Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4219: Won't stop you anymore

In the following time, Lin Fei continued to fight the monsters of the two major races.

As time went on, Lin Fei defeated one monster after another.

Moreover, in this high-intensity battle, Lin Fei found that his combat effectiveness was constantly getting stronger.

However, there are also some monsters that are particularly powerful, and they fought Lin Fei fiercely.

He even beat Lin Fei to pieces many times, very miserable.

But as Lin Fei's combat effectiveness continued to improve, those monsters with strong combat effectiveness were finally defeated by Lin Fei.

I don't know how much time has passed. Finally, one day, Lin Fei defeated all the monsters.

"This little guy is really amazing! He defeated all the members of our two races alone!"

Each of those monsters looked at Lin Fei with appreciation.

They are now truly convinced of Lin Fei.

In fact, the monsters of these two major races were not very worthy of humans before, because human bodies were too fragile for them.

But now they have changed this view.

"Well, Chaos Tun Tun Beast should be your turn now."

The gazes of those monsters looked at the Chaos Heaven Swallowing Beast.

"Go ahead.

Don't worry, they won't hurt you even if you lose. This is a very rare opportunity for you in actual combat. "

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.

Since its birth to the present, this Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast has not experienced many real battles.

Although, the energy possessed by this Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast was increasing day by day.

But combat effectiveness needs to be tempered, and actual combat is the best way to temper.

"I understand."

The Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast nodded and strode forward.

As a divine beast, his blood is very precious, and he naturally has his own pride.

He is not afraid of fighting, but eager to fight, eager to become stronger.

"The bloodline of your Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast is almost the same as the bloodline of our Primordial Ancient Alien Beast, so we will take a good fight and see who is more powerful."

A blue flood dragon came up and looked at the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast with provocative eyes.

The flood dragon hadn't finished speaking yet, the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast had already rushed over, bursting out a terrifying attack power, and instantly threw the flood dragon out.

"You sneak attack! Not this time, come again!"

The blue flood dragon roared, and rushed back, fighting with the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

Both of them are sacred beasts with noble blood, and both have their own ethnic heritage and racial magic.

The blue flood dragon is particularly good at the law of ice, and every move made it freezes a large area of ​​ice into a block of ice, rolling cold, and covering the sky with terrible power.

But the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast opened its mouth wide and swallowed most of its cold energy in one mouthful.

The chaos-swallowing beast claims to devour everything, which is no joke.

There really isn't much in the world, it's the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast that can't swallow it.

Moreover, the defensive ability of the Chaos Swallowing Beast is very strong, and the real skin is thick and thick.

That flood dragon's attack fell on the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, and it didn't cause much impact at all.

It's just that the defensive ability of the flood dragon is also very terrifying, especially the thick blue layer of ice on his body, which is terrifyingly hard.

Therefore, the two sides are evenly matched, and the fight is inseparable.

During the battle, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast's combat power has been continuously improved, and this kind of high-intensity actual combat is very beneficial to him.

From his birth until now, he has never played so fiercely against others. What is particularly rare is that the opponent is still a close opponent.

"Good fellow! Worthy of being a Chaos Swallowing Beast!"

The blue flood dragon kept marveling.

I don't know how long it took, and finally the blue water dragon was hit on the head by the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and flew out in a shock.

"Stop fighting! I gave up!"

The blue flood dragon yelled.

In this battle, at the beginning, he and the Chaos Devouring Beast were evenly matched.

But later, he discovered that as time went by, the strength of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was constantly rising. Later, he was almost pressed by the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast to fight, and there was not much power to fight back.

"I'll fight him!"

A four-hoofed monster rushed up and fought with the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast without a word.

The power of this four-hoofed monster is terrifying, and every attack will make a hole in the space.

This battle was fought for a long time, and it was not until one day and one night later that the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast finally began to gain the upper hand and threw the four-hoofed monster into the air.

"Okay, don't fight anymore, I'm regarded as convinced you."

The four-hoofed monster had to admit defeat.

Next, another monster rushed up, and just like that, the monsters of the two major races lined up one by one to fight the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

This fight lasted for a few months, and every day, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast spent a lot of intense battles and looked tired.

But the improvement in its combat effectiveness is also very obvious.

A few months later, he exuded a very fierce aura, giving a sense of killing and decisiveness.

It is very different from the temperament a few months ago.

Finally a few months later, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast defeated all the monsters of the two big races.

How do I feel that the monsters of these two races are deliberately releasing water?

In the course of the battle, they did not actually exert their full power, but reserved.

And at the ultimatum, they all conceded.

It was as if they didn't want to win at all. Suddenly, Lin Fei felt this way.

In fact, Lin Fei could see that many of the monsters did not really lose, but they had already given up.

Thinking back carefully, Lin Fei felt that the monsters of these two races seemed to be deliberately releasing water.

It seems that they are living above this star, and after a long time, they are a little tired.

It is very possible to want to see the outside world.

Lin Fei's heart secretly guessed.

"Well, you two little guys you won.

From now on, our two major ethnic groups will no longer stop you. "

A blue flood dragon said.

"Thank you seniors, the battle during this period has allowed us two to grow a lot."

Lin Fei stepped forward and said respectfully.

"Hahaha...We also had a lot of fun during this time.

You two little guys brought us a lot of fun.

So there is no need to say these kind words. "

Said the blue flood dragon.

"Dare to ask Senior, is that tree really the one that never grows old."

Lin Fei looked at the big tree shrouded in thick fog and asked in a loud voice.

"Yes, this tree is indeed an immortal tree.

This is a very precious sacred tree, very rare. "

Said a four-hoofed monster.

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