Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4192: Formation inheritance

"His level of sword skills, compared to the ancestor of the sword tyrant, seems to be only strong but not weak!"

"How is this possible? He is a member of the sword world, how can he have such a powerful sword skill!"

...In the knife world, each knife repairer looked at Lin Fei with shocked eyes.

Even the main gods of the knife world were shocked one by one. They found that the level of the sword way that Lin Fei showed was much stronger than them.

"In the future, the knife world will be ruled by me, whoever refuses to accept it, now, stand up."

Lin Fei's gaze slowly scanned the entire knife world, and said lightly.

Around him, the five or six golden dragons were roaring and roaring, causing the entire sword world to sway and shake.

All the sword world, you look at me, I look at you, no one dare to speak.

Lin Fei's level of swordsmanship was actually convinced by most of the sword repairers.

In addition, just now, the ancestor of the sword tyrant also personally came forward to hand over the rule of the sword world to Lin Fei.

Therefore, in the minds of most of the sword repairs, it is actually already a default.

However, there are also several main gods who are a little dissatisfied.

Moreover, my heart is full of various questions.

For more than a year, the sword world has been ruled by the sword world army.

The ancestor of the sword tyrant disappeared for more than a year for no reason. Now, as soon as he appeared, he suddenly wanted to give up the dominance of the sword world.

Moreover, a person from the sword world suddenly possessed such a powerful sword skill level.

Several master gods in the knife world felt that this was full of all kinds of doubts.

"Old ancestors, is there any internal information in this?

How can the rule of our sword world be handed over to a kid from the sword world.

In this way, in the future, we..." A sword master **** stood up and asked the ancestor of the sword tyrant who was standing on the tall sword pillar.

Huh...His words were not finished yet, the ancestor of the sword tyrant waved his hand, and a thick blade of light slashed away.

With a bang.

The main **** of the sword world exploded on the spot.

"My Daoba ancestor is doing things, when will it be your turn to question.

Lin Fei will rule the knife world in the future. This is an order, not a discussion with you.

Do you know it? "

The words of the Patriarch's ancestor were full of domineering and threatening.

"The Patriarch Patriarch, spare your life!"

The soul body of the master of the sword world appeared in the void, so scared that he quickly begged the ancestor of the sword for mercy.

He knew that with his strength, Dao Pao Ancestor wanted to kill him too easily.

"Do you dare to disobey my order?"

Dao Pao ancestor looked at him with a sneer.

"Don't dare."

The master **** of the sword world was trembling with fear, extremely scared.

He knew that the ancestor of Daoba was a moody, murderous person, and once angered, he would definitely kill.

"Well, I will emphasize it again.

From now on, the knife world will be ruled by Lin Fei.

This is an order.

Those who dare not follow, cut! "

After speaking, the figure of the ancestor Blademaster, and the thick blade pillar under his feet, began to slowly disappear.

Only Lin Fei was left standing in the void.

"See Master Lin Fei!"

Suddenly, Dao Xiuyao bowed to Lin Fei and fell to the ground, shouting loudly.

Someone took the lead, and the other knife repairs also started, knelt down to Ye Fei one after another, kowtow to worship.

Then, in the entire knife world, all the sword repairs fell to the ground.

Lin Fei, formally rule the knife world! "Master is mighty!"

"Lin Shaoxia's methods are too powerful!"

...The army of the sword world is all surprised and happy.

It means that from now on, the sword world has become a subsidiary force of the sword world.

"Well, from now on, the sword world army will go back to the sword world.

The creatures of the knife world return to normal order.

The war is over. "

Standing in the center of the knife world, Lin Fei said loudly.

"Great, our home can be restored."

"We can finally go home."

... After listening to Lin Fei's order, both the creatures of the sword world and the creatures of the sword world were all cheered.

After all, in such a large-scale war, whether it is lost or won, there will be a lot of deaths on both sides.

Therefore, the people on both sides are actually very eager for the war to end.

Now, the war is finally over! "Heaven is crippled, you bring back the army of the sword world."

Lin Fei's gaze looked at the broken world.

With the help of Lin Fei, he is now the most powerful person in the sword world.

Under normal circumstances, the sword world is actually governed by the two of them.


The world is incomplete, and he absolutely obeys Lin Fei's orders.

As a result, the world was broken, and immediately led the army of the sword world, left the sword world, sent a large formation from that cross-border, and sent back to the sword world.

"This large cross-border teleportation formation can only be built at the level of the Daoba ancestor."

Lin Fei looked at the large cross-border teleportation array and couldn't help sighing.

"By the way, according to the ancestor of the sword tyrant, part of the formation inheritance is engraved in this battle sword.

The ancestor of the sword tyrant is the sword spirit of this sword, who controls that part of the formation inheritance.

So, now, I have refined the ancestor of the sword tyrant and become the new master of this sword. Then, that part of the formation inheritance, isn't it, it belongs to me.

OK, I will look for it now! "

Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved.

So Lin Fei immediately searched inside the sword.

"found it!"

Sure enough, after a while, Lin Fei found a lot of formation inheritance inside the sword.

These formation inheritances are the most brilliant formation inheritance that Lin Fei has seen so far, none of them! "Haha, great.

From now on, my level of formation will definitely improve greatly! "

Lin Fei laughed.

So Lin Fei began to study the level of these formations.

Lin Fei is already the master of this battle sword, and these formation inheritance have become part of this battle sword. Therefore, Lin Fei wants to control these formation inheritance, it is too simple.

In just one month, Lin Fei had completely mastered the formation inheritance in the battle sword.

By now, Lin Fei's formation level had reached the same level as that of Daoba Patriarch.

"These formations are inherited from a chaos god, and that chaos **** is called the ancestor of the formation.

The inheritance of these formations in the sword is just part of the inheritance of the ancestor of the formation.

From this point of view, the ancestor of the formation level, I don't know how high it is. "

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing in her heart.

Lin Fei put away the saber and walked in the knife world.

"Meet Master Lin Fei!"

In the knife world, every knife repairer, seeing Lin Fei, all bowed respectfully.

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