Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4221: Presiding adult

Just at this time.

Near this immortal star, above another star, there is a gorgeous ancient palace.

In the hall of this palace sits a man who is tall and looks similar to a human being.

The breath that this creature exudes is terrifying, and the space he is in, the surrounding time and space are constantly rippling by him, seemingly overwhelmed.


"The report dominates the lord, the big thing is not good! The tree that never grows old was uprooted by a young human kid!"

Suddenly, a main **** hurriedly walked into the hall of this palace and reported loudly.


! Such a thing can happen?

Why don't you report earlier? "

The master ruler stood up abruptly, angrily.

"Master, don't be angry, that human kid has already come to the immortal stars a year ago! Accept the test of those ancient and wild animals! I originally thought that he would definitely not pass the test.

Because in these long years, there have been so many creatures who came to fight the immortal tree, but none of them succeeded.

I also couldn't think of this human kid, after more than a year of experience, he actually defeated all the ancient alien beasts.

Then those prehistoric and ancient strange beasts asked him to pick up the immortal tree.

I just received the news, and I rushed to report it to Master Master. "

The main **** replied.

"It's so bold. The tree is mine. I go there every five years to practice for a period of time, picking a batch of fruits. Now there are people so bold that they dare to pull out my tree. Immediately organize an army to catch that kid with me!"

The master master was furious and murderous.

Over the years, the fruits of the immortal tree were owned by him alone, and he had long regarded that tree as his personal property.

Unexpectedly, now he was actually dismissed by others, so he was not angry.

Soon, this master master, with more than one hundred master gods, and a large army, hurried towards the immortal star.

Above the immortal stars, Lin Fei, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and the monsters of the two major races were preparing to leave.

The monsters of these two major races have lived on this star for a very long time, and now they are leaving suddenly, of course there are many things to deal with.

Suddenly, an army came in mighty and encircled the stars.

"Bold human kid, who dared to **** my sacred tree, is it too impatient to live! The smart one will immediately plant the eternal tree back to its original place! Otherwise, you will never have a chance to leave here alive."

A creature that looked a bit like a human being, dragged a tail and covered in pale red skin, appeared above the stars, speaking, killing intent to the sky.

This guy actually said that the Heavenly Tribulation Tree is his. What is going on?

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"Didn't you, seniors, say that as long as I pass your test, I can get that tree of immortality?

Why is a guy suddenly saying that this tree belongs to him?

What exactly is going on? "

Lin Fei looked at the wild and ancient strange beasts and asked in a loud voice.

"Little guy, don't worry, what we said is true.

This guy is the master of this sea of ​​space, and he has passed the test a long time ago.

It could have been possible to get this tree, but he gave up.

Instead, every five years, he would come to the bottom of this immortal tree to practice cultivation and pick the fruit.

He may think that besides him, no one else can defeat the members of our two races.

Therefore, after he passed the test, he did not take away the immortal tree.

It is estimated that we want members of our two major races to guard this tree for him. In his mind, he may have regarded this tree as his personal property.

Now he has received the news that you have got this tree, so he hurried over. "

One of the monsters said to Lin Fei.

That's it! Lin Fei then understood what was going on.

"Master, now this tree of immortality belongs to this young man.

Because he successfully passed the test of our two big races, according to the rules set by our master at the time, this tree of immortality already belongs to him. "

A monster rose into the sky and said to the master master.

"Nonsense! It was me who passed the test first! I left the tree here, hoping that your two races can help me guard it.

I didn't think of you but let this kid pull out my tree. It was a bunch of rubbish, so I was disappointed! "

The master master was so angry that he roared sharply.

"Boy! Hand over the immortal tree immediately, or you will die without a place to be buried!"

The master master stared at Lin Fei fiercely, and a chain of terrifying laws suddenly appeared around Lin Fei's body, woven into a law and enveloped Lin Fei.

Lin Fei stretched out his hand, a burst of energy from the law of reincarnation blasted out, smashing the law into pieces on the spot.

"Stop! You arrogant and arrogant fellow! If you dare to make trouble here, you will face the siege of our two ethnic groups!"

The act of dominating the adults caused the monsters of the two major races to roar one after another.

"Go away!"

The monsters of the two major races, hundreds of wild and ancient strange beasts roared at the same time, with great power.

"Huh! You rubbish, dare to be so rude in front of me! You all have been defeated by my men. It is nothing in my eyes. Smart, just get out of the way and leave it alone.

Otherwise, I will kill you all! "

The master master said with a gloomy expression.

"In short, the tree of God's Tribulation is mine.

Whoever dares to take it will pay the price of death! "

The master master stared at Lin Fei with murderous eyes.

He could feel that there was the breath of the immortal tree in Lin Fei's body.

"In this way, I don't intend to make sense. The good-for-nothing and immortal tree is mine. Here you can get it yourself if you have the ability.

Or get out of me! "

Lin Fei smiled coldly and said to the master master.

Lin Fei has always been a character that is not afraid of the sky and the earth, and the tree is so precious, since it is in his own hands, there is absolutely no reason to hand it over.

"Very good! A young guy who is still young, dare to provoke me like this.

You have no chance to leave here alive again! "

The master master laughed angrily after hearing Lin Fei's words.

"Go! Take this kid down for me!"

As soon as he waved his hand, more than a dozen main gods rushed up behind him, trying to attack Lin Fei.

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