Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4201: The war is back.

"how is this possible!"

"The combat power of this kid is terrifying!"

"There are so many of us, and he is not his enemy!"

...The dozen or so sword world master gods were all shocked, and their gazes toward Lin Fei were full of horror.

Soon, these dozen or so sword master gods reorganized their bodies.

Huh... Lin Fei didn't intend to stop, waved again, and slashed out.

A thick blade of light broke through the boundaries of time and space and swept across the body of the dozen or so sword master gods.

Kaka Kaka...The bodies of the Lord God of the Knife World continued to explode and turned into blood, flesh and bones.

Ahhh...a dozen of the main gods all screamed, facing Lin Fei's attack, they could not fight back.

It's like a dozen chickens can only be slaughtered.

After a while.

The dozen or so sword master gods reorganized their positions.

This time, they stayed far away, staring at Lin Fei with horrified eyes.

"Haha, you guys, now you know that Master Lin Fei is amazing!"

"Dare to be rude to Master Lin Fei, isn't this looking for death!"

"Don't hurry up and apologize to Master Lin Fei!"

... The main gods who came with Lin Fei laughed one by one.

Just now, everyone was seriously neglected outside the headquarters of the sword world army. Now, seeing the dozens of main gods so embarrassed, they are all very happy.

Lin Fei had his hands on his back, his gaze swept across, looking at the dozen or so main gods indifferently, without saying a word.

The dozen or so main gods were all very aggrieved and embarrassed.

Before, they heard that the ruler of the knife world suddenly changed and was ruled by a very young kid.

After hearing such news, these main gods were very unconvinced.

Therefore, when he knew that Lin Fei was coming to the Demon Realm, he immediately discussed that he would embarrass Lin Fei.

They never thought that Lin Fei's combat power would be so terrifying.

Huh! Lin Fei raised his hand again and slashed out.

Rumble...A thick blade of light, like a huge mountain range, swept across the void, roaring to the sky, and crushed towards the dozen or so main gods.

The result is still the same.

The bodies of the dozen or so main gods crackled, all exploded into pieces, a series of noises, like firecrackers.

Those main gods who followed Lin Fei shut up and did not dare to speak any more.

They could tell that Lin Fei had a fire.

If the dozen or so sword master gods who are stationed in the demon world do not know what is good or bad, it is estimated that Lin Fei is ready to kill.

In the distance, soon, the dozen or so main gods reorganized their bodies again.

"Master Lin Fei, please stop, we are served!"

"Master Lin Fei, we served it!"

...Finally, the dozen or so main gods who were stationed in the sword world were also afraid. They understood that they looked too weak in front of Lin Fei.

They discovered that Lin Fei's combat power, even if compared with Daoba Patriarch, seemed to be not much worse.

They are not convinced.

Lin Fei stood still with his hands on his back.

"Meet Master Lin Fei!"

"Master Lin Fei, we are negligent. Please Master Lin Fei to condemn!"

...A dozen main gods all knelt down in front of Lin Fei at the same time and said loudly to Lin Fei.

"From now on, go back to the knife world.

You are no longer needed here. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

"This..." After hearing Lin Fei's words, the dozen or so sword master gods were a bit unwilling.

They led this army to the demon world to fight, and finally conquered a third of the territory.

Let them go back now, which is equivalent to abandoning their previous achievements, the territories they have worked so hard to beat, and finally, they have achieved the credit of others.

"I don't want to say it a second time.

You immediately go back to the knife world.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. "

Lin Fei said coldly.


The dozen or so sword master gods did not dare to defy Lin Fei's order, so they nodded in agreement.

As a result, the dozen or so master gods of the sword world, downcast, packed their things, and went back to the sword world.

Lin Fei selected dozens of master gods from the dozens of sword world master gods who followed him to lead this sword world army stationed in the devil world.

However, everyone knows that since Lin Fei has come here.

So, soon, the Demon World will fall into Lin Fei's hands.

Therefore, this army of the sword world will not be long before they can return to the sword world.

"Master Lin Fei, our sword world army has probably occupied one third of the demon world.

The overall strength of the Demon World is a bit strong.

The remaining two-thirds of the territory is firmly guarded by the army of the devil and it is difficult to capture.

There are probably more than fifty main gods in the devil world.

Moreover, the combat power of each one is very powerful. "

After a while, a leader came and reported to Lin Fei about the battle in the Demon Realm.

"It's okay. Now, immediately give an order to let our swordsman army attack.

Also, to select a group of elite personnel, I will arrange dozens of sword formations.

At that time, our sword world army will have the strength to crush the demon world. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Sword formation!"

When the main gods of the knife world heard them, their eyes brightened.

These sword world master gods all know how powerful the sword formation arranged by the ancestor of the sword tyrant is.

The combat power of a sword formation is even stronger than a main god! "Master Lin Fei, did the sword formation you set up inherited from the ancestor of the sword tyrant?"

A master **** asked with excitement cautiously.

"Not bad.

Moreover, the knife formation I set up is only stronger than the knife formation of the ancestor of the sword tyrant. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

hiss! The sword master gods were very excited when they heard it.

"Great! With these knife formations, our sword world army can be invincible!"

The master gods of the sword world were very excited.

After a long time.

The knife community was organized.

Lin Fei personally took action and arranged dozens of sword formations, each of which exuded powerful power.


The army of the knife world began to move, killing on the unoccupied territory of the demon world.

Dozens of main gods, plus dozens of sword formations, this is a very terrifying combat power.

"Not good! The army of the knife world is starting to act again!"

"Meet the enemy immediately!"

... the demons in the demon world roared one by one.

After a while, the army of the Demon Realm was also organized.

The armies on both sides began to collide and fight desperately.

"End this war as soon as possible."

Lin Fei appeared on the battlefield with his hands on his back and walked towards the front line.

Boom... The main battlefield is the battle between the two main gods.

"Be careful, those knife formations are terrible! Stay away."

"The big thing is not good, the army of the knife world suddenly has so many knife formations, we are not opponents!"

... Soon, the main gods of the Demon Realm began to complain and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

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