Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4224: Go back

"Impossible, how could this happen, his combat effectiveness is getting stronger and stronger!"

The master master was very unwilling, but he was helpless.

The law of reincarnation exhibited by Lin Fei became more and more profound and more sophisticated.

During the battle, he had no way to accurately locate Lin Fei's location. Many of his attacks were of little power for Lin Fei.

Sure enough, you can't just pursue more in the practice of the law, but more importantly, you must pursue refinement. Only by practicing a certain law to the highest level can the true power of this law be revealed.

I have to say that this battle is very helpful to Lin Fei's understanding.

In this way, the two sides fought for a while, and finally, the master dominating body retreated sharply and instantly opened a long distance from Lin Fei.

Then he stood in the void in the distance, staring at Lin Fei for a while, then turned around and left, his expression extremely gloomy.

The men and horses brought by Master Master, saw Master Master leave, wherever they dared to stay again, they immediately retreated like a tide, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Lin Fei didn't pursue it. Lin Fei knew that although his combat power can now suppress this master dominator, it would not be so easy to really defeat him, or even kill him.

The strength is so high that it can definitely not be killed easily.

"Young man, you are so amazing, you actually beat this master master away!"

"Haha, when I think of all these years, this guy has been arrogant in front of us, but now he is running away, my heart is very happy!"

"Little guy, you are so amazing, I have to admire you!"

Those Primordial Primordial Beasts were very happy to see Lord Master leaving, and they were full of praise for Lin Fei.

"Well, seniors, are you ready?

If we are ready, we will leave. "

Lin Fei said.

"We are basically ready, but this star, we have survived here for so long, and we really have to leave for a while. It's really a bit reluctant."

Some monsters showed up, reluctant expressions.

"Well, young man, give us a little more time, let us take a look at this star thoroughly."

A monster said to Lin Fei.

"OK then."

Lin Fei nodded, Lin Fei was not in a hurry anyway.

A few more days passed.

"Young people, we are all ready and can leave at any time."

A monster came to Lin Fei and said to Lin Fei.

"In this case, seniors, let's go now."

Lin Fei said.

So Lin Fei and Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast left this immortal star together with those ancient and wild animals.

"Let's leave this sea of ​​space directly."

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.

Lin Fei was worried that Lord Domination would come to make trouble again. After all, this is his site. The so-called strong dragon does not suppress the snakes. Who knows that Lord Domination would have any other means?

"I mean the same."

Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast nodded.

As a result, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and Lin Fei, as well as those Primordial Ancient Alien Beasts, left this space sea directly and re-entered the absolute space sea.

"It's been a long time since I visited the sea of ​​Absolute Space!"

As soon as they entered the sea of ​​absolute space, the wild and ancient strange beasts felt very excited and excited.

You must know that the Primordial Alien Beast is also a kind of divine beast that is very suitable for living in the sea of ​​absolute space.

These primordial primordial beasts had survived in the sea of ​​absolute space before, and now returning to this environment again, I naturally feel very excited and missed.

In the following days, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, as well as these primordial ancient alien beasts, wandered around in the sea of ​​absolute space, found many treasures, and entered many strange seas of space. .

Lin Fei found that it was the first time that he had such a broad vision.

In the past, Lin Fei's range of activities was limited to the Boundless Chaos Sea, but now he has seen one after another strange space seas that are different from the Boundless Chaos Sea.

This kind of experience has greatly changed Lin Fei's mood.

In this way, I don't know how much time has been spent in the sea of ​​absolute space.

Because there is no way to calculate the time in the sea of ​​absolute space, which is completely different from the time system in the sea of ​​boundless chaos.

Lin Fei even found that the flow of time was going backwards in some very special places! When Lin Fei, the Primal Chaos Swallowing Beast, and those Primordial Ancient Alien Beasts roamed everywhere in the sea of ​​absolute space, in the sea of ​​space where Lin Fei got the unaging tree.

The master master stood on top of a star, beside a dozen figures shrouded in huge gray robes.

"Master, we have already cast a spell on that young human boy. No matter where he is, we are sure to find his place.

And we also cast spells on the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and the Primordial Alien Beasts. Whenever Master Master needs it, we can help Master Master find them through the guidance of the spell. "

One of the gray-robed figures said.

"Very well, I am going to contact some brothers who have not seen each other for a long time. After I find all those brothers before, I will go to the young human boy to settle accounts.

He took my things, this account must be settled. "

Master Master nodded and replied.

"Well, when Master Master needs our help, just speak up and we will be there on call.

Now we retire first. "

A gray robe figure said in a loud voice.

"Well, you go back first."

The master nodded.

The next moment, more than a dozen gray-robed figures, all the strange news disappeared.

In the sea of ​​absolute space, after this period of experience, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast has grown very rapidly and its strength has been greatly improved.

"Now it's time for us to go back to the boundless sea of ​​chaos."

One day, Lin Fei suddenly said to the Chaos Swallowing Beast.

Lin Fei felt that it had been a long time since he entered the sea of ​​absolute space.

Moreover, in the sea of ​​absolute space, the flow rate and direction of time are different from those of the sea of ​​boundless chaos. Lin Fei is worried that he has been in the sea of ​​absolute space for too long. In the sea of ​​boundless chaos, I don’t know how much time has passed. , I don’t know what the situation will become.

Therefore, Lin Fei knew that he should go back.

"Well, let's go back now."

Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast nodded.

Thus, the Chaos-Swallowing Beast discerned its direction and took the lead to walk back to the position of the boundless Chaos Sea.

Lin Fei, the Primal Chaos Swallowing Beast, and those Primordial Ancient Alien Beasts, each of them were powerful generations, of course very fast, and gradually, they were getting closer and closer to the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

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