Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4250: Brother Lin Fei is here

"What are you waiting for? Let's do it together, grab this kid, take it back, and make a deal with the ancestor. This is a great achievement!"

A true **** of the wooden puppet clan yelled.

"Shall we catch him?

Did you forget it?

The strength of this human kid is terrifying! "

"Yeah, back then, he directly broke into the ancestral land of our wooden puppet clan."

...Immediately, the other wooden puppet clan members all spoke in a loud voice, seeming a little jealous of Lin Fei.

"Hmph, don't you understand! Back then, this human kid was able to break into the ancestral land of our wooden puppet clan, it was because our ancestor wanted him to break in.

Our ancestors are using this kid to ask him to go to Tianshou Valley to help us retrieve the holy artifacts.

You really think that this kid is so young and so powerful that he can really break into the ancestral land of our wooden puppet clan. "

Suddenly, a wooden puppet yelled.


Our ancestor is indeed using this human kid to help us go to Tianshou Valley to get the holy artifacts! "

"In this way, this kid is not terrible.

Otherwise, our ancestors will not have fun around! "

... the other wooden puppets also screamed.

"Take hands, grab this kid together and send it back to the ancestor, we must have done a great job!"

"Okay, do it!"

......Immediately, a large number of wooden puppets came to Lin Fei.

"Let's do it too, take this kid back and give it to the ancestor!"

In the distance, when the faces of the face race people saw this, they refused to fall behind, and Lin Fei surrounded them one after another.

"It's really reckless."

Lin Fei couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

Lin Fei strode towards the continent.

"Boy, tie your hands obediently!"

A group of wooden puppets rushed around Lin Fei's body, shouting loudly, and approached Lin Fei.

These wooden puppets, one by one, were born with supernatural powers, wherever they went, they shook time and space, as if a huge earthquake had occurred.

"Boy! Come back with us to see the ancestor!"

On the other side, the army of the Face Race had also arrived, each face, spraying out a horrible beam of energy, and blasting towards Lin Fei.


Lin Fei's face sank, and with a wave of his hand, a thick blade of light was cut out.

This sword light is indescribably dazzling and indescribable.

With one cut, time and space were instantly destroyed.

Bang bang bang bang... all around, all the wooden puppets, all the faces, were all thrown out by the shock.

It's like a cannonball blasting out into the distant space and time.

So the wooden puppets and faces that rushed towards Lin Fei disappeared.

In the distance, the other wooden puppets and faces were all frightened. They stared at Lin Fei with horrified eyes, never daring to step forward.

"Quickly, inform those master gods! Only those master gods can deal with this terrible human kid!"

Suddenly, a wooden puppet roared.

"Hurry up and inform those master gods of our face race!"

Among the face races, there are faces too, and roars.

at this time.

Lin Fei had already walked to the front of that continent.

"What a clever ultimate law.

Unfortunately, the number is relatively scarce.

Otherwise, I can't break these big formations. "

Standing in front of that continent, Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little surprised looking at the formations covering the continent.

Lin Fei knew that these big formations must have been arranged by the ancestors of the Mu Puppet and Face Clan.

Or, they arranged it in advance, and then let the people of the clan bring it here.

Suddenly, Lin Fei raised his right hand, zoomed in continuously, and pressed towards the continent in front of him.

Boom... the sky is booming.

Lin Fei's right hand was getting bigger and bigger, and in an instant, it turned into a giant hand covering the sky and sun, descending over the mainland, exuding terrifying energy pressure.

A series of energy runes related to the formation, poured out from the big hand, and bombarded the formations that were shrouded in the mainland.

In fact, the formations shrouded in this continent are not particularly clever. The really powerful ones are the ultimate rules that constitute the big formation.

Because of the existence of these ultimate laws, these big formations have very powerful energy coercion.


Lin Fei's big hand slapped down those formations.

Boom boom boom... palm after palm, Lin Fei's palm was constantly slapped against those big formations.

A series of formations runes, constantly flying out of the palm, fell on those big formations.

Those big formations were constantly trembling.

Soon, cracks began to appear in these big formations.

Those cracks became thicker and thicker.

In the blink of an eye, those big formations began to sway, covered with thick cracks, which seemed to be destroyed.

at this time.

Within the big array.

Nine figures are looking up, looking at the large array that is shaking in the sky.

"what happened?

These big formations seem to be being attacked.

Could someone come to save us? "

A sturdy man with a thick body and a thick stone rod in his hand said in a loud voice.

If Lin Fei were here, he would immediately recognize that this brawny man is the great saint! The Eight Stone Saints, and the goblins, are all here.

They have been trapped on this continent by the wooden puppet tribe and the face tribe for some time.

There has been no way to break out.

Today, those formations shrouded in the sky above the mainland are breakthroughs, shaking, and constantly trembling.

The goblin and the eight stone saints are all overjoyed.


Over the years, we have been targeted by the wooden puppet tribe and the face tribe. In this supreme world, we are already famous.

There shouldn't be anyone, or any force, willing to help us.

Why, suddenly, someone will come to break the formation. "

The Five Stone Sage said in doubt.

"There is only one possibility.

That is, Brother Lin Fei is here. "

The Great Sage said in a loud voice.

"Brother Lin Fei?

he came? "

The other stone saints were all taken aback.

"That kid, it has been so many years since he left this highest world.

According to his character, he didn't know where he would go.

Where do you still remember us. "

When the goblin heard the words, he couldn't help but curl his lips.

"Can't say that either.

Brother Lin Fei, although it has been a long time since he left this world, he will definitely not forget us.

I think he will definitely come back to us. "

The Five Stone Saint said.

"Yes, I agree with this point.

Brother Lin Fei, it is impossible to forget us.

He is certain that he will come back to this world again and find us. "

Sanshisheng nodded and said.

"Even if Lin Fei is here, it doesn't necessarily mean that he can deal with the two ancestors of the wooden puppet and the face.

Before, he left this world because he was chased and killed by those two ancestors. "

Said the goblin.

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