Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4193: Yanlong Realm

Now, these sword repairers have accepted the fact that Lin Fei is the ruler of the sword world.

On the one hand, this was ordered by the ancestor of the sword tyrant himself, and on the other hand, the terrifying skill of the swordsmanship demonstrated by Lin Fei also convinced the sword repairman.

Moreover, more importantly, with Lin Fei, the ruler, the war in the knife world has completely ended in the past few years and peace has been restored.

During this period of time, the reconstruction of the knife industry began, and all religions and races began to develop, and gradually, there was a sense of prosperity.

"Meet Master Lin Fei."

Lin Fei was walking around in the knife world. Suddenly, dozens of the main gods of the knife world appeared, and they came to Lin Fei's body and saluted respectfully.

The master gods of these swords world knew that Lin Fei's sword skills were far more advanced than them.

Therefore, they acted very humble in front of Lin Fei and did not dare to show any disrespect.

"From now on, things in the knife world are generally determined and handled by you.

When I have free time, I will come to the knife world from time to time.

Remember, let this world prosper and be free, and you don't need to control too much. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Master Lin Fei, this..." The dozens of master gods in the knife world were all taken aback.

Lin Fei's intention was clearly to let them manage this knife world.

This makes them a little uncomfortable.

You know, before, when the Dao Ba ancestor managed the knife world, the entire knife world, no matter how big or small, was almost all decided by the Dao Ba ancestor himself.

Even these main gods can only follow the orders of the Dao Ba ancestors.

Therefore, these master gods of the sword world, subconsciously know, Lin Fei will be like the ancestor of the sword tyrant.

"I will not interfere with the management of general affairs in the knife world.

Unless, when it is related to the life and death of the knife world, I will take action.

So, usually, the sword world is managed by you master gods, do you understand it? "

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Master Lin Fei, we understand! Thank you Master Lin Fei for your trust!"

All the master gods of the sword world took a deep breath, pressed their inner excitement, and replied in unison.

Lin Fei's words meant that in the future, their main gods would be the actual managers of the sword world.

Major events related to the life and death of the knife world may not happen once in a few epochs. Therefore, it is equivalent to that Lin Fei will hardly participate in the specific affairs of the knife world! This is tantamount to delegating power to them.

However, these sword world master gods also understand a truth.

That is, Lin Fei is always the true ruler of the knife world! This position cannot be shaken! "By the way, Master Lin Fei, the Flame Dragon Realm, and the Demon Realm, these two supreme worlds have our swordsmen army stationed.

Moreover, half of the territory of the Yanlong Realm and the Demon Realm fell into the hands of our sword world army.

Master Lin Fei, how to deal with it. "

A main **** stepped forward and said to Lin Fei.


Haven't the two sword armies of the highest world withdrawn yet? "

Lin Fei was taken aback.

In the past two years, the sword world has almost fallen and been occupied by the sword world army.

Unexpectedly, the armies sent out from the two highest worlds have not yet been called back.

"If you return to Master Lin Fei, the army sent to the Flame Dragon Realm and the Demon Realm was personally sent by the Dao Ba ancestor.

They wouldn't dare to come back without the command of the Daoba ancestor.

In the past few years, although the sword world is very critical, the ancestor of the sword tyrant has never appeared. Therefore, the two armies dare not make their own claims and withdraw.

It's just that some masters in the two armies bite the bullet and returned to the knife world to help the enemy. "

A sword master **** replied.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Master Lin Fei, now that our sword world is stable, do we need to send more manpower to conquer the flame dragon world and the devil world?

As long as our army of the knife world sends some more manpower in the past, it is estimated that it will not be difficult to conquer the two highest worlds. "

Said a sword master god.

"I want to visit Yanlong Realm and Demon Realm.

You guys go together too. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.


Those master gods of the sword world quickly said yes.

"Go to Yanlong Realm first.

lead the way. "

Lin Fei said.

So, under the leadership of these sword world master gods, Lin Fei came to a large cross-border teleportation formation before long.

This cross-border teleportation formation was personally arranged by the ancestor of the sword master.

Only the ancestor of the sword tyrant has such a level of formation, and can arrange such a clever cross-border teleportation formation.

Of course, now, Lin Fei's current formation level is as clever as the Daoba ancestor.

Even Lin Fei's formation level was even better than that of the Dao Ba ancestor.

Because Lin Fei's spirit energy is stronger, his sword level is higher, and his formation is more handy.

"Master Lin Fei, this teleportation formation leads to the Flame Dragon Realm."

A main **** said respectfully.

"go in."

Lin Fei took these dozens of master gods of the sword world into the teleportation formation.

Immediately, the transfer begins.

After a while.

Lin Fei found that he had come to another strange and high world.

This supreme world is slightly larger than the sword world.

At a glance, it turned out that half of the territory had been occupied by the army of the sword world, and swordsmanship shot into the sky everywhere.

It seems that in this supreme world, the sword world army has already gained the upper hand.

"Master Lin Fei, let's go directly to the headquarters of the knife world army."

A main **** of the sword world said in a loud voice.

"Okay, lead the way."

Lin Fei nodded.

Soon, Lin Fei and dozens of sword world master gods came outside the headquarters of the sword world army.

"Let your coach come out to greet you."

A master **** of the sword world shouted at the guard guarding the gate.

The guards who guarded the gate saw a large group of master gods coming, and they were so frightened that they went in to report.

After a while, more than a dozen gods walked out of it.

"Everyone, you are not in the base camp of the sword world, what do you come to the Yanlong world?

I heard that the sword world has been occupied by the sword world army and his homeland has been lost. It is said that a kid named Lin Fei has become the ruler of our sword world. Could it be that you came to take refuge in the flame dragon world? "

One of the main gods who just came out of the base camp said in a loud voice.

"Bold, Dao Xiong, in your words, how dare you be rude to Master Lin Fei, do you want to die?"

"Dao Xiong, you are too arrogant. It is the ancestor of the sword tyrant who personally announced that the rule of the sword world was handed over to Master Lin Fei.

Are you questioning the authority of Daoba Patriarch! "

After listening to the words of this main god, the sword world main gods who followed Lin Fei were startled and angry one by one.

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