Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4186: Shouldn't provoke him

"Well, boy, let me see how you can handle this sword of mine!"

Dao Pa ancestor said angrily.

He has confidence in his own sword.

You know, this is the weapon he used in his heyday.

"This sword is indeed very powerful.

But you can't do it anymore.

Dao Pao ancestor, you are just a mark of the soul now, and you are still an incomplete mark of the soul, you simply can't control this sword.

So, now, this battle sword is in a silent state, you are just hiding in the battle sword, and surviving.

If you could still control this sword, I would have avoided it long ago.

It is impossible to provoke you.

It's a pity that a dignified chaos **** has fallen to this point, and was bullied by my junior boy, ha ha, don't you feel very aggrieved? "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Boy! You..." Daoba ancestor was so angry that he couldn't speak, because every word that Lin Fei said was correct.

He wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute.

Lin Fei seems to have thoroughly understood his details! In front of Lin Fei, he really seemed to have nothing to brag about! "Haha, it's just that I don't understand one thing.

What you are good at should be Dao Dao.

But why, your formation level is higher than your sword path cultivation base.

Could it be that over the years, you have changed your career, instead of practicing swordsmanship, you have specialized in researching formations? "

Lin Fei was slightly curious.

"Huh, kid, you can't control these things.

I admit that now, I really can't help you.

It's just the same for you, I can't help it! I advise you to leave quickly and don't waste time here. "

Dao Pao Ancestor said coldly.

"I don't believe it, I want to try, in the end, can I kill you."

Lin Fei sneered.

"Boy, let's wait and see!"

The ancestor of the sword tyrant was furious.

I think back then, as a Chaos God, how beautiful he was, how high above him, all the creatures in the world, in front of him, are like ants, insignificant.

However, now, a younger generation boy keeps saying that he will be killed.

By the way, he couldn't do anything about it.

"Then just wait and see."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

Then, the ancestor of Daoba didn't make any sound.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness cautiously extended towards the sword.

This was a weapon left by the Chaos God, Lin Fei did not dare to neglect.

Boom...Sure enough, when Lin Fei's divine consciousness was about to approach the sword, suddenly, a terrifying sword energy burst out from the sword and turned into a huge blade of light towards Lin Fei. Beheaded.

"very scary!"

Lin Fei was taken aback, his figure flashed, and he immediately showed off his body, a path of reincarnation appeared at his feet, and Lin Fei ran desperately on this path.

Boom...The blade light rubbed Lin Fei's side and killed him. The fierce and terrifying energy of the blade shook Lin Fei, causing a slight pain in his body.

"It's terrible, I guess, if I escape a bit slower, this knife can cut me to pieces."

Lin Fei stood still, wiped a cold sweat, and said inwardly.

"Haha, kid, you know it's amazing.

You should be thankful that my ancestors are now unable to control this sword.

Otherwise, this knife will be enough, and it will kill you! "

The proud laughter of the ancestor of the sword tyrant came from the sword.

"Hmph, don't be happy, it's just the beginning."

Lin Fei gave a cold snort.

Next, Lin Fei kept trying, unleashing the power of divine consciousness, and perceiving the past towards the sword.

However, every time when the divine consciousness was about to approach the battle sword, the battle sword would react, bursting out a blade of light, and beheaded to Lin Fei.

Fortunately, that sword was just out of an instinctive reaction, so the blade light that was slashed out was only a very small part of its energy.

Lin Fei can avoid it.

"Damn, the things of the Chaos God are really not trivial."

Lin Fei was a little mouse dragging the egg, feeling helpless.

However, Lin Fei did not give up.

Lin Fei knew that if he wanted to deal with the Patriarch Patriarch, he had to figure out the sword, find the opportunity, and act against the Patriarch Patriarch.

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed.

Lin Fei has been standing in the depths of the void, facing the sword, conducting research.

"Report to the master that we have already occupied 90% of the territory of the knife world.

However, the army of the knife world still refused to surrender, entrenched in the final territory and defended firmly. "

Tian Can sent Lin Fei a voice of divine consciousness.

"The territories we have already occupied, we are transforming."

Tian Can continued.

"Well, you can figure it out."

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei's thoughts are all on the sword, and he doesn't care much about the situation in the knife world.

"By the way, master, there are many sword shrines in the knife world. Those sword shrines are not simple. They contain terrible sword energy and sword principles.

Originally, we planned to tear down those sword shrines, but even the main **** cannot deal with them. "

Tian Can continued.


Is it so powerful?

Those sword shrines, who are they enshrined? "

Lin Fei was taken aback and asked.

"Listen to those creatures in the knife world that all those enshrined in those knife temples are the ancestors of the sword tyrant.

These knife shrines are located in almost every world and every corner of the knife world.

It is the most sacred place in the minds of those in the knife world. "

Dao Can replied.

"That's it."

Lin Fei nodded.

"I gonna go see."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said suddenly.

"No! That kid actually planned to destroy my knife shrine!"

Among the swords, the ancestor of the sword tyrant could not help being shocked.

"The big thing is not good! Those sword shrines are the root of my existence.

If those sword shrines are destroyed, I will be done! "

Dao Pa ancestor was truly frightened.

This is one of his secrets.

This imprint of his soul is incomplete, hiding in this sword.

And those sword temples were built by him.

Over the years, he has been relying on the beliefs collected in the knife temple to heal and recover.

It can be said that those sword temples are his hope for recovery.

Over the years, the reason why he has allowed the army of the knife world to fight everywhere is to build more knife temples in more territories and collect more faith energy! As long as there are sword repairs and visits in those sword temples, they will contribute corresponding energy, laws, vitality sources and other things, which will be transmitted to the ancestor of the sword and become the energy for his recovery.

Now, if Lin Fei made a move to destroy those sword shrines and the ancestors of the sword tyrants, it would be equivalent to losing the energy to recover.

"How good is this! I really shouldn't provoke this terrible young kid!"

At this time, Daoba ancestor felt a deep regret.

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