Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4199: Devil

"So, what about you."

Lin Fei looked at the other Lord Gods of the Flame Dragon Realm and asked.

"Even if we don't surrender to you, you can kill us all, and then the Flame Dragon Realm will still fall into your hands.

So, we surrender to you.

There is no other choice. "

The remaining Lord Gods of the Flame Dragon Realm hesitated, one of them stood up and said in a loud voice.

"You are right.

Even if you object, the Flame Dragon Realm will still fall into my hands.

You can’t stop me. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly without denying it.

With Lin Fei's strength, a mere Yanlong Realm was indeed very easy to conquer.

Not to mention carrying an army of the sword world, even if Lin Fei himself, alone, can conquer the entire Yanlong world.

The main gods of the Yanlong Realm looked at each other, and finally made a decision.

"Meet Master Lin Fei!"

Dozens of the main gods of the Yanlong Realm stepped forward at the same time and shouted loudly to Lin Fei.

They finally surrendered to Lin Fei.

"Very well, from now on, the Yanlong Realm will return to normal order.

Under normal circumstances, the Yanlong Realm is managed by you master gods.

Unless it's the time when the Yanlong Realm is alive and dead, I will ask.

How about it, no problem. "

Lin Fei said with his hands on his back.

Lin Fei has always been accustomed to being a shopkeeper. Lin Fei has no interest in managing a world.

Lin Fei conquered these supreme worlds only to expand his sphere of influence.

"no problem!"

The main gods of the Yanlong Realm were overjoyed when they heard it.

Lin Fei meant that these master gods were still the direct managers of the Yanlong Realm.

Lin Fei generally does not appear.

In this way, the order of the Yanlong Realm has hardly changed from before.

However, there was a supreme Master Lin Fei behind him.

"Okay, pay attention, your management of the Yanlong Realm should be more relaxed, so that all religions and races in the Yanlong Realm can develop freely.

Do you understand it? "

Lin Fei said.

"We understand."

Dozens of main gods in Yanlong Realm replied at the same time.

"Well, now, let's go to the Demon Realm to see."

Lin Fei turned his head and said to the main gods of the knife world.


The main gods of the sword world saw Lin Fei alone. In less than half a day, he defeated the main gods of the flame dragon world. He was convinced and successfully conquered this supreme world. Lin Fei couldn't help but admire Lin Fei to the extreme.

"Master Lin Fei, then we..." "You don't have to go. The Yanlong Realm has been suffering from wars over the years, so you should spend more time rebuilding this world."

Lin Fei said lightly, then turned around and left.


The main gods of the Yanlong Realm all answered in unison.

Lin Fei was right.

Over the years, due to the invasion of the sword world army, half of the Yanlong world has fallen, and it is indeed urgent to rebuild the homeland.

Therefore, Lin Fei took the main **** of the sword world and the army of the sword world and left the Yanlong world.

The war has ended, and the sword world army no longer needs to stay in the Yanlong world.

After returning to the knife world.

Lin Fei came directly, before the large cross-border teleportation formation leading to the demon world.

The Daoba ancestor spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build three large cross-border teleportation formations, leading to the sword world, the flame dragon world, and the devil world.

Only the formation level of the Daoba ancestors can build such an advanced teleportation formation.

Of course, now, Lin Fei also has this level of formation.

"If I guess right.

This demon world is the birthplace of the demons in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Unexpectedly, not long ago, I could only stand in front of the gate of the demon world, unable to enter.

Today, there is a chance to enter the Demon Realm in person.

The demons in the boundless sea of ​​chaos have already returned to me.

By the way, the demons in the demon world were also subdued. "

Lin Fei's heart secretly said.

Lin Fei brought dozens of the master gods of the sword world into the teleportation formation leading to the devil world.

A powerful teleporting force came, and then began to teleport.

After a while.

End of transmission.

A supreme world appeared in front of Lin Fei.

Looking around, there are demons surging everywhere, mixed with demonic sounds of howling ghosts and wolves, making people feel terrified.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released, and in an instant, the entire Demon Realm was clearly perceived.

It seems that the overall strength of the Demon Realm is stronger than that of the Yanlong Realm.

A large army of swordsmen is stationed here.

The territory occupied by the knife world army is about one-third.

Two-thirds of the territory is occupied and controlled by the demons.

"Master Lin Fei, the strength of the Demon Race is not weak.

It has been a long time since our sword world army has entered the Demon World, but there has been no way to occupy more territory. "

A main **** of the Flame Dragon Realm stepped forward and said to Lin Fei.

"Yes, I know."

Lin Fei nodded and said.

The Demon Race is powerful and has a cruel temperament. Therefore, it is not easy for the sword world to conquer the demon world.

"Master Lin Fei, the headquarters of our knife world army is over there.

I just sent the message.

It's just that the guys in our knife world stationed here seem to be ignorant of good and bad, and they seem to be not too convinced of you, Master Lin Fei.

For a long time, they only recognized the ancestor of the sword tyrant.

Master Lin Fei, simply, you give an order and we will go over together. Let's beat up those guys first. "

Behind Lin Fei, one of the main gods spoke up.

"No, I will handle it.

They don't know me yet.

It is not new to be dissatisfied with me. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

This situation is the same as in the Yanlong world.

At that time, those master gods of the sword world who were stationed in the Yanlong world, too, did not accept Lin Fei.

Later, he was defeated by Lin Fei.


Let's go and take a look. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

Then, he took a step forward and headed towards the headquarters of the sword world army.

After a while.

Lin Fei brought dozens of main gods to the headquarters of the sword world army.

At a glance, the military camps are undulating, stationed in the chaotic void, majestic and mighty.

A series of dazzling blade lights rose up into the sky, cutting the devilish energy in this space to pieces.

No one came out to greet him. Even the sword repairmen who guarded the gate did not come forward to salute when they saw Lin Fei and the others. Instead, they guarded the gate with a serious face.

"Presumptuous, too presumptuous, knowing that we are here, I didn't even come out to greet us, and show us it!"

"I can't bear it anymore, Master Lin Fei, with your order, we will go directly in and show those who are a bit more powerful! "I simply ignore us! "

"There is nothing to say, just go in!"

Lin Fei hadn't expressed his position yet, but the main gods who came with Lin Fei couldn't help but shouted one by one.

You know, all of them are the main gods. In the world of swords, wherever they go, they are the protagonists and are welcomed. Now, so many main gods have come, and no one has come out to welcome them! "Hehe, is this giving me power?"

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

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