Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4235: reconstruction

"Your strength seems to have grown a lot. Where have you been all these years?"

Lin Fei was a little curious.

"In the past few hundred years, I have been in the sea of ​​absolute space. I have been to many different seas of space. Of course I have gained a little bit.

Moreover, I was originally a kind of sacred tree growing in the sea of ​​absolute space.

The energy and laws that exist in the sea of ​​absolute space are the most suitable for me.

So, returning to the sea of ​​absolute space, I don't have to do anything, and my strength will continue to grow. "

Chaos World Tree said.

"So that's it! Then why do you want to come back to the Boundless Chaos Sea."

Lin Fei asked.

"Didn't I want to come back and see you kid."

Chaos World Tree pouted and said.

"Boy, are you planning to rebuild this world group now?"

The Chaos World Tree glanced at the ruins of three thousand-sized worlds.

"Not bad.

Dijiang has been beaten away by me.

I am now ready to rebuild this world group. "

Lin Fei nodded and replied.

"I am the best at rebuilding the plane and rebuilding the space.

And for me, this is also a very rare practice.

Let me help you. "

Chaos World Tree said.

"That's great.

I will trouble you. "

Lin Fei immediately nodded and answered.

The Chaos World Tree in front of him now possesses a lot more strength than before. With his help, it will be easier to rebuild a 3,000-size world.


Go ahead.

I have spent some time in three thousand worlds, and I am familiar with the laws of time and space.

I will try to reconstruct it according to its original rules. "

Chaos World Tree said.

"That's great."

Lin Fei was very surprised.

Then, Lin Fei came to the space where the Cang Yan plane was before, waved his hand, and teleported the Cang Yan plane from the human world inside his body.

The plane of Cang Yan was quietly suspended in its original spatial position.

Then, Lin Fei found a remote place in a world of three thousand sizes and sat down cross-legged.

Then, he began to release his own laws of time and space, covering all areas of the entire three thousand-sized world.

Lin Fei's cultivation of the law of time and space is very clever, and all of the time and space in this area where the three thousand worlds are located is controlled all of a sudden.

Then, Lin Fei used his own laws of time and space to slowly repair those broken and broken planes.

A world group, the plane is the foundation.

Only by first repairing these planes can it become a suitable place to live.

Three thousand large and small worlds, as the name suggests, in this area, there used to be three thousand large and small planes, and the scale is very large.

Most of these three thousand planes were broken by Dijiang, and it is a very huge project to repair it now.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness shrouded all three thousand planes, guiding his own laws of time and space to slowly repair.

Except for Lin Fei, all the other gods released their own laws of time and space to repair these three thousand planes.

At the same time, the Chaos-Swallowing Beast and the hundreds of Primordial Wild Beasts also released their laws of time and space to help repair them.

The Chaos World Tree takes root in the center of the three thousand worlds and releases countless roots. These roots extend into three thousand planes, continuously delivering all kinds of needs to these three thousand planes. Energy and law.

You know, the Chaos World Tree is a sacred tree that can directly grow on a plane, so he knows best and understands how to repair a plane.

Soon, Lin Fei discovered that he and all the other gods together were not as good as the Chaos World Tree. The speed at which the Chaos World Tree repaired those planes surprised Lin Fei.

"Fortunately, the Chaos World Tree came back in time. Otherwise, it would take a lot of time to rebuild this world group.

Now there is Chaos World Tree to help, and soon, these three thousand planes can be repaired successfully. "

Lin Fei was very happy. Over the years, it was Lin Fei's wish to rebuild a world of three thousand sizes, and now this wish can finally be realized.


Suddenly, Lin Fei was a little surprised.

Because Lin Fei discovered that the chaos-swallowing beasts and the time and space laws released by the hundreds of ancient alien beasts were too advanced, while repairing those planes, the quality of those planes was greatly improved. .

Lin Fei discovered that all planes repaired by the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and these hundreds of Primordial Primordial Beasts could directly reach the standards of the advanced world.

It seems that the Chaos Swallowing Beasts and these ancient and ancient alien beasts are indeed beasts with noble bloodlines, and the laws of time and space they possess are inherently superior.

In this way, time passed slowly, unconsciously, a year passed.

During this year, the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos has undergone tremendous changes.

Because without the influence of Dijiang, in the boundless chaotic sea, every world group, every plane, every interface has entered a period of free and rapid development.

Moreover, due to Lin Fei's influence, the order of the entire boundless Chaos Sea was very stable, and there was almost no major battle.

Those relatively powerful forces, even if they want to bully those weak ones, don't have the courage, because Lin Fei once said that no one dares to provoke Lin Fei's majesty if we want three thousand worlds to develop freely.

Moreover, after experiencing the era of Emperor Jiang, most of the forces and creatures yearn for peace and tranquility. Once there is no oppression, all creatures can be free, concentrate on cultivation, and progress very quickly.

During this year, there are many forces and planes in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and they have sent people a lot of resources to fund the reconstruction of three thousand worlds.

There are also many gods who personally come to the three thousand worlds to help rebuild and restore.

However, because of these planes in a world of three thousand sizes, they were so severely damaged by the earthquake that it was difficult to completely repair them all at once.

Until two years later.

at last.

"Boy, the three thousand planes here have basically been repaired successfully.

And there are many planes of quality, more advanced than in the past. "

The Chaos World Tree suddenly came to Lin Fei.

"Yes, the three-thousand-large world has finally been rebuilt successfully."

Lin Fei's gaze scanned the dense planes floating in the chaotic void in this area, and smiled.

Three thousand planes, at least more than one thousand planes have reached the standard of the advanced world.

This made Lin Fei very surprised.

After the reconstruction and restoration of the three thousand worlds, the overall strength is stronger than before.

"Well, Senior True Cang, now let the creatures of all planes return to their own planes.

Although these planes have been repaired, the real reconstruction work has just begun. "

Lin Fei looked at the real old Dao and said in a loud voice.

"Lin Fei, I understand."

Really old road nodded.

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