Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4243: Push taxes

"You two will stay with Senior for now."

Lin Fei said to Rong Er Wan'er.

"Okay, don't worry."

Both Rong'er and Wan'er nodded to Lin Fei.

They knew that it was a great opportunity for them to keep them here.

"Then I will go out first. If you have anything to do, send me a voice transmission."

Lin Fei confessed, and then led Lin Tianjun to leave the Buddhist Pure Land hidden deep in the void, and returned to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Next, Lin Fei and Tianjun continued to wander around in the big cities and some famous scenic spots in various countries on the earth.

With the body speed of Lin Fei and his son, it can be said that they can travel across the entire earth in half a day.

Although the surface area of ​​the earth is now thousands of times larger than before.

Before they knew it, Lin Fei and his son had already visited most of the cities and famous scenic spots on the earth, and they had returned to the territory of China.

Then Lin Fei took Lin Tianjun back to the hometown where he was born, and even the house where he lived in a family of three before, telling Tianjun some interesting things from his childhood.

Tianjun listened with gusto and was very interested. He was very curious about everything about his father's past.

Standing in the house where Lin Fei's family of three had lived before, Tian Jun pulled Lin Fei to ask questions, not at all bored.

After Tian Jun was born, he spent most of his time in that small world in the Valley of the Fallen God. Until now, Lin Fei took him out and wandered around.

"Don't hit my father, let him go!"

Suddenly, a panicked voice sounded like the voice of a helpless little girl.

"Hahaha, chick, if you don't want to die, get out of here!"

"Zhu San, you only paid half of the spirit spar this month, and the other half will be handed over immediately, otherwise, you will die!"

"Zhu San, you are really brave, and you dare not pay the tax for Boss Tang, are you really impatient?"

"What are you talking about so much nonsense?

Give him a beating first, and he will be obedient and obedient only by beating him hard. "

Several fierce voices sounded continuously.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness immediately sensed the past, and saw that on a nearby piece of grass, there were a dozen wicked men surrounding the two father and daughter.

The father is about forty years old, and there is a little girl about thirteen or fourteen, two father and daughter close together.

She shrank in a corner of the grass and looked at the dozen men in front of her with horrified eyes.

"Brothers, please go back and talk to Mrs. Tang, I will try to pay off the other half of the tax this month.

During this period of time, my wife was sick and was in the hospital. I had to take care of my children and wife, and I had to go to the mine to dig. I was really too busy! "

The middle-aged man named Zhu San said pleadingly.

"Zhu San, are you busy? What is the matter with Boss Tang?

All you need to do is to pay enough spiritual stones on time every month.

What are you talking about so much other nonsense! In a word, today, do you pay or not! "

A big man with a broad waist and a full face, said with a sneer.

"Brothers, please give me a few days of grace.

Right now, I really don't have any spirit stones on my body.

All the spiritual stones I dug this month have been turned in. "

Zhu San begged.


Listen to what you mean, today is planning not to pay.

So, buddies, are you going to make a trip for nothing today? "

A small man with yellow hair said coldly.

"In this case, there is nothing to say.

Let's talk half-dead first.

Do it! "

A dozen men, as they spoke, were preparing to move forward.

"What do you want to do! It is illegal for you to do so!"

In panic, the little girl opened her arms to protect her father behind her, crying and yelling.


Suddenly, one of the men waved his hand and said.

"You haven't noticed that although this little girl is still young, she has already begun to take shape.

This small body is quite tall.

Hehe..." The man looked at the little girl up and down with a malicious look, and said.

"Not bad.

Although young, it's good to have fun.

It smells good..." All the other men looked at the little girl, and their eyes were full of evil desires.

"What do you want to do!"

When Zhu San saw the actions of these men, he couldn't help being shocked. He knew that none of these people in front of him had humanity at all, and they could do everything.

"Qing'er, you go back first."

Zhu San pulled her daughter behind, and kept pushing her, asking her to leave.

"Hey, want to go, late."

The dozen or so men, wherever they were willing to let others go, rushed forward, surrounding the two father and daughter.

"Zhu San, today, if you really don't have a Lingjingshi, it is not impossible to negotiate. After all, a few buddies are also easy to talk.

So let your daughter stay with us for three days.

This month, the taxes you need to pay, a few of us, helped you out.

how about it. "

A man said to Zhu San while looking at the little girl's body.

"No! Brothers, my daughter is still young, please let her go! This matter has nothing to do with her.

This month’s tax, I will definitely find a way to hand it over to Boss Tang. "

Zhu San said with his daughter behind him.

"Still young?

Where is it small?

Zhu San, I said, open your mind a little bit.

Women, when they grow up, they will definitely play for men.

Your daughter has grown so tall, let her play a little role, isn’t it great?

Okay, that's it.

Let your daughter stay with us for three days.

You don't have to pay this month's tax.

Take this chick away! "

Said one of the men.

Then, several men walked forward at the same time to catch the little girl.

"What do you want to do! Get out of here!"

Zhu San couldn't help being surprised and angry, and tightly guarded his daughter behind him.

"Zhu San, do you want to die?"

Those men are all angry.

"Don't toast, eat fine wine, take a meal first!"


... Immediately, several men started to rush towards Zhu San.

"I'm fighting with you!"

Zhu Sanyi gritted his teeth, punched out, and a burst of spiritual power surged out from his fist.

Turned out to be a martial artist.

"Haha, this kind of three-legged cat kung fu is ashamed to dazzle in front of us.

Don't know, buddies, but disciples of the Qingzhu Gang! "

Each of those men displayed martial arts, knocking Zhu San to the ground, punching and kicking.

"Stop, stop, don't beat my father!"

The little girl rushed up, trying to protect her father.

However, her body is so small that it can't be protected.

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