Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4226: Back to

"The chaos-swallowing beast's egg is my hope of rising again.

I can't give it to you.

However, all the resources in this sea of ​​space except for that egg are at your disposal.

Including all the creatures in this sea of ​​space. "

Di Jiang replied.

"Dijiang, you guy is still as stingy as before. You already have an egg of the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast. Give us another one, so what?"

A creature pouted.

"There is no discussion about this, I warn you that it is best not to beat my Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast egg, or I will fight you hard."

Di Jiang's tone was very firm.

"Well, then, but you have to remember that, except for the chaos-swallowing beast egg, all the resources in this sea of ​​space belong to the five of us."

Another creature said.

"Whatever you do."

Di Jiang did not answer in an angry manner.

He knew that these five guys had always been greedy and innocent, and there would be no affection to talk about. He was destined to invite five of them, and he would definitely bleed.

But for Di Jiang, as long as he could **** the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast's egg back, nothing else was very important.

It's a big deal when the time comes to find another sea of ​​space to supplement resources for healing.

"Well, stop talking nonsense, where is that young human boy?

Let's go straight and kill him. "

Said a creature.

"The kid has been hiding for all these years, but I know where his lair is.

We all kill it together. "

Di Jiang said.

"Then act, what are you waiting for?"

So Di Jiang took these five creatures, murderously towards the direction of Luoshen Valley.

At this moment, near the boundless sea of ​​chaos, somewhere in the sea of ​​absolute space.

Lin Fei, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, and the hundreds of Primordial Primordial Beasts appeared.

"Predecessors, there is the boundless sea of ​​chaos in front of me, my hometown, and you are welcome to visit my hometown."

Lin Fei said to the hundreds of Primordial Beasts.

"Well, it looks like a very ordinary sea of ​​space, but it should be very interesting. It is full of life, and there must be many different creatures living in it."

"Yes, the more creatures, the more fun it is, so it's fun."

Those prehistoric and ancient animals, feeling the vitality emanating from the boundless chaotic sea in front of them, seemed very interested and talked a lot.

"Well, seniors, let's enter the boundless sea of ​​chaos now."

Lin Fei said.

Then Lin Fei took out a jade slip and sent a message directly.

After a while, a teleportation channel appeared nearby, and a huge monster walked out of that teleportation channel.

"Senior, please send us into the boundless sea of ​​chaos."

Lin Fei greeted the monster as soon as he saw it.

"The Great Ancient Alien Beast, and there are still so many!"

The beast was shocked when he saw the hundreds of wild and ancient strange beasts standing beside Lin Fei, and cried out.

"You guy is special."

The hundreds of Primordial Primordial Beasts also noticed this evil beast, and surrounded them with surprised expressions.

"You guy seems to belong to a very old and mysterious race.

Let me think about it.

It seems..., it seems to be a family of wild beasts. "

Suddenly a dragon screamed in surprise.

The barbaric and the prehistoric actually represent two different eras in ancient times, and the era represented by the barbaric is even earlier.

In the barbaric era, everything is in chaos, and everything is barbaric.

Many savage and terrifying races were born in that era.

"You guy has good eyesight."

The evil beast smiled at the Jiaolong and replied.

"Senior, are you really a clan of wild beasts?"

Even Lin Fei was very shocked and asked.

Although Lin Fei has known this monster for a long time, he has never known which race he belongs to. Only now did he know that he has such a big background.

"Yes, I do belong to the wild beast clan."

The monster nodded.

"Unexpectedly, there is a wild beast race in such an ordinary sea of ​​space, is there any special place in this sea of ​​space?"

A four-hoofed monster asked in a loud voice.

"Yes, it is said that the wild beasts are very sensitive to all kinds of things in the world, even a race that can predict the future, and the place where the wild beasts can live must be very extraordinary."

An old Jiaolong said in a loud voice.

"Hehe, don't guess randomly. I stay in this sea of ​​space, just coveting the quiet here, and I don't have any special purpose.

Well, I will take you into the boundless sea of ​​chaos now. "

The evil beast said with a smile.

But Lin Fei could see that this beast was obviously insincere.

"Could it be the Boundary Chaos Sea, is there really something that makes these two monsters fall in love with?"

But Lin Fei understood that these two evil beasts weren't the most evil ones. They were interested in something, and there was no need to blend them, so Lin Fei did not ask.

The evil beast brought Lin Fei, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and those Primordial Great and Wild Beasts into the transmission channel.

After a while, he returned to the depths of the God's Battle Tomb, in front of the gate of the palace.

The other monster crouched in front of the gate, motionless.

"Thank you two seniors."

Lin Fei bid farewell to the two evil beasts, and then returned to the boundless Chaos Sea with the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and the Primordial Primordial Beasts.

"It's the breath of that kid Lin Fei, he seems to have just returned from outside!"

Lin Fei had just returned to the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and Di Jiang dared to know immediately after a long distance.

"Everyone, that young human boy finally appeared. Let's go to surround him and don't let him run away! This time, not only will the chaos swallowing beast's egg be snatched from him, but also that Only by killing the kid can the hatred in my heart be solved!"

Di Jiang gritted his teeth and said.

As soon as he saw Lin Fei, his heart rose with endless anger and killing intent.


Is this this kid?

It seems that his realm is only half of the main god, you can't even deal with him, right? "

The five creatures around Di Jiang were all very surprised.

"Stop talking nonsense, Lin Fei has appeared, let's go and deal with him together!"

Di Jiang said.

He just wanted to take back the egg of the Chaos Heaven Swallowing Beast earlier.

"So let's do it together!"

As soon as the voice fell, Di Jiang and the five creatures simultaneously displayed their body skills and rushed towards Lin Fei's position.

"Oh, it seems to be that old fellow Dijiang, I'm planning to find him.

Unexpectedly, he just ran over so impatiently. "

Lin Fei couldn't help being a little surprised.

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