Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4242: Is it fate

Walking into the ancient temple, I discovered that the area inside the ancient temple is very small, about a dozen square meters.

In the center, there is a Buddhist altar on which sits a kind-looking ancient Buddha statue.

In front of the altar, there is a shabby altar table.

On the altar table, there is a wooden fish.

In addition, there is a piece of dead wood in the corner of the ancient temple.

There is nothing else.

Lin Fei glanced, a little surprised.

The interior of this ancient temple can be described as desolate and dilapidated.

"Donor, does this surprise you a little bit."

The middle-aged monk smiled.

"Do not.

Buddhism, it is said that all four are empty, and too many sundries, for Buddhism, on the contrary, is a kind of bondage. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Donor, once practiced Buddha."

The middle-aged monk was taken aback and asked.

"It's a pity that the benefactor did not go with us Buddhist monks."

The middle-aged monk looked at Lin Fei and said.

"Not bad.

My way is certainly not the Buddhist way. "

Lin Fei nodded.

When Lin Fei was in his current state, of course he already had his own way.

"It's a pity, the donor is exceptionally talented and has a super comprehension. If we go with the Buddhist school, maybe we can inherit the inheritance of the Buddha."

The middle-aged monk sighed slightly.

"Buddha inheritance?

Senior, you are here as a clone, do you want to find a descendant? "

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling a move when he heard this.

"Not bad.

I have indeed been waiting for the descendants of Buddhism.

Back then, our Buddhism suddenly encountered a catastrophe, and the true Buddhism inheritance has been cut off in the world.

I stay here just to wait for our descendants of Buddhism to appear.

Unfortunately, for a long time, there have been very few people who can come here, and they have the chance to become a descendant of our Buddhism. So far, there is not even one. "

The middle-aged monk sighed.

"The true Buddhism heritage has been cut off?

However, there are still Buddhist heritages in the world. There are many Buddhist texts, Buddhist magical powers, and many temples. Isn't these Buddhist heritages? "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

"The Buddhism inheritance that is passed down in the world is fake, and it's not counted. The real Buddhism inheritance is like a dream and like a bubble. If the real Buddhism inheritance does not come out of the world, then the Buddhist inheritance in the world will gradually disappear.

One day, there will be no more Buddhism in the world, and Buddhism will be completely extinct. "

The middle-aged monk sighed.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded.

It seems that those things related to Buddhism circulating in the world are incomplete and incomplete, and most of them are false and not really Buddhism inheritance.

"By the way, senior, I know that there are two people who have a mind-conscious Buddha body. I don't know if they are predestined to become descendants of Buddhism."

Lin Fei suddenly thought of Rong'er and Wan'er, and said.

"Mingxin Buddha body..., this, I'm not sure.

Having a mind-minded Buddha body means that you are born suitable for practicing our Buddhist heritage.

As for whether it is possible to become a destined person of our Buddhism inheritance, this is hard to say. "

Said the middle-aged man.

"However, having a mind-conscious Buddha body is very likely to get the true inheritance of our Buddhism.

Donor, if you know them, can you bring them to meet?

We Buddhism, whether we can rejuvenate, depends on whether we can find true Buddhism descendants. "

Said the middle-aged monk.

"This is naturally no problem.

I will bring them right away. "

Lin Fei nodded.

It would be a good thing if Rong'er and Wan'er could get the true Buddhism inheritance.

Just now.


Lin Fei's gaze swept into the temple again, and the dead wood in the corner couldn't help but move in his heart.

Lin Fei always felt that this piece of dead wood was by no means simple.

Although there is no vitality fluctuation, the hidden property, which stretches like a horned dragon, contains a general trend and is very mysterious.

"Donor, are you guessing the origin of this piece of dead wood."

The middle-aged monk seemed to know what Lin Fei was thinking.

"Not bad.

This piece of dead wood is by no means simple. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"This is a seed left by the Bodhi tree."

The middle-aged monk said.

"Bodhi tree?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Not bad.

It is the ultimate sacred tree of our Buddhism, and it is also a kind of chaotic immortal tree. Every time, it is Nirvana regeneration, leaving the old plants withered and regenerating a seed. "

Said the middle-aged monk.

"Chaos Immortal Tree?"

Lin Fei was a little strange, it was the first time I heard of it.

"Not bad.

It is one of the oldest tree species in the world. It was born when the Absolute Space Sea was opened up.

It is also one of the sources of our Buddhist heritage. "

The middle-aged monk nodded.

"One of the sources of Buddhism heritage!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

You know, Buddhism was once one of the most terrifying forces in the world.

Lin Fei has heard that back then, Buddhism was in the same vein as Samsara! The Bodhi tree is actually one of the sources of Buddhism. One can imagine how extraordinary this kind of tree is.

"Well, Shixin, can I see you, the two mind-conscious Buddha bodies you mentioned."

The middle-aged monk asked.


I will call them now. "

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei pulled Tianjun away from Mount Xumi, walked out of the Buddhist Pure Land in the depths of this hidden void, and then sent a sound transmission to Rong'er and Wan'er.

After a while.

On the horizon, the Buddha's light was dazzling, and Rong'er and Wan'er both came.

The two seemed to be unhurried, walking in the void, but, extremely fast, within a few steps, they came to Lin Fei from far away in time and space.

"Go, I will take you to meet a senior."

Lin Fei took Rong'er, Wan'er, and Tianjun into the Buddhist pure land again.

Has been to the Mount Sumeru before.

"Sumi Shenshan!"

Rong'er and Wan'er yelled in unison when they saw Mount Xumi.

Then, Lin Fei took the three of them up to Mount Xumi, came halfway up the mountain, and walked into the ancient temple.

"Sure enough, it is the body of the mind-minded Buddha!"

The middle-aged monk was surprised and delighted when he saw Rong'er and Wan'er.

"See senior!"

Rong'er and Wan'er walked into the ancient temple, and when they saw this middle-aged monk, they were also very surprised.

The two of them could feel that the middle-aged monk in front of them had a deep Buddhist way.

It is definitely a very old senior among Buddhism.

"Well, very good.

In this era when true Buddhist inheritance is severed, it is really rare for you two to be able to practice the Dharma to this level.

Moreover, in addition to the mind-conscious Buddha body that you two possess, the talents of both of you are also very important.

Well, donor, if you can trust me, let them stay with me for a while.

I want to test whether they are predestined and can become true heirs of the Dharma. "

The middle-aged monk looked at Lin Fei and said.


Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei understood that this was a very precious opportunity for Rong'er and Wan'er.

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