Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4220: Get the old tree

"Senior, can you specifically talk about the preciousness of the unold tree?"

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"If you take the fruit of the Heavenly Tribulation Immortal Tree regularly, over time, you can make your body and soul body possess the magical effect of immortality.

Second, the immortal tree of heaven is helpful to the perception and cultivation of the various laws of the world. When practicing and understanding the law, if you sit under the tree of the immortal tree, the speed of perception will be Thousands or even tens of thousands of times the usual.

It can be said that the sky is a powerful tool for cultivating all laws.

In particular, the immortal tree contains a very special law, that is, the law of immortality.

The law of not making it is a very special and very difficult law to practice.

It is said that once the law of immortality is truly cultivated to the highest level, it can exist forever and never die. Even if it is killed by the enemy, it will still enter the cycle of rebirth and be reborn continuously.

And in the process of rebirth, the memory can be kept and will never be lost.

In other words, the soul body will never be destroyed and will exist forever. This is the second precious aspect of the immortal tree.

The third one is that the fruit of the Heavenly Tribulation Tree has a very magical healing effect. No matter what kind of injury you have, you can easily heal the injury by taking the fruit of the Heavenly Tribulation Tree.

The above is the preciousness of the immortal tree. "

The monster said slowly.

After Lin Fei listened, his eyes lit up, staring at the immortal tree and gulping continuously.

"This tree is really precious."

Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast also spoke.

Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were very excited.

"Let's go! Let's go over immediately and uproot the tree that is not old."

Lin Fei said.

"Okay, do it now!"

The Chaos Swallowing Beast is also eager to try.

So both of them walked over to the sky.

Those monsters really stopped blocking.

When they walked under the Heavenly Tribulation Immortal Tree, Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast were shocked.

This tree is like a sky pillar, looks very magnificent, and gives people a majestic feeling.

Even Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast standing under the tree couldn't help feeling a little small.

A sacred, mysterious, majestic, breath, oncoming.

"Let me pull up the tree first."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

"These fruits seem to taste very good, otherwise let's pick some fruits first and let's talk when we are full."

The Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast looked at the fruits hanging on the branches of the Heavenly Tribulation Immortal Tree, smelled the fragrance of those fruits, could not help drooling, and said in a loud voice.

"When we pull the whole tree back, it won't be too late to eat slowly!"

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"OK then!"

The Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast nodded and stepped aside.

Lin Fei's body shook and displayed his physical supernatural powers. His whole body suddenly soared and kept rising, instantly turning into a giant upright.

Following Lin Fei's hands stretched out, he directly hugged the trunk of the Immortal Tree, and his whole body surged, immediately covering every root package of the Immortal Tree.

Lin Fei suddenly used force, and the mighty power in his body broke out completely.

Wow... the trunk of the unruly tree trembles quickly, the entire huge tree is pulled out by Lin Fei directly from the soil, and a lot of roots and roots are pulled out. There is a layer of divine power on the surface of those roots to protect them.

"We finally got a tree that never grows old!"

Both Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were very excited. After Lin Fei pulled out the Heavenly Tribulation Tree, with a heart move, he sent this huge divine tree into the human body world within the body.

"This immortal tree finally belongs to me!"

Lin Fei's heart relaxed for a while.

You know, it took more than a year for this forest to fly and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast to be above this star.

Every day of this year and more was spent in high-intensity battles, and the energy spent was too much.

Now that I have finally reaped the rewards, my mood is naturally very good.

"Seniors, thank you so much!"

Lin Fei looked at the monsters of the two big races, clasped his fists and saluted, and said gratefully.

"Little guy, you don't have to be too polite, this is our task."

Said one of the monsters.

"You passed our test and got this tree that never grows old. It is also a very happy thing for us."

Said the other monster.

"From now on, members of our two races finally don't have to guard on this star anymore, we are free!"

A monster suddenly called out loudly and excitedly.

"Yes, free!"

The other monsters were also very excited, yelling.

"Predecessors, from now on you don't need to stay on this star anymore, can you freely go to the outside world?"

Lin Fei looked at the excited monsters and asked.

"Yes, from now on we will go wherever we want, no more constraints!"

"Outside the world, I wanted to go out for a while, but the task ordered by the master has not yet been completed. Now we have completed the task assigned by the master!"

"Well, I can finally leave this star with confidence!"

Those monsters answered excitedly one by one.

"Then seniors, have you ever thought about where to go after leaving this star?

If you seniors don’t mind, you can follow me and take a look at the sea of ​​space where I am in the future. I can show you the way. "

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

"Do you want us to follow you to the sea of ​​space where you are?"

A monster looked at Lin Fei.

"Yes, it's a kind of fate that I can meet seniors, so I want to invite seniors to my hometown to have a look. Anyway, seniors don't have a clear destination."

Lin Fei replied.

"So..." Those monsters listened to Lin Fei's words, you look at me, and I look at you.

"What the little guy said is not bad. Anyway, after we left this star, we didn't have a clear destination. It was the same everywhere.

Our goal is to see the outside world, all right.

You little guy and we are also considered fate, we will go with you. "

In the end, those monsters seemed to have made a decision, and one of the monsters said to Lin Fei.

"That's great!"

Lin Fei was very excited. Bringing the monsters of these two races by his side meant that there were hundreds of terrifying assistants. You don’t have to be afraid when you meet Dijiang. The hundreds of wild and ancient strange beasts swarmed forward. Jiang certainly couldn't resist.

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