Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4241: Tianjun's strength

"Exterminate the evil spirits!"

The eight dragons, shouting in unison, came to Lin Fei together.

This is an incomparable majestic force, each of the eight sects is full of evil spirits, like a flood, all of them are surprisingly powerful.

"Dad, I'll help you!"

At this time, Lin Tianjun suddenly came to Lin Fei's side.

Boom...A terrifying energy burst out from his body.

Around, time and space were shaken to pieces, energy was annihilated, and laws were disintegrating.

"Tianjun, you..." Lin Fei was also secretly surprised by the energy that Tianjun released.

This kind of energy is much stronger than the average main god! However, Tian Jun has never practiced seriously! Actually, it is so powerful that it is simply unreasonable! Lin Fei suddenly felt that he had been cultivating for a lifetime, and it seemed to be a waste of time! "Retire all!"

Suddenly, the middle-aged monk gave a soft drink.

The eight heavenly dragons all retreated without hesitation when they heard the words, and then all disappeared.

"Child, I'll do two tricks with you."

The middle-aged monk stepped forward, looked at Tianjun with a kind smile, and said with a smile.

"Huh! Are you so shameless.

I'm so embarrassed that I want to fight a kid! "

Lin Fei's face became cold.

As a father, how could Lin Fei let his children fight against a mysterious master.

"Hehe, this donor, don't worry, I'm just curious, and want to try this little donor.

I swear in the name of Buddha that I will never hurt this little benefactor no matter if I win or lose.

This, the donor can rest assured. "

The middle-aged monk looked at Lin Fei and said.

"Nothing to talk about.

If you want to fight, fight with me. "

Lin Fei said nonchalantly, guarding Tian Jun's body.

Although, Lin Fei knew that what the middle-aged monk said may be true.

However, Lin Fei would not let his children take risks.

"Dad, let me fight him.

Don't worry, he can't hurt me.

If his body was here, I would definitely not be able to beat it, but even if I couldn't beat him with a strand of clone, he wouldn't be able to hurt me. "

Lin Tianjun said to Lin Fei suddenly.

"Tian Jun, you are so confident..." Lin Fei was a little surprised, looking at Tian Jun, only to see that Tian Jun looked very calm and full of confidence.

"This donor, don't worry, this little donor has a special physique and was born with the blessing and blessing of the ultimate law. Even if I can beat him, I can't hurt him.

It's not that I am not strong enough.

Rather, once I want to hurt him, the ultimate law will deal with me first. "

Said the middle-aged monk.


Tianjun, be careful, if you can't resist it, tell me right away. "

Lin Fei hesitated, and finally nodded.

Because Lin Fei saw Tian Jun's eager expression.

Moreover, Lin Fei could also tell that the middle-aged monk did not mean to Tian Jun.

"Okay, come on the little benefactor."

The middle-aged monk looked at Tianjun and said.

With a bang, an infinite Buddha light appeared behind it, the sound of the Buddha was vigorous, the earth moved and the mountains shook, and the entire Mount Xumi seemed to have recovered.

The power of faith on Mount Xumi was surging, and behind the middle-aged monk appeared an ancient Buddha, all clasped together, chanting the Buddha's name loudly.

These ancient Buddhas are completely built by the power of thought.

Lin Fei changed a little.

Just now.

Lin Tianjun moved.

The whole body burst out in an instant, and the golden avenue lotus flowers were constantly born under his feet. These lotus flowers were automatically condensed by the laws of heaven and earth.

It's like, this time, all the energy and all the laws are helping Tianjun to fight the middle-aged monk together.

Moreover, what surprised Lin Fei even more was that this was not the result of Tian Jun's own urging, but this time and space, an independent choice.

It's like Tiandi, taking the initiative to stand on Tianjun's side.

"Amitabha Buddha is really a special physique blessed by the ultimate law."

The middle-aged monk couldn't help but exclaimed.

Chih chih... a bunch of red clouds rushed out of Tian Jun's body, turned into a colorful chain, intertwined, and stretched forward.

Wherever he goes, the world is sealed off.

Boom...The attacks of the two sides collided together. At this moment, the earth moved, the mountains shook, the world was broken, and the two surging surgingly, there was a terrifying collision, which was boundless.

"Really, Tianjun, this guy has actually become so powerful."

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised and delighted.

It can be said that with Tianjun's current strength, he can stand alone.

The middle-aged monk is blessed with endless beliefs and powers, plus the cooperation of the entire Xumi Mountain, the strength is very terrifying.

However, Tian Jun actually did not give up, and the more he fought, the more courage he got. This was simply amazing.

Looking from a distance, I saw that the Buddha's light was shining, and an ancient Buddha phantom, hovering constantly on Mount Xumi.

The golden lotus of the avenue is constantly born under Lin Tianjun's feet.

It can be said that the battle between the two sides has risen to a Tao level.

It's no longer a specific one.

The entire Mount Xumi, because of the battle between the two, is constantly shaking violently.

However, as the battle progressed, Lin Fei became a little worried.

Because the middle-aged monk must be an old monster who has lived for endless years.

And Tian Jun, although very extraordinary, but, after all, has too little combat experience.

If you continue to fight, you will definitely lose.

Just when Lin Fei was worried.


"Amitabha, the little benefactor is really extraordinary.

If the small donors are allowed to grow for some time, the poor monks must not be the opponents of the small donors.

Okay, little donor, please stop. "

The middle-aged man announced the Buddha's name and said.

"Tianjun, stop!"

Lin Fei shouted immediately.

Tian Jun's figure flashed and retreated to Lin Fei's side.

At this moment, Tian Jun looked at the middle-aged monk with a little jealousy.

Just now, he learned the skills of this middle-aged monk.

"Senior, thank you for your mercy."

Lin Fei saluted the middle-aged monk and said.

Lin Fei could naturally see that the middle-aged monk did not do his best.

Otherwise, Tianjun would have been defeated.

"Hehe, donor, it doesn't have to be that way.

Little donors at such an age have such combat power, which is simply rare in the world.

Well, two donors, if you really want to visit the temple, please come in. "

The middle-aged monk turned and walked into the ancient temple behind him.

Lin Fei was silent for a moment, took Tian Jun's hand, and walked into the ancient temple.

Lin Fei could tell that the middle-aged monk had no intentions.

Otherwise, just now, he would not show mercy to Tian Jun's men.

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