Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4249: Re-enter the Shek Pik World

Lin Fei dragged Tian Jun into a world of 3,000 sizes, wandering around for many days.

Lin Fei discovered that those hundreds of Primordial Primal Beasts and Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beasts had left the boundless Chaos Sea and entered the Absolute Space Sea.

Both the Primordial Alien Beast or the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast is suitable for survival in the sea of ​​absolute space.

The Absolute Space Sea, for them, is equivalent to their hometown.

Therefore, even though they came to the boundless sea of ​​chaos, from time to time, they would still run back to stroll around in the sea of ​​absolute space.

Lin Fei understood this very well.

"It's time to see the goblins and the Eight Stone Saints."

Lin Fei occasionally came to the position of the God Battle Tomb.

"The Tomb of God has actually reappeared in a world of three thousand sizes.

It is probably the meaning of the two predecessors. "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

The God Battle Tomb has reappeared in a world of three thousand sizes, visible to the naked eye.

And before, since the world of three thousand sizes was destroyed by Dijiang, the **** battle mound had been hidden, and ordinary creatures could not be seen at all.

"Tianjun, go back first.

You have been out with me for so long, your mother must miss you very much. "

Lin Fei said to Tian Jun.

Lin Fei was going to the highest world where the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints were.

There are many Lin Fei's enemies in that highest world, so Lin Fei didn't want to take Tian Jun in.


Tianjun has been out for so long, and he missed his mother a bit.

Therefore, Tian Jun went back to the immortal plane by himself.

After Lin Fei watched Tianjun return to the world of three thousand sizes, he turned around and walked into the God Battle Tomb and came to the depths of the God Battle Tomb.

The two monsters still crouched outside the gate of the palace, like two gatekeepers.

Lin Fei guessed that these two monsters must be fulfilling certain obligations.

Now, Lin Fei knew that the two evil beasts belonged to the savage beast clan.

This race is an ancient alien beast, even more ancient! These two wild beasts have been guarding the gate of this palace, which shows that this palace must have an extraordinary origin.

Or, the two monsters could have a master before, and this palace may be the residence of their master. Therefore, the two monsters have always been here.

However, this was only Lin Fei's own conjecture, and only the two monsters knew the real situation.

Lin Fei walked to the two monsters.

"Hello, two seniors.

I want to meet my nine friends. "

Lin Fei said to the two monsters.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

One of the monsters nodded and said.

Then, this beast led Lin Fei into the palace.

Soon after, I came to a huge stone wall.

Inside this stone wall, there is a supreme world.

The goblin and the eight stone saints are in the highest world within this stone wall.

"I don't know, how are those nine guys now."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Okay, go in by yourself.

With your current strength, it is enough to move freely in this supreme world.

There will be nothing that can threaten you. "

The beast said to Lin Fei, then turned and left.

Last time, when Lin Fei entered the highest world within this stone wall, his strength was relatively weak.

Now, Lin Fei's strength is already different.

So Lin Fei walked into the highest world in the stone wall by himself.

There is a vast void in front of me.

After entering this supreme world, Lin Fei immediately sent a message to the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints.

Then, Lin Fei released his divine consciousness to perceive the world.

"As before, not much has changed."

Lin Fei smiled.

But, soon, Lin Fei felt something was wrong.

Because I sent a message to the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints, it has been a while, but I didn't get any response.

This is not normal.

With Lin Fei's strength, the message sent should reach the destination in an instant.

Goblin and Eight Stone Saints should reply immediately.

Could it be that something happened to them?

Lin Fei had a bad feeling in his heart.

As a result, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was immediately released far away, looking for the whereabouts of goblins and eight stone saints in this supreme world.

At the same time, Lin Feizhan started to move forward in this supreme world.

With Lin Fei's body speed and the strength of his divine consciousness, it is estimated that in a while, it will be possible to search all the time and space in this supreme world.

After a while.


There is movement over there! "

Suddenly, Lin Fei discovered that in a certain plane of this supreme world, there was a large number of face tribes and wooden puppet tribes on a piece of land.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness perceives this piece of land, and finds that this piece of land has been shrouded by more than a dozen huge formations.

For a while, Lin Fei couldn't perceive the inside of this big formation.

"It turned out to be a big array constructed using the law of ultimate.

No wonder, the power of these big formations is so powerful. "

Lin Fei quickly realized that those big formations were all constructed with the ultimate law, so they were extremely powerful.

In this supreme world, only the ancestors of the wooden puppet tribe and the ancestors of the face tribe, these two powerhouses, possess the ultimate law.

It seems that these big formations must have been made by those two ancestors.

"It seems that the goblins and the Eight Stone Saints should be on this continent.

Moreover, their place is trapped on this continent, it is probably related to me.

Only for my reasons, can the Mu Puppet Race and the Face Race join forces. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart, his face a bit cold.

It seems that back then, after I left this supreme world, the wooden puppets and the face tribe, unable to find themselves, turned to deal with the goblins and the eight stone sages. The purpose was naturally to take the goblins and the eight stone sages from their bodies. Find out by yourself.

"Huh! Wooden puppet tribe, face tribe!"

Lin Fei sneered.

Then Lin Fei appeared directly and strode towards that continent.

"Hey! Look, everyone, here comes a human kid!"

"This kid, it seems, very familiar!"

... Soon, the members of the wooden puppet clan and the face clan found Lin Fei, and they couldn't help being shocked.

"Look, everyone, does he look like him? The human kid we've been looking for all these years!"

"It's very similar!"

"Don't guess, it's that kid! I used to stand next to him at close range back then, it's him!"

... Soon, the members of the Wooden Puppet and Face Clan confirmed that the human young man in front of them was the one they had been searching for for years! "Haha, finally found it!"

"Now, you can go back to befriend your ancestors!"

... Whether it's the wooden puppet tribe or the face tribe, they all laughed.

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