Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4225: Dijiang's helper is here

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, in a certain world, above a certain star.

An old man sitting cross-legged, this old man is Dijiang.

At this time, Di Jiang's face was gloomy, with angry eyes, looking at the direction of Luoshen Valley from a distance.

"Lin Fei's little beast actually snatched away my chaos-swallowing beast egg.

Otherwise, now my strength has reached a very ideal height! No, I must take back the chaos-swallowing beast's egg! That egg should not have hatched in his hands yet. With his ability, it would take at least a thousand years for that egg to hatch! Unless the Chaos God takes the shot himself, it is possible to have that egg hatch in a short time. In the boundless sea of ​​Chaos, how could there be a Chaos God?

So the egg must still be in Lin Fei's hands, and I must get it back! But that kid Lin Fei was too cunning. He hadn't shown his face in all these years and couldn't escape.

But I don’t believe he can hide forever! "

Di Jiang said to himself.

"According to time, my brothers will be here soon.

As long as my brothers came to the boundless sea of ​​chaos, it was too easy to clean up that kid Lin Fei! "

A sinister smile appeared on Di Jiang's face.

At this moment, in a sea of ​​absolute space not far from the boundless sea of ​​chaos, five strange and extraordinary creatures appeared, and every creature’s eyes burst into violent colors, with an evil smile on his face. .

The auras emitted by these five creatures are very terrifying, constantly shattering and disintegrating the surrounding time and space.

"Well, it seems that there is the boundless sea of ​​chaos in front of me. I really can't imagine that the guy in Dijiang has been hiding in such a remote sea of ​​space these years."

One of the creatures smiled predictably.

When he spoke, his face was hideous and twisted.

"Di Jiang was injured so badly. If he doesn't hide in this remote sea of ​​space to heal his injuries, would he dare to show off everywhere?"

Another creature said with a cold snort.

"Yes, don't talk about Dijiang, isn't it the same for the five of us?

Over the years, I have been hiding in Tibet, panicking like a dog in the family.

In order to heal his injuries, I don't know how much suffering and grievance I have suffered over the years. When I think about it, I can't help but want to kill. "

Another creature said with gritted teeth.

"Yes, I have also been hiding in a remote sea of ​​space over the years. Fortunately, there are still a lot of resources in that sea of ​​space.

After I ruled the sea of ​​space, I took all the cultivation resources in it as my own, and also devoured all the creatures in that sea of ​​space, as a source of energy, and finally recovered. A little strength.

I think the injury I suffered back then was more serious than that of Dijiang. "

Another creature spoke.

The five creatures exuded an evil aura, their eyes were loose, as if they were ready to kill at any time.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. Let's enter the space sea ahead. After all, that guy doesn't know what to do. Even such a remote and backward space sea can't be conquered. He actually has to call us to help.

But fortunately, in this way, the five of us can also divide up the cultivation resources in this sea of ​​space. The fellow Dijiang invited us, and he was about to be ready for hemorrhage.

Let me tear the space barriers of this sea of ​​space. "

One of the creatures said.

Then, he walked a few steps forward, came outside the space barrier of the boundless Chaos Sea, stretched out his hands, and slammed on the space barrier, tearing the space barrier into a huge gap on the spot.

Then the five creatures walked in through this gap and entered the chaotic sea by the lake.

"Sure enough, it's just a relatively ordinary sea of ​​space. I really don't understand why the guy in Dijiang has spent so long without conquering this sea of ​​space. It seems that he is in trouble, so he called all of us to help.

Is there something weird in this sea of ​​space? "

These five creatures felt a little about the boundless sea of ​​chaos and shook their heads.

"Well, we will notify Dijiang.

Tell him that we have come to this sea of ​​space. "

One of the creatures said.

Then he waved his hand and punched a message into the void. This message quickly locked the position of Dijiang and passed it on.

Above a certain star in the boundless Chaos Sea, Di Jiang was sitting cross-legged, and he quickly received this message, and he couldn't help but smile.

"The five guys are finally here. Together, I should be able to deal with that kid Lin Fei."

Di Jiang stood up, and disappeared above this star when he moved.

After a while.

"Night hurt, you guys have finally arrived!"

Di Jiang's figure came quickly and appeared directly in front of the five creatures.

"Hahaha, Dijiang, you fellow, since you were injured and almost died.

I haven't seen you for a long, long time.

I thought you guy no longer knew where he died.

Unexpectedly, you survived. "

One of the green creatures, with a grinning smile, said to Di Jiang.

"Earth Demon is the same with you. Didn't you almost die back then?

Even the soul body was almost wiped out, leaving only the last trace. I didn't expect you to survive it. It's a miracle that you have survived to the present and recovered some. "

Di Jiang said.

"Hahaha, I'm a fate, I don't want to die so easily.

This is called endless wildfire, and spring breeze blows again! "

The green creature replied with a laugh.

"Well, Dijiang, stop talking nonsense, you let us come to this sea of ​​space, who do we need to deal with?"

Another creature asked impatiently.

"He's a very difficult young man.

Originally, I had already got two Chaos Heaven Swallowing Beast eggs.

But one was snatched by him. "

Di Jiang said bitterly.

"What, Dijiang, you guy is so lucky! You found two Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast eggs! Hey, no, Dijiang, your current body is actually the body of a Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, are you right? One of the eggs has been taken! You guy is really lucky."

A creature exclaimed.

"Dijiang, are you kidding me?

A human young boy, can't you deal with it?

And you also have the body of a chaotic sky-swallowing beast. It is not easy to deal with a human being. You are not so bad, are you? "

Another creature said in a loud voice.

"Don't underestimate that young human boy. Although he is young, he is very difficult to deal with. I was injured by him."

Di Jiang gritted his teeth and said.

"Well, Dijiang, you give me the egg of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, and we will help you get the egg back."

A creature said suddenly.

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