Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4185: Find the Dao Pao ancestor

"Now, there is only one goal left."

Lin Fei's gaze, looking in the direction of Daoba Patriarch, said to himself.

The army of the knife world is no longer a climate.

The sword world army, with more than three hundred main gods, can completely crush the entire sword world.

However, the ancestor of the sword master is the most important force in the sword world.

As long as the ancestor of the sword tyrant is still there, the sword world will not be considered defeated, and it will definitely make a comeback.

The imprint of the soul left by a chaos **** is by no means simple.

Must have all sorts of ways against the sky.

Who knows, what terrible means will the Daoba ancestors come up with?

Therefore, only by killing this knife patriarch can we truly conquer the knife world. Lin Fei naturally understands this truth.

Therefore, Lin Fei no longer pays attention to the war between the sword world army and the sword world army, only to find the ancestor of the sword tyrant and destroy him, and the war will be truly won.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released, just sensing and searching.

Lin Fei could only vaguely discover the location of the ancestor of the sword tyrant, but it was impossible for a while to accurately lock the specific location.

Lin Fei knew that it was because the ancestor Blademaster had arranged a very clever space-time formation that covered him up.

"I'm going to break the formation again, how do I feel that the ancestor of the sword tyrant's formation level is much better than his sword skill level.

It can be said that this Dao Ba ancestor is the existence with the highest formation level I have ever seen.

It seems that the master's formation level of the statue in the Valley of Fallen God is not comparable to him. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Lin Fei sat down cross-legged, unleashing his divine consciousness and the laws of time and space, surging out mightily, perceiving the entire sword world.

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed.

The war between the sword world army and the sword world army is coming to an end. The sword world army has won a big victory and occupied most of the sword world's territory, while the sword world army is desperately defending some of the last territories and struggling to support it.

"Great Patriarch Ancestor, come out and save us quickly."

"Ancestor Blademaster, our sword world is about to end, and only your old man can save our sword world."

"Great Patriarch, where did you go?

Hurry up! "

...This is everywhere in the sword world, with prayers, countless creatures in the sword world are calling their sword patriarch.

But what disappointed them was that Daoba Patriarch didn't reply.

At this time, the ancestor of the sword tyrant was desperately condensing his breath, evading Lin Fei's search, there is no time to pay attention to these creatures in the sword world.

Dao Pao ancestor knew that Lin Fei's combat power was terrible, and if Lin Fei were to find him, his situation would be very troublesome.

As the two army wars came to an end, the sword world slowly began to become quiet.

Lin Fei had been sitting in the void, looking for the location of the ancestor of the sword tyrant.

However, the time and space formations laid out by the ancestor of the sword tyrant were very clever, and Lin Fei thought it would be difficult to find his whereabouts in a moment.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month passed.

"It seems a little eyebrow."

One day, Lin Fei's heart was suddenly a little surprised, his eyes turned in a certain direction, and he looked over.

In that direction, the ancestor Blademaster had the strongest aura, and there were some slight temporal and spatial fluctuations.

"It seems that it should be that place."

How powerful is Lin Fei's divine consciousness, once Lin Fei's target is locked, it is very difficult to escape Lin Fei's divine consciousness.

Lin Fei stood up and strode in that direction.

"Damn it, it looks like it was discovered by that kid."

The ancestor of Blade Tyrant couldn't help being furious and roared in a low voice.

Even, he suddenly regretted it, maybe he shouldn't provoke this terrible young man.

Now it is equal to the upper body! After a while, Lin Fei walked to a place and stopped.

"If I didn't guess wrong, it should be here."

Lin Fei looked into the depths of the void.

This place is a very remote and inaccessible place in the knife world.

Looking around, there is a confused and confused void.

Lin Fei stood in this place, the power of divine consciousness extended into the depths of the void, felt it for a while, and then stepped into the depths of the void.

Soon, a bright sword appeared in front of Lin Fei's eyes.

That sword is very huge, lying in the depths of the void, at least, it is hundreds of millions of miles long! Above the blade, a dreadful glow of horrible blades radiated from the blade, surrounded by chain-like laws of the sword, with clear roars from time to time.

"Ancestor Blademaster, you can't hide, I know you must be in this sword.

Unexpectedly, the famous ancestor of the sword tyrant turned out to be just an incomplete imprint of the soul, and has been hiding in this sword, and there is no way to leave this sword.

Perhaps to some extent, you have become the spirit of this sword. "

Lin Fei looked at the sword, then said with a sneer.

"Hoho...arrogant kid! You are looking for death, so you dare to speak to me in such a tone!"

A roar came from the inside of the sword.

Then, a tall figure slowly emerged from the sword and appeared above the sword.

It was a middle-aged man braving flames, looking at Lin Fei with an angry look.

This middle-aged man is naturally the ancestor of the sword tyrant.

"Lin Fei, if you dare to come to me, are you impatient?"

The words of the ancestor of the sword tyrant are full of murderousness.

"Haha, Dao Pao ancestor, if you could kill me, I would have done it a long time ago, should I wait till now?

Don't say these, useless words. "

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing.

"Huh! Boy, you are right, I really can't kill you now.

But you can't move me either.

It's no use even if you find me.

This war knife, but the weapon of the sword tyrant my ancestor, depends on you, can't move this war knife at all.

Boy, I advise you to leave the knife world with your men and horses immediately.

From now on, the well water between you and me will not be against the river. "

Lin Fei said with a cold snort.

"I just want to make peace with me now. Isn't it too late?

Since I have come here, it is impossible for me to make peace with you.

Patriarch ancestor, do you think you are hiding in this sword, I can't help you.

I don't think so. From now on, I will study this sword. I believe there will always be a way to kill you. "

Lin Fei said with a sneer.

Then Lin Fei's gaze began to look at the huge sword in front of him.

I have to say that the weapon left by a Chaos God is indeed no trivial matter.

Even Lin Fei was slightly surprised by the breath of this sword.

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