Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4194: too weak

"What do you mean?

A kid who invaded our sword world, you actually call him an adult?

Moreover, how could the ancestor of the sword tyrant hand over the dominance of the sword world to a nasty kid from the sword world?

Among them, there must be fraud.

You won't be. You obeyed the kid named Lin Fei.

Sure, you are waiting, there must be something odd in this matter.

I guess that the ancestor of the sword tyrant should be practicing in retreat right now, at a critical juncture, so he can't get out.

Once the Daoba ancestor exits, the kid named Lin Fei will be over.

You know, the ancestor of the sword tyrant is invincible in the world, and only the ancestor of the sword tyrant is qualified to rule the sword world. "

Dao Xiong said.

"Not bad.

I said, you people, it's not that Lin Fei was given some Ecstasy.

Actually, I kept calling Master Lin Fei.

I tell you, we will not recognize that Lin Fei.

It means that as soon as the ancestor of the sword tyrant leaves the customs, we will immediately fight back.

Drive away all the invaders in the sword world. "

"Not bad.

We have made up our minds. If the ancestor of the sword tyrant has not left the customs, then we will stay here in the Yanlong Realm, occupying half of the Yanlong Realm. Will go back, under the control of that Lin Fei. "

...The Lord Gods of the Blade Realm who had just walked out of the base camp all rushed to express their opinions.

"You..." The sword master gods who followed Lin Fei were stunned, and even looked at the poor guys with pity.

"I am Lin Fei.

You mean, you don’t plan to follow my orders, do you? "

Suddenly, Lin Fei said a little softly.

Suddenly, the scene fell silent.

The main gods who were stationed in the Yanlong Realm were all stunned, not to mention how wonderful their faces were.

They spoke ill of Lin Fei for a long time, and as a result, they were right in front of them and kept listening.

"It turns out that you are Lin Fei! Okay, it seems that you have all taken refuge in Lin Fei! Humph, you traitors, so embarrassed, come to see us! Are you bringing this kid to Xia Yao!"

The dozen or so main gods who were stationed in Yanlong Realm began to furious.

"Huh, you are so arrogant at a young age! Well, you actually delivered it today, so don't blame us for being impolite.

Let's go together, take this kid down.

After taking down this kid, we will go back to the sword world together, drive out the sword world invaders, and restore our homes! "

The dozen or so main gods, seeing Lin Fei's young age, couldn't help feeling a little contemptuous.

Lin Fei's strength is too strong.

It was so strong that they couldn't tell what Lin Fei's strength was.

"Boy, tie your hands obediently."

A main god, grinning, charged towards Lin Fei.

Spouting out of his body, the mighty blade light, brilliant like a pillar, illuminates the entire chaotic void.

It can be seen that the strength of this main **** is very good, and the skill of the sword is quite high.

However, for Lin Fei, he was too weak.

Swishw...the dense cluster of bright blade lights, like hundreds of millions of volcanoes, erupted at the same time, continuously, from Lin Fei's body, killing them.

Then, these sword lights, combined into five golden dragons, while raising their heads and roaring.

Puff puff puff... the main god, the blade light that slashed in front of Lin Fei, was like snow in the sun, instantly melted and turned into nothingness.

Lin Fei had his hands on his back, with indifferent eyes, staring at the main god, motionless.

"Impossible! Boy, how can you have such a high level of knife skills!"

The master gods of the sword world who were stationed in the Yanlong world were panicked one by one.

The level of knife skills that Lin Fei showed was really terrifying.

"too weak.

Are you tickling me.

You want to deal with me, the best, let's do it together. "

Lin Fei said lightly.


! This kid is too arrogant! "

The dozen or so main gods were all frightened and angry.

"Okay, let's be together!"

A dozen main gods stepped forward at the same time and surrounded Lin Fei.

As for the masters of the sword world who followed Lin Fei, they stood by and watched the show.

They received Lin Fei's voice transmission and just stood by and watched the show.

Moreover, they also knew that these dozen or so sword world master gods were definitely not Lin Fei's opponents.


More than a dozen master gods of the sword world, all of them used their most powerful tricks in an instant.

These main gods have been fighting for many years, and each of them is very powerful.

Boom...a thick blade column, overwhelming the sky, pouring out, seems to be filled with this chaotic void in an instant.

At first glance, there were extremely terrifying and violent blade lights everywhere, rushing in disorder, cutting time and space in a distorted manner.

Swish... endless violent blade lights swept across the sky, moving toward Lin Fei's standing position, mighty, and beheaded.

Lin Fei carried his hands on his back, still motionless, and around him, the five golden dragons were constantly roaring and roaring, exuding terrible power.

Boom boom boom... every giant dragon suddenly opened its mouth and sucked hard.

Huhuhu... I saw that the five golden dragons were directly sucked into the stomach by the five golden dragons, like a whale sucking the Yangtze River.

In a moment, there was no more dripping left.

"Still too weak.

Can't you do your best? "

Lin Fei didn't move, carrying his hands on his back, and smiled lightly, looking calm and calm.

"how is this possible?

! "

The dozen or so sword world master gods were all dumbfounded.

A dozen of them teamed up and attacked with all their strength, and they didn't even touch the corners of each other's clothes.

What's even more frightening is that from beginning to end, they were motionless, even their fingers didn't seem to move.

All of the dozen or so main gods turned pale with fright.

They finally understood that the seemingly ordinary boy in front of them was much stronger than them.

They even felt that the strength of this kid in front of them, even if compared with the ancestor of the sword tyrant, should be only strong or not weak! "Haha, you finally took it.

Master Lin Fei's sword skills are not inferior to the ancestor of the sword tyrant.

If you want to fight Master Lin Fei, you are simply overwhelmed.

Moreover, all of us in the knife world watched and listened to it with our own eyes. The ancestor of the knife tyrant announced in person that he would hand over the rule of the knife world to Master Lin Fei.

A dozen of you guys, don’t you want to rebel! "

A sword master **** who followed Lin Fei stood up and said with a big smile.

"Is this true?

Dao Pao ancestor really, publicly handed over the rule of the knife world to him? "

A main **** stationed in Yanlong Realm said in a loud voice.

"Naturally it is true, you will know when you go back to the knife world and ask.

Everyone in the knife world knows it. "

Said a main **** standing behind Lin Fei.

"Even if the ancestor of the sword tyrant gave me the rule of the sword world, I will kill you all, and the sword world will be ruled by me."

Lin Fei's indifferent gaze, glanced at the dozen or so main gods, and said lightly.

Lin Fei's gaze swept the dozen or so main gods who were stationed in the Yanlong Realm, and their legs and feet were weakened.

They knew that Lin Fei's words were true.

With Lin Fei's strength, it was too easy to kill them.

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