatures are ants, no, not even ants.

I am now, even if the tiger falls into the sun, you can't hurt it! "

Dao Pao ancestor laughed wildly.

It seems that he still has a hole card.

Lin Fei couldn't help but frown.

It is also true that a chaotic god, even if it only leaves a mark of the soul, it will definitely be a very scary existence.

"Hmph, I don't care what **** you are, since I provoke me and don't kill you, I will never stop."

Lin Fei said with a cold snort.

Step by step, he walked towards the position of Dao Pao ancestor.

The time and space of the sword world seemed to be endless, and it was much larger than the sword world.

Lin Fei had been away for most of the day, but unexpectedly, he still hadn't reached the place where the ancestor Daoba was.


Something is wrong.

It turned out that the old guy had arranged a space-time formation to hide himself.

No wonder, I have been walking for most of the day, but I haven't found him. "

Suddenly, Lin Fei stopped and suddenly realized.

"The ancestor of the sword tyrant has such a great level of formation. It is very normal to set up a space-time formation to hide his position.

I almost didn't expect it. "

Lin Fei said.

Therefore, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released, and he began to look for the accurate position of Dao Ba ancestor.

at this time.

The war between the sword world army and the sword world army is coming to an end.

The sword world army has already occupied the sword world, 70% to 80% of the territory! For the rest, there is a part of the territory, and the swordsmen gather a large number of creatures to defend them.

There is also a part of the territory, which is some dangerous places, Jedi, secret realms, or deserted voids.

Those **** slaves under Lin Fei happily reported the results to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei expressed satisfaction and nodded.

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