Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4187: Research knife temple

After a while.

Lin Fei followed Tian Can to a plane in the sword world.

This plane is now occupied by the sword world army.

"Sure enough, there are many sword shrines."

Lin Fei released his divine consciousness, and immediately found countless sword shrines in this plane.

Almost, in every interface, on every star, there are many sword temples.

"Master, these sword shrines, even if they are the main gods, are difficult to destroy. They are very strange.

Moreover, all the sword temples seem to be connected to each other. "

Tian Can said.

"Even the main **** cannot be destroyed. Are these sword temples so powerful?"

Lin Fei is a little strange.

"I gonna go see."

Lin Fei walked towards a star in the plane.

This star is very huge, slowly moving in the cosmic starry sky.

Above the stars, there are countless creatures inhabited. Almost all creatures are mainly practicing swordsmanship.

However, at this time, there are already many swordsmen armies stationed in this star to control this star.

Lin Fei and Tian Can, Long landing on the stars, came to one of the sword shrines.

This is an ancient temple, which looks solemn and solemn.

Around the ancestral temple, one after another sword-like energy, cut vertically and horizontally.

Every sword aura seemed to contain supreme magical powers, all kinds of sword moves, murderous aura.

Any sword aura has the aura of dominance and wildness, and any sword aura has indestructible power.

Moreover, every sword qi gives people an invisible mental pressure.

"Really good."

Lin Fei could not help nodding.

If it is a person who practices swordsmanship, standing here and observing, he will definitely make progress by leaps and bounds.

At the same time, Lin Fei also felt that the sword temple in front of him seemed to have established a connection with the sword that the ancestor of the sword tyrant hid through some kind of channel.

"Sure enough, this sword temple is sending energy to the ancestor of the sword tyrant. He is an incomplete imprint of the soul. It seems that he intends to use this method to slowly repair it.

This Dao Pao ancestor is really amazing.

It's worthy of being the imprint of a chaotic god, and there are so many things to understand. "

Lin Fei could not help but nodded secretly.

"If these sword shrines are destroyed, then the ancestor of the sword tyrant will lose the source of energy and will be greatly injured.

At that time, even if I don't kill him, he will become very troublesome.

After all, an incomplete mark of the soul, the energy will definitely be slowly consumed and become weaker and weaker. "

Lin Fei observed for a while and knew how important these sword shrines were to the ancestors of the sword tyrants.

"It's no wonder that the ancestor of the sword tyrant sent soldiers from the sword world to invade other high worlds everywhere. He wanted to gain more territory and enslaved more creatures. Then, he built more sword shrines and collected more energy. , Used to repair.

Unfortunately, he met me.

Originally, he wanted to gain energy and repair himself, there was nothing to say.

However, his methods are too cruel.

Over the years, invading the sword world, I don't know how many lives were killed.

Letting him stay is a great disaster for other creatures in the world. "

Lin Fei sneered.

"The sword temple that the main **** can't destroy, let me try it."

Lin Fei stepped forward, stretched out his palm, and swiped forward, a sword light, dazzling, slashed toward the sword shrine.

Boom... Immediately, the sword shrine was reacted, and it started to shake gently, bursting out a dazzling sword light towards Lin Fei's sword light, resisting it.

Boom...The horrible impact energy continued to explode and spread.

Swish...Lin Fei kept making moves, displaying the sword of reincarnation for the coming years, and slashed out in a row, with more than a dozen sword lights, dazzling, and violently beheaded towards the sword shrine.

Boom... That sword shrine was also constantly bursting out, and more blade lights, and Lin Fei's attacks, kept colliding with each other, without losing the wind.

"how is this possible!"

Lin Fei was shocked.

You must know that Lin Fei's strength is many times stronger than that of the general Lord God.

Actually, it was impossible to destroy this sword shrine.

"There must be something weird in this.

There are too many such sword shrines in the sword world to calculate.

If it was just one of the sword shrines, it had the power to fight me, it would be too scary. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but think about it.

"Could it be that the ancestors of the sword tyrants moved their hands and feet in these sword temples, or what kind of formations have been arranged, so that these sword temples have such a powerful resistance.

Well, it seems that I have to study it again. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

The sword that the ancestor of the sword tyrant hid was so powerful that he couldn't get close at all.

The best way to deal with the ancestors of the sword tyrant, if possible, is to start with these sword temples in front of you.

However, unexpectedly, these sword shrines are actually so difficult to deal with.

"I want to study this sword shrine."

Lin Fei said to Tian Can.

"Master, I understand.

I will not disturb the master. "

Tiancan left quickly.

Lin Fei sat down cross-legged and began to study the sword temple in front of him.

Lin Fei's mental power was released and slowly approached the sword temple.

Sw sw swah...a sharp blade of light, constantly slashing towards Lin Fei's divine consciousness, to cut Lin Fei's divine consciousness into pieces.

There are even a large number of blade lights, along Lin Fei's divine consciousness, towards Lin Fei's divine soul body, and beheaded to destroy Lin Fei's divine consciousness.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness, the closer to the sword temple, there will be more and more violent sword light, blade intent, and sword energy, coming out of the sword temple, and launching an attack on Lin Fei.

"It's just a knife temple, and it actually has such a terrible defensive ability."

Lin Fei could not help but sigh secretly in his heart.

It's just that Lin Fei was not in a hurry, patiently, and studied slowly.

Because Lin Fei had a hunch that these sword temples, perhaps, were the only way to deal with the ancestors of the sword tyrants.

Just now, Lin Fei sensed that when the Daoba ancestor knew that he was going to see these sword shrines, the Daoba ancestor had an expression of anxious, panic and fright! That shows that the ancestors of the sword tyrants care about these sword shrines! Time passed slowly.

Before I knew it, a few months passed.

Most of the territory of the sword world is already firmly controlled by the sword world army.

In the entire sword world, you can see that there are creatures from the sword world coming and going.

In the past few months, Lin Fei's divine consciousness has gotten closer and closer to the sword temple.

"With a distance of about 500 meters, my divine consciousness can completely perceive and enter the inside of this sword temple, and then I can know its details.

Once this sword shrine is cracked, it is estimated that the ancestor of the sword master will be finished. "

Lin Fei's face showed a sneer.

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