Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4234: Return to the world of three thousand sizes

What Lin Fei said clearly passed into the ears of every god.

After hearing Lin Fei's words, all the gods were surprised and delighted.

"I can assure everyone that every word I said by Lin Fei is true."

Lin Fei added.

"Young Master Lin Fei, I believe you, I know you will not lie."

"Yes, Young Master Lin Fei's character has always been what he said, and he has never deceived anyone. Since he said that Dijiang has been seriously injured and left the boundless sea of ​​chaos, it must be true!"

"In this way, from now on, our boundless Chaos Sea will no longer be ruled by Dijiang!"

Gradually in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, those gods began to get excited, very excited, and talked a lot.

At the end, these gods began to revel.

"Great! The old dog of Dijiang was finally beaten away! Our boundless Chaos Sea is free!"

"The old dog of Dijiang! Over the years it has caused us so terrible to the boundless chaotic sea! Let all people have no good life, and now we can finally get rid of the old dog of Dijiang and be free!"

The screams continued to sound one after another, and in the end, every plane and every corner of the entire Boundless Chaos Sea sounded thunderous carnival sound, and the entire Boundless Chaos Sea fell into an atmosphere of joy and carnival.

Lin Fei was very aware of the feelings of these creatures, so he stood in the void without speaking, waiting quietly.

Until a long time later, suddenly dozens of gods came from a distance and came to Lin Fei's body.

"Lin Fei Shao Xia, we are willing to serve Lin Fei Shao Xia from now on!"

This scene made Lin Fei stunned for a moment, and then the other gods outside the Boundless Chaos Sea also began to rush.

"Young Master Lin Fei, we are on the Purple Origin plane, and from now on we are willing to serve Young Master Lin Fei as the master and follow the orders of Young Master Lin Fei!"

"Our true spirit plane is also willing to serve Lin Fei as the master!"

With the passage of time, more and more planes of gods rushed from all corners of the boundless Chaos Sea, concentrated in front of Lin Fei, and said the same thing.

However, Lin Fei did not answer, but with his hands on his back, his eyes quietly scanned these gods in the boundless chaotic sea.

After a long time, Lin Fei finally spoke.

"Everyone, I understand what you are thinking.

But please rest assured, from now on, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, every force and plane are free, and there is no need to surrender to anyone.

The boundless sea of ​​chaos does not need to be ruled by anyone. What I want to see is that all planes and all worlds can develop freely.

So you don’t have to serve me as your master, and I won’t deal with you for no reason.

The boundless Chaos Sea has been regressing over the years, and can no longer withstand too much toss. Instead, it needs a free environment for everyone to develop well.

So, go back and rebuild the boundless sea of ​​chaos from now on. "

Lin Fei said loudly.

After finishing speaking, Lin Fei waved his hand and brought three thousand worlds of people and horses, and headed toward the three thousand worlds.

In the chaotic void, a large number of gods stood densely, watching the back of Lin Fei away.

The face of every **** showed respect.

"Shaoxia Lin Fei is different from Dijiang. From now on, our boundless sea of ​​chaos will enter a period of free and prosperous development!"

An old **** spoke slowly.

"Young Master Lin Fei, although he doesn't want to be the ruler of our Boundless Chaos Sea, he will definitely be the patron saint of our Boundless Chaos Sea from now on."

"Yes, although Young Master Lin Fei does not need us to serve him as the master.

But from now on, I suggest that all planes should consciously follow Lin Shaoxia's orders.

Because from now on, the safety of our boundless Chaos Sea needs Lin Shaoxia to guard! "

"Yes, if not for Lin Shaoxia to deal with Dijiang this time, we are still under the cruel rule of Dijiang!"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

...All the gods in the Chaos Void nodded.

"Okay, let's all go back! Follow Lin Shaoxia's orders and rebuild the boundless sea of ​​chaos from now on!"

Then all the gods dispersed and returned to their own planes.

At this time, Lin Fei had returned to the original location of the three-thousand-sized world with the people of the three-thousand-sized world.

Looking around, this place has become an abandoned space, full of desolation, and the dilapidated planes are suspended in the chaotic void.

And the energy and laws here are also incomplete, looking tattered.

All the people in the three thousand worlds are very sad and angry.

There are some old gods, tears streaming down their faces, and most people have a question in their hearts. The world of three thousand sizes is so broken, is it possible to rebuild it and return to its former prosperity and excitement?

"Everyone, I understand everyone's feelings. Although the world of 3,000 sizes is a bit broken now, fortunately most of our creatures in the world of 3,000 sizes have survived. As long as we are still alive, there is hope for everything. , This is the most precious!"

Lin Fei said loudly.

"Yes, at least we are still alive!"

"This is the most important thing. As long as we are alive, there must be hope to rebuild a world of three thousand sizes!"

After hearing Lin Fei's words, everyone's eyes brightened, after all, there is hope in life! "From now on, all the gods will work together to repair the energy and laws of this space. Don’t worry, I will come up with the resources needed to rebuild this world group! All you have to do is use your divine power and be patient One point, slowly replenish the energy and laws of this space."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

Every **** has a certain ability to repair the space. As long as there are enough gods to work together to repair the space where the three thousand worlds are located, Lin Fei believes that the energy and laws here will be restored in the near future.

"Boy, did you forget me."

Suddenly a very large sacred tree rushed out from the depths of the void and said to Lin Fei.

"You are the Chaos World Tree! You have grown so big!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised and happy, and he recognized the big tree in front of him at a glance.

It was the Chaos World Tree that I had brought back to three thousand worlds before! Back then, Lin Fei took three thousand worlds of creatures and collectively migrated into the Valley of Fallen God. This chaotic world tree also followed Lin Fei into the Valley of Fallen God for a while.

But later, Lin Fei never saw him again, and Lin Fei had also been in the Valley of Fallen God, looking for his whereabouts.

But it has not been found.

Later, Lin Fei asked the statue master about the whereabouts of the Chaos World Tree. According to the statue master, the Chaos World Tree left after staying in the Valley of the Fallen for a while.

Moreover, he left the boundless sea of ​​chaos and entered the sea of ​​absolute space near the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly appeared again.

"Where have you been all these years?"

Lin Fei was very curious and asked openly.

"It's meaningless to go outside and stay in this sea of ​​space all the time.

So I went outside and went around. "

Chaos World Tree replied.

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