Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4222: The terrifying master

"Too unreasonable! Let me deal with them!"

A huge four-hoofed monster roared and charged up.

His huge physical body suddenly burst out with terrifying physical power and swept forward.

On the spot, the dozen or so main gods were thrown away.

This is a primordial and ancient animal with a noble blood and an extraordinary origin.

Where is the general main **** his opponent.

"Give me everything! Kill anyone who dares to stop them!"

The master master waved his hand and said coldly.

Immediately, the more than one hundred main gods behind him, as well as the astonishing number of troops behind, rushed up in mighty force.

"It's bullying too much! I can't see it! How dare to bully our two big races! This doesn't put us in the eye.

Go up together and have a good fight with these guys! Let them know how good we are! "

The monsters were full of anger, shouting one after another, rushing up, bursting out terrifying energy one by one.

In an instant, the two sides fought together.

Although the number of men and horses under that master master was very large, it was too weak in front of these hundreds of wild and ancient animals.

The battle had just begun, these hundreds of wild and ancient strange beasts showed their power wherever they went, shaking the opponent's horses and horses one after another, like dumplings.

After a while, the men and horses who ruled the adults were beaten to the ground, and fled back crying and crying, with countless casualties.

"A bunch of useless garbage!"

The master's face was very gloomy.

Then, he walked up step by step, a breath of horror to the extreme, slowly permeating from his body.

Lin Fei couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

This master master seems very powerful! But think about it, not surprising.

He had defeated all the monsters of the two big races above the immortal star long ago, which is enough to show his extraordinaryness.

"I'll deal with him!"

The Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast said to Lin Fei, and then took a big step to go forward.

"Let me come.

This guy is a little dangerous! "

Lin Fei reached out his hand to stop the Chaos Swallowing Beast.

Although the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast had become very powerful now, it was already so powerful that even Lin Fei could not say that it would be able to defeat him.

However, Lin Fei was afraid that Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast had insufficient combat experience.

After all, compared with Lin Fei, Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast's actual combat experience must be much less.

Lin Fei was born after seeing the Chaos-Swallowing Beast with his own eyes. In Lin Fei's mind, no matter how strong he is, he is still a little guy and needs to be protected by himself.

"Then you be careful."

Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast hesitated for a moment, and stopped.

Regarding Lin Fei's words, he has always followed his words.

Lin Fei walked forward slowly.

"Hehe, a arrogant and ignorant human kid.

Do you think you are qualified to be my opponent if you pass the test of those ancient monsters?

You think too much.

A long, long time ago, I had passed the test of these ancient and wild animals.

You are nothing but **** in my eyes, not worth mentioning! "

The master master stared at Lin Fei with a slightly strange look, sneered.

"I advise you not to take yourself too high, or wait for me to defeat you when I arrive.

You will be more unacceptable. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

Lin Fei's character is to eat soft but not hard, if the opponent is sloppy, Lin Fei will be more sloppy than him.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

The master master's face was extremely gloomy, and a strong killing intent burst into his eyes.

Then he waved his hand, and a misty light appeared out of thin air, instantly covering the surrounding tens of billions of miles.

This made Lin Fei feel a little discolored.

Wow! A figure suddenly rushed towards Lin Fei, leaving behind a stream of light in the void, a waning moon-like blade light swept across, and a terrifying icy cold rushed towards his face, even directly infiltrating Lin Fei’s soul body. Among.

It's too fast! This knife is the fastest that Lin Fei has ever encountered! So Lin Fei felt a little at a loss.

Moreover, the blade intent of this knife was very cold, and the cold made Lin Fei's soul body tremble.

This may be the most powerful and powerful cold law that Lin Fei has encountered.

As soon as the master makes a move, he knows if he has it. The sword alone shows the fighting power of this master, which is really terrifying.

Ordinary main gods can only be killed by a spike in front of him! Lin Fei found that this master's combat power was stronger than himself.

Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast was also taken aback.

"Do you want me to help!"

He immediately sent a voice transmission to Lin Fei.

"No, you just need to watch it.

When there is a real need, I will send you a transmission. "

Lin Fei replied.

At this time, Lin Fei had already taken out the war knife, holding the war knife in his hand, using the law of the sword to resist.

Dangdang... The battle knife in Lin Fei's hand and the full moon scimitar that dominates the lord constantly collided.

The sword technique that dominates your lord is too fast.

It was endless, like a stream of water, trying to submerge Lin Fei.

Lin Fei also used his speed to the extreme.

However, what made Lin Fei feel a headache was that every collision had a terrifying law of ice, like a cold awl, got into his body.

Even affect their own soul body.

It seems that this guy has practiced the law of cold ice to the highest level, and he has also practiced a fast and terrifying knife technique. Only when he cooperates, he can exert such a terrifying combat effectiveness.

In other aspects, he is actually not much stronger than me! After fighting for a while, Lin Fei began to understand the combat effectiveness of this master.

The most terrifying thing about this master is the combination of the law of ice and the extremely fast knife technique.

Rumble...During the battle, Lin Fei was shaken upside down and rolled out, hitting the stars and earth, and the whole unold star trembled. Lin Fei knocked out a huge canyon above the stars and the cracks were enough. It is hundreds of thousands of miles long.

"too strong!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised.

"Unexpectedly, your combat power is pretty good.

No wonder I dared to rob me of the immortal tree. "

After dozens of strokes between Master Domination and Lin Fei, he couldn't help but frown.

Lin Fei's combat effectiveness surprised him a bit.

In his mind, to defeat Lin Fei, it only takes a few tricks.

"It seems that practicing a certain law to a particularly powerful state, even the highest state, can exert a terrifying power.

The number of laws I have practiced, although there are a lot of them, each of them is not considered to have reached a particularly powerful state.

Not to mention reaching the highest state.

In general, the laws I practiced are a little bit overwhelming.

The only thing that is better is the law of reincarnation.

If I, like him, specialize in attacking a certain law, I might also be able to exert amazing power.

My most powerful law should be the law of reincarnation.

From now on, above the practice of the law, I will focus on the law of reincarnation.

You must practice the law of reincarnation to a very powerful state. "

Working with this master master, Lin Fei suddenly had some insights.

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