Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4232: Can rebuild home

After leaving the square in the depths of Falling God Valley, Lin Fei first returned to the small world where Cangyan Holy Land was.

Most people living in this small world are Lin Fei's closest and most caring people.

So Lin Fei has very special feelings for this small world.

As soon as he entered this small world, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was immediately released, looking for the figures of the people he wanted to see most.

First is Lin Tianjun! Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness and social power first discovered Lin Tianjun.

At this time, Lin Tianjun and Qing Luo were basking in the sun on the mountain peak where they usually live.

Qing Luo was teaching Lin Tianjun.

"Tianjun, are you going to sneak into Senior True Cang's alchemy room today and eat his **** pill!"

Qing Luo stood in front of Lin Tianjun with a long whip in his hand and asked angrily.

"Mom, what you said is right, I was indeed sneaking into Senior True Cang's alchemy room today and ate a few of his divine pills. I can't help it.

The taste of those **** pills is too delicious, and it is very useful for my growth.

My mother really forgave me, too. "

Lin Tianjun lowered his head and said in a loud voice.

"It's not that he didn't forgive you for the problem! It's that you sneaked into his alchemy room without his consent. This is a serious mistake! You are so young that you dared to steal something from the predecessor. This is wrong. Yes! Do you understand?"

While Qing Luo said loudly, Lin Tianjun was beaten several times by the long whip in his hand.

"Mom, I know I was wrong, I will remember your words in my heart, so please forgive me this time!"

Lin Tianjun said.

"Do you really know what was wrong?

But this guarantee, you have told me several times! "

Qing Luo said angrily.

"Mom, trust me, I will definitely not do it again next time!"

Lin Tianjun replied.

"Forget it, Qingluo, it's just a few divine pills. It's not worth any money. Tian Jun ate it.

Besides, didn't you listen to him?

This **** pill is good for his growth.

I plan to go back and practice a little more magical pill for him to eat. "

Really old Dao stood by and said.

"Senior True Cang, don't indulge him so much anymore, this **** thing, don't let me teach you a lesson! Otherwise, he will get used to stealing other people's things in the future!

Qing Luo said angrily, while speaking, the long whip in his hand struck Lin Tianjun again.

"Mom, I know I was wrong! Please forgive me this time, I really dare not!"

Lin Tianjun didn't make any dodge, letting the whip in Qing Luo's hand hit him.

In fact, he also knew that his behavior was wrong.

Moreover, Lin Tianjun has a characteristic, that is, he is not afraid of the sky, but he is most afraid of Qingluo.

No matter what it is, as long as Qing Luo speaks, he dare not object.

"It seems this kid is very naughty."

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing as he perceives the scene where Qing Luo teaches Lin Tianjun.

However, Lin Fei was not worried about Lin Tianjun. Lin Fei could feel that Lin Tianjun's essence was not bad, but because he was too young and very naughty.

"Everyone, this is Lin Fei, please gather up immediately, I have something to announce to you."

The next moment, Lin Fei said loudly.

The rolling sound instantly spread to every corner of this small world.

Suddenly, the small world stopped.


"Lin Fei is back!"

Surprising voices continued to sound, and then the fierce figure all over the sky turned into streamers, rushing towards Lin Fei's location.

After a while, in this small world, most of the strong men came to Lin Fei.

"Dad, you are finally back!"

Lin Tianjun was the first to rush to Lin Fei's side and plunged into Lin Fei's arms.

"Dad, if you don't come back, your son will be beaten miserably!"

Lin Tianjun snuggled in Lin Fei's arms and said.

"Who beat you?"

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Who else?

Isn't it your wife? "

Lin Tianjun pointed to Qing Luo and said.

Upon seeing this, Qing Luo couldn't help but his eyes widened and raised the long whip in his hand.

Lin Tianjun was shocked when he saw it.

"You guy, why do you make your mother angry all day?

Not only does your mother want to fight, I want to fight too. "

Lin Fei was funny and angry, but also said.

"Well, I dare not."

Lin Tianjun lowered his head and said.

"Lin Fei, you brought us all together, what exactly are you going to announce?"

Really old Dao came to Lin Fei and asked in a loud voice.

"Everyone, Dijiang has been beaten away, and everyone prepares well. Tomorrow we will go back to rebuild three thousand worlds."

Lin Fei said loudly.

After listening to Lin Fei's words, everyone cheered instantly.

"We can finally go back to our hometown!"

"Finally you can rebuild your home!"

All people are cheering.

"Okay, Senior True Cang, now you tell this news to others. Let us all in the three thousand worlds, get ready, and we will set off tomorrow and go back to rebuild the three thousand worlds."

Lin Fei said to the real old man.

"Okay, I'll go and notify others right now."

Really Old Tao was very excited, nodded, and left this small world immediately.

In this small world, mainly people from Cangyan Holy Land live here.

Other creatures in three thousand worlds live in other small worlds.

After a while, the real old way spread what Lin Fei said to the small world where all three thousand worlds and creatures lived.

So bursts of carnivals broke out in these small worlds.

"We can finally go back and rebuild our homes!"

"Three thousand big and small worlds can finally reappear in the boundless sea of ​​chaos!"

"Home, my dream home can finally go back!"

So the creatures in the three thousand worlds are all in a very excited state.

Although, these three thousand worlds of these creatures have lived very well in the Valley of Fallen God.

Because the energy and laws here are very sufficient.

But for them, they hope to be able to return to the world of three thousand sizes and return to their hometown! That night, Lin Fei and his family had a good meal, including several wives, sons, parents, eldest brother and sister-in-law, etc.

Over the years, Lin Fei has been running around outside, and has never been with his family.

So Lin Fei cherishes this time very much.

The next day, finally came! The creatures of all three thousand worlds are in a very excited state.

"Lin Fei, everyone is ready, you can go back anytime!"

Really old Dao came to Lin Fei and said to Lin Fei.

"Okay, wait a minute."

Lin Fei nodded.

Then Lin Feizhan set off and came to the Valley of Fallen God, in a special space.

In this space, there exists a plane, the Cangyan plane, that is, the plane where the earth is!

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