Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4233: return

At the beginning, in order to avoid the destruction of Dijiang, Lin Fei cut off the entire Cangyan plane where the earth was located, and then brought the entire plane into the Valley of Fallen God.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness perceives the Cangyan plane, and to Lin Fei's surprise, the overall strength of the Cangyan plane is at least a thousand times stronger than before.

Especially the earth has entered a very prosperous cultivation era.

Above the earth, the aura is strong, and the laws of heaven and earth are becoming more and more perfect and more advanced.

Moreover, the system of the earth has increased by at least a thousand times compared with the previous one, and the creatures flying above the earth are flying in the air, exuding a powerful atmosphere.

"not bad!"

Lin Fei nodded.

I am very satisfied with this situation. When I was still living on the earth, the earth belonged to the era of the end of the law. There was basically no spiritual energy and laws to speak of, and no creatures could truly cultivate.

Now this situation has finally improved.

Lin Fei knew that the ancient earth was a very advanced world among three thousand worlds, and it was also one of the core worlds, with a very good foundation.

Especially in the Huaxia Kingdom on the earth, there are a large number of earth dragons under the ground. Once they are truly stimulated, the potential is unlimited.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei took the entire Cangyan plane into a human body world inside his body, and then left this small world.

At this time, True Clan Dao was waiting for Lin Fei with three thousand people in the world.

Of course, most of the creatures in the three-thousand-size world were carried by those gods, because many ordinary creatures did not have the ability to cross the void at all, and could only rely on the gods to bring them back.

"Lin Fei, everyone is ready, just waiting for your order."

Really old said to Ye Fei.

"The Primal Chaos Beast, the hundreds of Primordial and Ancient Alien Beasts, and even the Chinese zodiac came to Lin Fei's side. They all plan to go with Lin Fei to the three thousand worlds.

"Let’s set off! Go back to Three Thousand Worlds!" Lin Fei's gaze slowly glanced at the three-thousand-sized people, then waved, turned and took the lead in the direction of the three-thousand-sized world, and walked towards the three-thousand-sized world. The people of the world followed behind Lin Fei mightily.

After a while, this three-thousand-size man and horse appeared in the void of the boundless chaotic sea, releasing amazing energy fluctuations, roaring wherever they went, and shining brightly.

You know, these three thousand worlds of the world have been living and cultivating in Fallen God Valley. The energy and laws in Fallen God Valley can be said to be the top existence in the entire boundless Chaos Sea.

The creatures in the three thousand worlds have cultivated for hundreds of years in such an environment. It can be said that most of them have made amazing progress.

In the past few hundred years, the number of gods born in three thousand worlds is simply innumerable.

"Look! So many strong people have appeared!"

"What a powerful army!"

"Who are they? When will there be a group of such powerful people in our boundless sea of ​​chaos!"

With the appearance of three thousand people and horses in the world in the boundless chaotic sea, they immediately attracted a lot of attention and attention.

The various planes and worlds in the boundless Chaos Sea have been regressing in strength under the rule of Dijiang over the years, which is far worse than before.

On the contrary, the strength of the creatures in three thousand worlds is always improving.

In such a comparison, it can be said that the creatures in three thousand worlds are already among the most powerful creatures in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"They are a bit like beings in three thousand worlds that have been missing for hundreds of years!"

Suddenly, someone recognized in the boundless Chaos Sea and screamed.

"They are all alive! They were not killed by Dijiang!"

"Yes! They are really people in the world of three thousand sizes! I recognize some of them!"

"Oh my God! Where are these people in a world of three thousand sizes?"

"Have you not heard of it?

These creatures in the legendary three thousand worlds have been hiding in the Valley of Fallen God for hundreds of years! "

"Yes, Lin Fei has been hiding in the Valley of the Fallen God for these years. Dijiang tried to attack and enter the Valley of the Fallen God several times, but he didn't succeed."

With the appearance of 3,000 large and small people from the world, the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos began to make a sensation, and countless eyes looked over, and there was a lot of discussion.

Lin Fei took the lead, walking at the forefront of three thousand people in the world, followed by a large number of powerful gods.

These gods were ordinary gods and true gods, and each of them exuded powerful energy aura, gathered together and spread out, shaking the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, which seemed unbearable.

What is even more terrifying is the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and the hundreds of Primordial Ancient Alien Beasts. Every step they take makes this space and time tremble violently. The rumbling footsteps are transmitted far away, in all corners of the boundless Chaos Sea. , Can be heard clearly.

"What are those monsters? It's terrible!"

Soon, the many creatures in the boundless Chaos Sea paid attention to the hundreds of giant beasts behind Lin Fei and were shocked. "

"These monsters are terrible! How do I feel in front of these monsters! Even if they sneeze, they can shock me to death."

"Yes, let alone a sneeze, even the energy bursting out of their breath shook the surrounding space and time to pieces."

With horrified gazes, they stared at the hundreds of Primordial Primal Beasts and Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beasts behind Lin Fei, exclaiming again and again.

"Stop first!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei waved his hand, and immediately all three thousand people in the world stopped.

Standing in the void, Lin Fei slowly scanned every plane and world in the boundless Chaos Sea.

"Everyone, this is Lin Fei.

Now please come out the gods of every plane, I have something to tell you! "

Lin Fei's voice resounded in The Legend of the Boundless Chaos Sea, clearly spreading into every interface of every plane.

After hearing Lin Fei's voice, all the gods in the boundless Chaos Sea were silent for a moment.

Everyone knows that Lin Fei and Dijiang are mortal enemies. Once you follow Lin Fei’s words, no one knows whether Dijiang’s anger will be aroused, so these gods have some hesitations, although not long ago, everyone saw Dijiang being beaten. He was defeated and fled, and has never appeared again until now.

But Dijiang ruled the boundless Chaos Sea, and the impact caused by hundreds of years was really too great.

The power of Dijiang and the terrifyingness of Dijiang have penetrated into the boundless sea of ​​chaos, in the hearts of every creature.

Moreover, everyone knows that it is very difficult for a master like Dijiang to be really killed. Who knows what is going on in Dijiang now.

What if Dijiang returns soon afterwards.

"Don't worry, everyone, I know what you are afraid of. I can tell you clearly that Dijiang has left the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

And although Di Jiang was not dead, he was seriously injured.

It is estimated that in a very long period of time, it is impossible for him to dare to return to the boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

Lin Fei naturally knew what the gods in the boundless Chaos Sea were thinking, and slowly spoke.

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