Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4200: Fight if not satisfied

"Stop, the barracks are heavy, outsiders are not allowed to enter."

Lin Fei stepped up, just about to walk into the headquarters of the army of swordsmen, a dozen sword repairmen who were in charge of guards rushed over and shouted.

Although the dozens of sword repairers saw so many master gods coming, all of them were terrified. However, it was obvious that someone had told them to embarrass Lin Fei and others.


Lin Fei's face sank and there was a fire.

Bang, bang, bang...Without any warning, the dozen or so sword repairs who were in charge of the guard were thrown away by shock, like a shell, falling tens of millions of miles away.

"These guys are too much."

All of the sword master gods standing behind Lin Fei were a little surprised.

I originally thought that the masters of the sword world who were stationed here were just not convinced, so they didn't come out to greet Lin Fei. Unexpectedly, they deliberately arranged for them to embarrass Lin Fei.

Lin Fei strode into the headquarters of the sword circle army.

"Presumptuous! Who breaks into the barracks without permission!"

A group of knife repairs rushed out from the headquarters, aggressively.

With a wave of Lin Fei's sleeves, dazzling blades slashed the past.

Puff after another knife repair, was cut in half.

"Bold! This is the headquarters of the army of the sword world. It is so sacred that not everyone can..." Dozens of true magic sword repairs rushed out from the inside one after another, their swords blazing into the sky, with anger, trying to stop Lin Fei.

Lin Fei stretched out his right hand, slapped, and volleyed it over.

Papa papa... Every true magic sword repaired face was hit, and the body was shaken, one after another thrown out, his face swollen high.

"The reverse, the reverse..." More knife repairs continued, rushing out of the headquarters, shouting, and rushing towards Lin Fei.

"Well, you successfully angered me."

Lin Fei sneered.

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fei waved.

Rumble...In the headquarters of the entire knife world army, time and space formations continued to appear one after another, besieging the headquarters of the knife world army.

Soon, the entire headquarters of the knife world army fell silent.

Because all the sword repairs, including the sword master gods who hadn't shown their faces inside, were all trapped by Lin Fei's space-time array, and they couldn't move.

"No, I can't move!"

"How can this be!"

...In the headquarters of the sword world army, there were a series of exclamations.

Lin Fei took dozens of main gods and drove straight in without any further obstacles.

Finally, Lin Fei walked into a hall with dozens of main gods.

This is the conference hall of the headquarters of the Army of the Blades.

I saw that more than a dozen sword master gods were in this hall.

Surrounded by their bodies, they were trapped by numerous time-space formations, they could only stay in place, trying their best to rush out, but those time-space formations were too smart, no matter how they struggled, they could only stay in the original To spin around.

Ho Ho Ho... Every Lord God roars again and again, extremely frightened.

Until Lin Fei walked in with dozens of main gods.

"Boy, did you move something!"

When Lin Fei walked into the hall, the dozens of trapped sword world master gods, all of their eyes fell on Lin Fei. They knew that this young man was Lin Fei who now rules the sword world. My lord.

"Hmph, in front of me, dare to be rude.

Palm! "

Lin Fei let out a cold snort, stretched out his palm, and slapped it in the air.

Rumbling... a giant palm formed by divine power, roaring to the sky, slapped towards the main god.

"Boy, dare you!"

The main god, frightened and angry, wanted to dodge, but his body was surrounded by a large array of time and space, and he couldn't move at all.

"I'm fighting with you!"

The main **** was irritated, struggling with all his strength, and wanted to start with Lin Fei.

However, his body, trapped in that small space, couldn't move at all.

boom! The huge palm slammed on his face, smashing one of his faces on the spot.

However, this is not over yet.

Lin Fei once again slapped in the air.

boom! There was another huge palm of divine power, slapped on the other face of the main god, and also shattered the other face.


"Kneel me all!"

Lin Fei shouted in a deep voice.

"Boy, don't think about it!"

In the hall, a dozen main gods were furious, feeling that Lin Fei was insulting them.

Lin Fei waved his hand, and a dazzling blade cut it out.

Puff puff puff... this sword light penetrated time and space, extremely strange, as if it didn't take any time, it slashed on the knees of the dozen or so main gods.

Immediately, the feet of more than a dozen main gods were cut off from the knees.

Bang Bang Bang... a dozen of the main gods all lost their feet, fell to the ground, bloody, and cried out in pain.

These main gods originally wanted to avoid them, but they couldn't move at all.

"I'll say it again, kneel down, bow my head and apologize!"

Lin Fei shouted sharply.

The attitude of these sword master gods angered Lin Fei.

"Boy, don't think about it."

The dozen or so sword master gods regrouped their feet one by one, stood up, and stared at Lin Fei one by one.

Huh! With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei slashed out.

Rumbling...This sword glow continued to enlarge, and finally, it turned into a small mountain like a mountain, roaring to the sky, and beheaded the dozens of main gods.

Pupupu......a dozen of the main gods, all of them were cut, their bodies exploded at the same time.

Their bodies, trapped by the space-time array, could not resist or dodge at all.

"Ah! Boy, what did you move that trapped us.

Those who are kind, fight with us upright. "

A sword master **** roared.

"it is good.

as you wish. "

Lin Fei replied lightly.

With a wave of his hand, all those time and space formations disappeared.

"Hurry up, don't waste my time."

Lin Fei said lightly.

The dozen or so main gods found that their bodies could finally move, and they couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Go on, give this kid a severe lesson!"

More than a dozen sword master gods rushed forward and rushed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

With a wave of his hand, he cut out a blade of light.

This sword light is composed of the horrible energy of the sword path, wherever it passes, it shreds time and space into nothingness.

Bang, bang, bang...The dozen or so sword world master gods, although one by one desperately displayed their various powerful tricks, they were of no use at all. , They felt that they were hurt! Huh! Lin Fei hadn't waited for the main gods to come back, and cut out again.

Pupu...a dozen of the bodies of the master **** of the sword world exploded to pieces at the same time.

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